Alright, princess, get out of my way with your butter knives and toothpicks. I'm about to actually deal some damage

Alright, princess, get out of my way with your butter knives and toothpicks. I'm about to actually deal some damage.

monsters already dead chief

My weapon >>> shit >>>>>> your weapon

Oh that's very nice, sweetie. Now let the real men get to work

I just let my kinsect do the job, and do absolutely nothing myself. Best glaive build.


Bitch please, it's

My weapon >>> shit >>> that moment you tip a little too far back in the chair and you know you're going to die >>>> stubbing your toe so hard you break the nail >>>>>> your weapon

Umm, sweetie, let me show you how a real man hunts

looks like a terrible design for a sword
only the top part cuts and the rest will get stuck in

Thats not a big fuck off hammer.
Or tonfas.