What is your personal favorite sword in all the vidya?
Keep in mind this comes down to personal taste and not what the 'most powerful' is or some shit.
What is your personal favorite sword in all the vidya?
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The Grandfather from D2
>ah, you were at my side all along...
*unzips dick*
umbra is better than sinweaver.
Ordon Sword.
it's simplicity gives it an air of elegance that I can't seem to find replicated in other games with regular swords. It has no flair, no gimmicks, no weird intricate designs. It is just a simple sword, made for a simple task.
That movie is fucking awesome, one of my personal favorites.
Not an original choice, but I'm claiming this.
Stealth sword-fu posted REALLY early on. Excellent taste.
I'm happy how many reviews for Guy Ritchie's piece of shit said you're better off just watching this instead
I love all the versions except for the DS2 one
unoriginal but fuck it, i love this sword
My Knigga.
>not goldbrand
>not volendrug
Fantastic taste
i like big flat dual sided swords
what the fucking true origin of how arthur obtained excalibur? ive heard 2 different stories and im not surprised if theres a third. pulling it from a stone or
bestowed upon him by the Lady of the Lake
It looks like an overbuilt migration period/viking sword.
The sword in the stone was merely a test to see who was the True King.
Excalibur came from the Lady of the Lake.
I don't really know if this is the right place to discuss something this intricate, you're talking about 1500+ year old legends here
>muh edgy anime sword
but honestly I really liked how it actually transformed mid-combo into other weapons, shame it only did that in the first game
i just wanna get my lore straight since media keeps flipping back and forth with it. also, is it true the scabbard is actually the strongest of the two? with the sheath making the wearer immune to bleeding to death or something like that?
those suck too. umbra is the only sword worth a dick. 2 dicks even.
Yes it's true the scabbard is 'worth ten of the sword' because it enables god mode and you can never be killed with it. In one instance Excalibur was actually given to an opponent to Arthur and Arthur was given a fake, and Arthur was very badly cut up while the other guy was fine until the Lady of the Lake cast a spell and revealed the deception. Then Morgana threw away the scabbard and it was never seen again.
*chops your sword in half*
a nice rapier will do
It's the Lady of the Lake
>what the fucking true origin of how arthur obtained excalibur? ive heard 2 different stories and im not surprised if theres a third. pulling it from a stone or
>bestowed upon him by the Lady of the Lake
He pulled Caliburn from the stone and lost it later.
Then het got Ekusukaribaaaaa from the lady in the lake.
Always though this was the coolest looking sword.
Shame it breaks and you can only "upgrade" it to the ugly ass Gilded Sword.
>*convolutes your plotline*
I will often use the most plain swords possible.
how can anyone ironically like any keyblade design? theyre all fucking ugly and make ZERO sense as a sword.
Monado 2 a best
Well my personal taste is that the most powerful sword is the best sword, faggot.
Soul Reaver.
Not a huge fan of the physical blade, but the wraith blade is awesome.
And the amazing story behind it, and how intricately it's woven into the game's narrative is something I've never seen anywhere else in vidya.
All other greatswords need not apply
yeah this
what about worst swords
My original love will always be a Zwei, but this darling is such a perfect weapon
>and make ZERO sense as a sword
They function with similar logic to most nonsensical fantasy sword designs; they cut with magic, not with a steel edge.
Dragons's Tooth from Deus Ex is the only true answer
and Chaos
>theyre all fucking ugly and make ZERO sense as a sword.
So most of the swords in this thread?
It's so dank
Ridill, obviously
My nigga
I'm quite fond of GW2's Krytan Sword
Haven't used a single other weapon since i have it in DS3.
Fuck swords. Gimme some games where i can use lance as a primary weapon
Mount and blade but I'm sure you know it already
I got you
t. Literally seething guy
I like chinese jians the most
my taste evolved over the years and peaked at simple two-bladed jians
I'm a sucker for a good great sword.
I really like the Enryuu from Onimusha
I really do hate to be that guy and I know this movie is related to Arthur/Sword in the Stone but what's the title of this movie?
That name is fucking gay
>sparda had no DT with the exception of the one fight
I want them to remake DMC1 JUST so the Sparda weapon gives me a sick ass Devil Trigger.
Excalibur, you really should watch it.
search Excalibur 1981
Thanks pal
This shit right here.
The sword from the stone is not excalibur. He gets excalibur later from the lady of the lake after breaking the word from the stone.
can't wait for AC Origins
Warcraft is full of amazing swords
Kind of reminds me of the Soul Edge
>tfw you got your first boner to this movie
I fucked up
My nigga
Claymore are generally my melee weapons in games, but my favorite sword is Lilarcor
admit it, you like flying 9 feet across of lockout and slashing people in halo 2.
literally LITERALLY unwieldable. You LITERALLY cannot wield that thing. Not because of 'muh weight' but because human hands LITERALLY do not work that way.
Fuck man, it was even on the cartridge. You don't play a kid like that.
I'm sorry, but
Now that's a flaming sword.
ashbringer will always be my favorite
Of course it's Excalib - uh, Aerondight.
I just can't help it. Even if the concept of shooting a bullet into your blade to vibrate it so that the cut does much worse wound is retarded I still love it.
Alondite is right here
Sexiest greatsword in all of vidya coming threw
Arondight is a different sword.
I love as soon as you take the sword you fall through the water. Made me kek
and here it is
I liked seifer's one
bloody berry is just a cooler design
just the right amount of jank
>steel khopesh
This shit folds like a fucking talon
Swordfu coming through, donut steel
ASS is my swordfu
When it came out it got mixed reviews, the portrayal of Merlin got panned. I really liked him though.
I came here to post this. such an attractive sword its just such a shame that it didn't really match the executioners set and that it had shit stat's and special effect and bland move-set. such an abused beauty.