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Video Games #3829
Video Games
What's the final boss gonna be like
User! Why do you have so many pictures of me?!
Aliens have come to Earth to see human art
I never though as a kid i would one day dream about Coco
Crypto ruining video cards
Is Chuggaaconroy our guy?
Physical media vs. digital downloads
What are some good mecha games I can play on PC (including emulation)? Any genre is welcome
Why is the switch already dying? is this nintedo's last console?
Metal Gear Solid V
What do
Guess what social boom came out exactly on this day and one year ago
Developing on the Nintendo Switch is a struggle, according to developer
What's the best Dimps Sonic game?
So now that the dust has settled, what went so disastrously wrong?
P-please don't buy it
Is there a strategy video game that comes close to the beautiful complexity of chess?
What's your favorite Ragnarok Online class and why is it Sorcerer? Flat is justice
What the fuck was her problem?
3 hours left
How do you feel about this?
Play an RPG
Dark, heartbreaking game has a happy ending
Why didn't cognitive Joker and guard dissolve after being shot?
Explain the hype behind this game Sup Forums
Where the fuck is it?
What does Sup Forums think of the Switch? I got mine today
What a letdown
Please be a port and a sequel like they did with Bayonetta
Egg thread. Post your best eggs. What's the best series that isn't new Vegas?
Why don't game developers respect the principle of freedom of speech any longer?
Which faction can deal with them better?
How do we solve the problem of bullying in online vidya?
Buyfag Thread
>I have a thyroid problem
Why dont you like Overwatch anymore?
Saw this in another thread. Can we make a gamer girl cringe thread please?
The game sucks
Why do girls pretend to like videogames Sup Forums?
Oh boy. Here I go being the greatest video game of all game again!
So this is smt... the hardcore dungeon crawler that isntoo dark and brutal for personafags
Forza 7 is only 100Gb
Demon Souls was the best souls everything went downhill from there!
Do you agree with Nier: Automata man?
Sony Computer Entertainment Files Trademark For “Bloodborne”
Is it true that Nintendo's games and consoles always sold poorly in Europe?
Sgdq thred
Holy fuck this game is great! Graphics look amazing and you can explore real life size New York and steal any car you...
Fate GO
*Cough* Hey Sup Forums, I don't have much time left...
Save crystal infront of a locked door
What are the best tennis games
Just 100% completed Breath of the Wild
Webm thread
ITT: Your favorite video game quotes
How do we fix CDPR?
Did you enjoy her game during the sale?
I so want this to be good, but the gameplay looks to consist of walking through set pieces
Choose one
Rise is without a doubt the best Persona, right?
Buy chinkshit famiclone
Watching speedrun
Okami HD is on sale right now, and you can emulate it on RPCS3
King of the Hill Online
The trick to fool Akechi was easily the most bullshit thing in P5. Debate me
Metal Gear 30th Anniversary
Why are there no games that take place in the process of society crumbling...
SGDQ 2017
How can studio so shit and so incompetent get so much praise?
How is this game?
Subnautica is really good and it has unlimited potential when it's released...
ARMS Thread
Best tactical Shooter
Red pill me on dungeon crawlers
I want to play an action RPG that requires a decent amount of skill but you'd have to grind a ton before you can make...
What do you do, Sup Forums?
*bans you*
SGDQ 2017
Hey dude how much for this item?
Hldm > cs
Samus is good perso-
I wonder what's SEGAs longterm goal for Sonic now?
So Sup Forums what are your reasons to pirate all your games?
Roguelike is okay and accepted as a real genre
Is it September yet
Why are white guys switching to Japanese games?
I'm a professional overwatch player. AMA
Fix gaming in one sentence
Game developers aren't taking risks anymore...
Maybe Sup Forums can help me with this...
Thans nig-
What's Sup Forums's opinion on XCOM 2?
Grimiore old school dungeon crawler release in two days!!
So IntiCreates said at AX that they'd be willing to make another ZX game if the offer came across their desk...
Today's worst developer
How is it?
What kind of disability does Max have?
You're in New LA and this 13 year old girl slaps your Skell's ass. What do you do?
SGDQ 2017
Steam Sale Aftermath Thread
Why is she so perfect?
Is this game worth buying?
Fuck Arin & Danny
Why is this allowed?
Comfy Vidya Music
If you play as a girl character it means you want to be a girl
Just got done setting up the new battle station at the new apartement. How would you rate it...
Japanese attempt at the dark souls formula
What am I in for?
ITT: Bad Character (Re)Designs
Game title is suffixed with a number greater than 3
ITT: The hardest boss in all of gaming
Calling all Snow Pirates on E.D.N. III. I have a warning of utmost urgency
ITT: we explain who was in the right
This has got to be the holy trinity of overrated fucking games. They're boring and control like shit...
Ever Oasis thread
Someone asks why the host has the room speed set to 3
What videogames did you play today?
SGDQ 2017
You will never have a cute little sister who looks up to you despite your faults
*kills you*
Would you let Jack-O' sit on your face, Sup Forums?
What did From mean by this?
Is the MMORPG genre dead?
JRPG thread
What game from my backlog should I work on first Sup Forums?
That one game you really liked and want to talk about but it's not actually that good and thus doesn't have an active...
What is the best Tycoon Game?
Game uses arrow keys for movement and not WASD
Are you going to play the new game from the Disaster Report guys? The game is called "City Shrouded in Shadows"
Does this game still have any shills around?
Who is the best Link?
Platinum Games
Which to choose?
Games that create a feeling of loneliness?
Oh my that a dead body?
Buenos días Mandy
MMO Thread: Underage Edition
Steam will always be Windows bitch
Team consisting of 3 ethnic men and 1 white woman
Game Overs don't exist in Odyssey
Explain to me without mentioning your dick or the word gay how this character isn't one of the most awfully desgined...
What are some Japanese games with relatively simple grammar to help me learn?
Undertale wasn't that bad
So what ever happened to Tawna after Crash 1?
This nigga rolls up into the club and slaps your girl on the ass. The fuck you gon' do?
How old are you people? I'm 25 now, should I stop playing video games?
RPGs are bad everyone just wants to see the story but they make you play shitty combat fuck gameplay
Just downloaded this, what am I in for?
Box or Square?
How do I get more monsters for monster arena...
This is a korean moba character
Free Nefarious steam key to the first person who gets trips and posts their email
Weeoo Weeoo
So what did you guys pick up during the Steam Summer Sale? Did it meet your expectations?
Tfw you'll never be a kid and rent a console that comes in a briefcase ever again
Meta thread
Steam sale ended
Sonic 3
Americans pronounce "sacré bleu" as "soccer blue"
What the FUCK kind of character design is this?
Whataya buyin?
How's your game coming along, Sup Forums?
/aos/ - Ace of Spades
It ain't bad
Unreal Tournament and Quake are both coming back soon. Which side are you going to pick this time?
Legitimate question:
SGDQ 2017
SGDQ 2017
What did PG and Kamiya mean by this
Tfw some anons told me this game emulates just fine
Says here you have a Bachelor's Degree in game design in Full Sail University. Care to explain?
I want to ______ Mercy
Is there a way to get a refund for the sack of shit on PS4? I have maybe 20 hours in it...
Crash will almost certainly outperform Mario Odyssey due to the PS4's hefty install base
Why are they trying to make us feel sympathy for a guy who murdered literally fucking everybody with zero remorse...
How much would a fully optimal gaming PC cost?
The great debate
Whats the most naive/dumbest thing you've done in videogames?
This is shinryu, say something nice about her!
Why have Japanese games been killing it this year?
This is a bandicoot
This is a goddamned running simulator. Worse than skyrim
Comfy graphics thread
Cave Story
They've talked about basically every aspect of 2, so what else can they have a direct about?
He still plays pokemon, mario, smash bros, zelda, and is genuinely excited for splatoon and arms
Why do women pretend to like video games?
Why is she popular? Sorry for being late but I don't get her appeal
SGDQ 2017
Doto, lol or hots? What's your pick Sup Forums
Have you played a non-horror game that genuinely scared you?
Meanwhile on Myst Sup Forums
Post LGBT characters
ITT: Villains who deserved what they got
What are some games that you remember being way better when you were younger?
The director of Black of land white 2 is directing Pokemon ultra sun and moon
Take a screenshot of the video game you're playing RIGHT NOW, or post your character
What are some video games that let me play as a bear or let me have an ursine companion?
Just started collecting. What do you guys think?
One of these threads?
SGDQ 2017
How are your games going, bros?
Both games were released near each other's release date. So, this is why I think its legitimate to compare them...
What are the best mods for M&B Warband? I aldready played the 1257 one
Where are they going?
ITT Forgotten gems
He calls his MMO character "toon"
Can I see your Bloodborne characters?
Itt terrible game design
Why do they always choose me to answer class questions
Post something more grotesque than this
Mario Odyssey
It's a you're supposed to lose boss
Fourth case in the whole game
I've been replaying ME3 the last few days and I've gotta say it's way better than I remember. Yeah...
Want to own original retro games
SGDQ 2017
Are there any good tennis video games?
Modern Sonic’s affair is precisely what you’d expect; a cookie-cutter modern Sonic-style course more akin to the...
ITT: historic video game monkey paws
How long did it take you to realise overwatch was shit and when did you quit?
My friend has been sucking this games dick since it came out 4 years ago, and I just beat it. This game is shit
You ready, SMTbros?
Where in the name of all that is holy can I buy one of these things?
93 hours to beat
Are there any turn based RPGs coming out? Or is this genre dead?
Can we have a classic survival horror thread? Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Dino Crisisnetc
Pokemon Go First Anniversary
What's the best Vietnam games?
SGDQ 2017
Sup Forums WILL defend this
How do you feel about indie mascot characters?
Switch allows you to have multiple user profiles with individual save data
Switch officially flopped... Outsold by ps4 in japan
When was the last time you got that special feeling while playing videogames?
Gf wants to play skyrim on my computer
"""fighting game fans""" call end lag "recovery frames
Realistically speaking, has Breath of the Wild changed open world games forever?
Im going old school tonight lads
What's your keyboard and mouse setup?
What went wrong
Play x6, first megaman
Are point and click adventures dead?
Side character returns in the sequel to become a love interest
Ornstein and Smough
What games do chad play?
Was this the biggest twist in gaming?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't playing overwatch tonight
SGDQ 2017
Literally impossible
If Coco is from the future in Crash Bandicoot 2, why doesn't she warn Crash about Cortex?
1.5 million sales on PS4
Have you guys actually fapped to video games? Not fanart, not your fantasies...
Why is she so perfect?
Crazy how far we've came
Christ, the lore in Metroid Prime. I had the game since November of 2002 and I swear every time I play it...
It hurts, Sup Forums
ITT: times you've acted like Trump in video games
Did he make the right choice?
>last online 700 days ago
Why didn't Microsoft have the foresight to make sure this piece of shit has drivers that install properly?
Hey user! You punk ass sperg
Have you heard of the High Elves?
This guy is a sacred cow
Somebody fucking explain to me why do normies like cinematic games where it's almost impossible to die and where...
Start visual novel
If she knew how bad this hurt she wouldn't be doing it
What went wrong?
Why are mages almost always stronger than melee characters in video games? is this some kinda of propaganda against us?
Grimiore Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
How was that Steam Summer Sale ?
SGDQ 2017
So class, what can we say about humanity based on that steam picture?
Also rate thread
Have you backed the AH3 kickstarter yet?
Why do people keep using this as an example of a bad game?
I love Corrin!
Repeat after me: Platinum is not a japanese jewish scheme
Are any of you turds old enough to remember this?
The great debate
Why aren't you playing the best Mario Party game?
RPCS3 now runs Dragon's Dogma and Odin Sphere at full FPS
I just bought this game. It better be as good as you people say it is
Was it kino?
That guy that always got games 3 years late
Was this the pinnacle of Final Fantasy's combat system? Where do we even go from here...
Because pic related sold well...
Has Peach's crown ever played any significant role in a video game before?
I have $77 in psn credit
Pokemon fan here
A murderous criminal is on a killing spree, covered in armor made entirely of live human babies...
Can we get an underrated hidden gem unknown games thread going?
Female gamers
It's true. You can't do it
Final boss is immune to all status effects
Why haven't we seen Jill in Resident Evil for a while? Her latest appearance in canon was RE5. How would you...
Got any 4 player games user?
Just bought pic related, but I've never played a Persona or Shin Megami Tensei game before. What am I in for?
SGDQ 2017
What was her fucking problem?
Where is it Ultima?
Water is strong against fire
ITT: Artificial difficulty
Splatoon 2
SGDQ 2017
Silent Hill thread
I'm having a lot of fun
Fucking seriously, if this mining bullshit continues like this...
Get hit
Dynasty Warriors 9 Thread
What does Sup Forums think of s.t.a.l.k.e.r.?
Tekken 7's new patch just removed more customization options, taking out the ability to make items black...
DOMINATED, but you're a good man, and I love you
I forgot I bought copies of E.Y.E and Garry's Mod for an ex's birthday like 5 years ago...
AGDQ 2017
How's your vermin comming along?
So has XIV finally, totally jumped the shark?
How do i "get good" at touhou?
Predict its lifetime sales. No consolewar shitposting, just what you think
Anyone here unironically like all 3 of these consoles?
WHAT'S IN THE BOX, Sup Forums?
ITT: Trilogies that got better with each game
How did Twitch streaming and donations ever become a thing
State of Sup Forums
Can we all agreeo n this?
This is David, codenamed Solid Snake. He is an American secret agent from the special forces unit FOXHOUND...
Make it stop
2017 is half over. What games have you played/beaten so far this year user?
Post your current game related desktop
Battlefront 2 Hero roster leak
What are some good Metroidvanias? I'm about to finish Metroid Fusion and want something to play after
Crash thread
SGDQ 2017
Which run was certainly the most cringe-worthy/awkward run thus far at SGDQ 2017?
Find a flaw
What's your favorite "alright" game?
Sup Forums hates let's players
This is your cook for the evening
1080p/60 or 4k/30
You're buying her game, right?
Judge people's taste in video games
Memestation ruined Sega, Saturn and Dreamcast were miles better than PS1 and PS2...
How was that Steam Summer Sale ?
You have 10 seconds to name just
Sup Forums-approved youtuber thread?
Who was in the wrong here?
Childhood is siding with the Stormcloaks. Adulthood is siding with the Empire
Remember when Sup Forums was bonkers over Splashwo Man?
SGDQ 2017
Wait all year for summer sale because games are too expensive otherwise
You've talked about what you bought, now talk about what you refunded
All memes aside, is this playable on PC or should I go consolefag for this?
Some keys
Leaves Nintendo for Sony
Coco thread
JoJo EOH is fully playable on PC (RPCS3)
Hey Sup Forums
Are you guys ready for Sonic to prove movies based on games can be GOAT? I sure am
Why is diablo 2 even considered an rpg, even considered a good game?
Nintendo is the leftism of the videogames
A special message from the creator of Final Fantasy
Just a reminder that if you play souls for anything but pvp you're retarded
The family members have tears in their eyes when they welcome Kaim back to the inn from his long journey
Video game red lights
Who do you main?
ITT: We discuss games that are better than Overwatch
What's the best game for healers?
Why are plushies banned from GDQ events?
Witcher 3 original size: 56 GB
Does Persona 5 hold up to 3 and 4? I beat 4 years ago, and just got a PS4...
Mordhau thread
ITT post game that really make you think and need 150+ iq to understand or have to google an explanation
Promotional material spoilers endgame content
Post what you are playing
One of the worst artstyles of all time. How can anyone prefer this to Paper Mario?
I am about to grope random chicks on the street please helpe I cant resist anymore
So my PS4 died today sadly, gonna have to get a new one. Should I just get the Pro? I only have a 1080p screen
What is your fondest memory of a console launch?
Meanwhile on Neanderthal Sup Forums
Dragon's Dogma
It's out. You ARE blasting worthless spacenoid pilots right this moment, right Sup Forums?
Post your last screenshot you took
How do you guys feel about this?
Who was in the right?
Videogames have taken my eyesight
>Uncharted 5 gets announced
Holy Trinity of NEVER EVER
Why are game designers obsessed with drawn-out, overanimated stealth takedowns? They're in almost every game now
SGDQ 2017
LOTR Thread
Now that the dust has settled, what did you think about class mounts?
He's forced to pick tank/support characters
Just bought a 1080 and a 1440p/144hz GSync monitor, what are some games that'll really show them off...
SMO confirmed for casual shit
Dream Daddy
Mirrored characters thread
Be a powerful and strong warrior
Argentina has no good ga-
How could he not realize that he was irritating the speedrunner during the Tomba 2 run?
This guy is now writing the lore of the last game you played
How can sony bros recover from this?
What went wrong, Bloodbros?
Sup Forums posters you recognize
Tell us about the game you are currently playing through user
It's literally the same game
It ain't bad
Working PS3 emulator
What are some games with a gay option
Opinions on Life is Strange?
SGDQ 2017: Beautiful Trans Edition
SGDQ 2017: KYS edition
Fate/Extella Coming to PC via Steam on July 25
Bloodborne thread
Anyone tell me if the slog of nothing patches between Stormblood and Heavensward is as dull and mind-numbing as the...
How is 999 in the pc port?
How does this make you feel?
Which ending did you choose?
Enemies can open doors
Behold, one of the worst maps in FPS history
There is no game that is greater
Sup Forums plays Mad Libs
Have you ever cried in a video game Sup Forums?
What exactly did he lie about...
SGDQ 2017: tfw no gf
Things that you hate about Sup Forums
Switch internet on
Unpopular opinion: elder scrolls online is a really great game
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
ITT awful vidya """trends"""
Last vidoegame character you played as is now black
ITT: Games Sup Forums can never discuss because of memes
Bored of this game
Steam has been selling some interesting games lately
What is Sup Forums's opinion of the paladin class?
What games do Chinese people like?
this is a pokemon these days
Obsidian gives you the opportunity to add one (1) new companion to the New Vegas remaster...
WWE 2k18
Who is the Fantano of video games?
Why are they so underused?
Have you ever played videogames in public, Sup Forums? Tell me what happened
Are they hacks?
Why is this game so shit?
Why does Sup Forums hate frugal PC gamers?
Is this laptop worth it?
Well Sup Forums? what are your First Impressions of Beyond Skyrim Bruma
Games that get far more hate than they deserve
Sup Forums hates western "cinematic" games
Why do you still use Sup Forums?
Mia Khalifa makes Twitch Account
SGDQ 2017: RIP laptop
Let's Talk Character Design
So I just bought oblivion and im wondering if there are any essential mods i need for the first playthrough or if i...
Why does it feel like this is the first portable console with full AAA games and not just crappy spinoff games for a...
Sup Forums hates and shits on AAA games and devs
Steam Sale aftermath
Enemies can see in the dark
What games shit on canon?
Why is this game so popular?
Make the best Crash games in two decades
Fo4's factions > FNVs factions
Why is magic so boring in video games compared to every other form of media?
A video game adaptation of the novels was announced in March 2015. The game is in development by 5pb. for PlayStation 4...
Alright, princess, get out of my way with your butter knives and toothpicks. I'm about to actually deal some damage
Every single hero is OP
Hollow Knight
So, Sup Forums who is your favorite male character?
Put 60 hours into it
Metal Gear Thread
Wow this incarnation of Zelda is a fucking nerd
Sold out on amazon US
Are you going to buy our girl's game, Sup Forums?
SGDQ 2017: near 500k edition
ITT: The last character you played guest stars with Mystery Inc...
Dark Souls II is a good game guys I swear!
Got pic related
Games Sup Forums was wrong about
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
Was it a good romance?also Shovel Knight thread i guess
Platinum Direct incoming
What's so great about this game?
Webm thread?
Only third world loves pc gaming
Goddesses thread
Leave capcom to me
Day 1 game on PC: $50. Day 1 on Switch: $60
Did it changed Sup Forums?
5 year old nephew shows me a picture he drew while I'm babysitting him
Why aren't we talking about Mighty Gunvolt Burst?
Is there even one woman in vidya who doesn't fuck up literally everything she gets her hands on?
Why is it such a common meme that the rating scale for video games is "wrong"...
Nemesis system
Ever pirated a game then really loved it enough to buy it?
Rev up those boss themes!
Yukiko is going to Antarctica!
Name a more bullshit area in video games
Who wins?
SGDQ 2017: HARD edition
If someone made a Open world RPG game like witcher or elder scrols or we but the game has no leveling system
I'm about to buy a ps4 for the sole purpose of playing SMT5. Will I be disappointed?
Necro > Pally > Sorc > Barb > Assassin > Amazon > Druid
Release a sequel 2 years later and change the face completely
Truly causes one to contemplate
Graphics thread?
What is your personal favorite sword in all the vidya?
No bulli thread
I won't have a pc for about 2 weeks. Recommemd me some good old games that I can emulate on my phone
Last upload 6 months ago
What went wrong?
What's the best multiplayer golf game?
Take this with some caffine and you will have the most focused game session of your life. I guarantee it
What would your ideal video game store be like?
Is this gamepad/controller any good?
Yfw modern consoles cant run a 60 year old ps1 game at 60fps
Danke schoen, darling, danke schoen
You wuz wit your friends playin' Nintendo, I was playin' 'round with that fire
I want to play a fun video game, does Sup Forums know of any?
Games that let you marry and fuck party members
Talk to a dog in an rpg
Triss sex scene is the same as every other whores
SGDQ 2017: Hump day
This is terrible
How do you feel about Hispanic representation in videogames?
Steam sale ends in two hours
Switch will get ga-
What's wrong with overwatch? What are the devs doing wrong? I wholeheartedly enjoy it. Why don't you, /v?
What does Sup Forums think of Clueless Gamer?
Sup Forumsposting and tumblrposting aside
Mfw a fgc player calls friendlies "casuals"
Fire Emblem Warriors
How to spot underages
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...