does this game still have any shills around?
what went wrong?
does this game still have any shills around?
what went wrong?
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>What went wrong?
It wasn't a good game. I warned you fucking idiots after the Alpha test that Ubisoft was going to fucking decimate a perfectly good concept for a game with their usual bullshit but NOOOO. No we have to have the same fucking threads every day "HURR DIS LOOK COOL I BUY"
You all deserve your buyers remorse you fucking idiots.
I loved the hell out of it
Though about a couple weeks after it's release the only people left were the ones that cheesed the hell out of the game meaning max level peacekeepers getting paired up with casual playing level 18 vikings. Was pretty terrible.
Publishers, idiot, it's always publishers.
Normal ubisoft butchery. If you look back in recent years they're the ones with the best concepts for multiplayer game.
True underground racing scene game. First game since most wanted to give me that feel
>The division
Modern day stalker with good graphics
>Rainbow six siege
Tactical fps that everyone wants
>For honor
Medival warfare. I mean every little kid growing up at a certain point has been facinated by at least one of them. This game would've been the easiest shit to sale.
And god ubisoft has managed to fuck up every fucking time.
>what went wrong?
I think it's just a game that didn't particularly do anything well, and the formula didn't really appeal to any niche, nor did it have mainstream appeal.
Seems like their mo these days. Over hype a product as the next best thing, sell fuck loads of copies for profit, then slowly fuck the game up to kill player interest, and then start to close servers to better accommodate the smaller player base.
It's not them overhyping it's the people because the games have genuinely good concept
Loved it, felt fresh, about 2 months ago I gave up on actually playing seriously. and slowly just stopped playing, deleted it.
have a friend that never shut the fuck up about it.
The devs are incompetent for not fixing and nerfing properly. community feedback told them everything.
To be fair the "community" is fickle and quick to nerf anything they find to challenging. Idk how it happened but the only people that stuck around and gave input are the most cancerous fuckers I've ever had the displeasure of being around. That being said the devs aren't without fault. They are fucked in the head for thinking warlord is balanced, or that prebuff Raider was supposed to be a hard counter to pk. This game man. I've never had something so cherished crash and burn so hard
your name wouldn't happen to be top10anime would it.
Dont mind the obvious flaws still having lots of fun on PS4...but indeed its kinda shame that ubisoft have the greatest concepts but shits on execution.
This. P2p in a game that relies on precise timing is retarded. No balance and ubisoft doing retarded shit. Complete trash
Yeah fuck me for giving a game a chance I guess
I knew after the beta that the game would be dead a month or 2 after release.
It had pretty graphics, but not a ton of depth.
>Giving Ubisoft games a chance
Are you stupid?
He's right, you deserve your buyer's remorse.
There's a reason people shit on Ubisoft games.
Everyone that had the patience to wait knew that.
You're worse than an abused house wife, you'll keep doing it. so please suicide.
Game had huge problems with most modes having gear locked behind loot boxes that you could only grind slowly for or pay for with real money.
But then you couldn't spend real money until you prestiged 4-5 times with a class because until then the loot is absolutely atrocious
P2P matchmaking means that the game is never guaranteed to be smooth,
Lack of enjoyable game modes as well. 8v8 Dominion would be much more fun, and would make the levels feel much less empty than they currently do.
I do like Ubisoft, because all the concepts are fucking amazing. But Jesus christ, are they horrible at implementing them. I quit For Honor because of the servers, gear/revenge, and the matchmaking. I'd could be convinced to go back and play it again if one of the three were fixed. On top of that, the game is kind of shallow. Siege has lasted so long because there's "tactic" involved, and a blast to play with friends. Not so much For Honor.
Ubisoft is horrible at implementing their concepts because they don't implement them in order to create something that's enjoyable and true to the original idea and interesting to play, they implement them in order to extract as much money from their battered housewife audience as possible.
Siege escaped this by making maps and such free, though you have to grind like fuck for new operators.
On one hand, I love the idea of devs just making map packs and such free (like they used to, even CoD offered map packs for free on PC pre-MW2).
On the other, I can easily see that being abused and games turning into glorified skinnerboxes like F2P games have been for the past decade and a half.
Hell, they're already kind of becoming that.
I was literally agreeing with him you chuckle fucks goddamn
The "I guess" part typically implies sarcasm, which is already hard to detect in text form.
post yfw you delete uplay.
Alright then. In retrospect I should have just known since it was Ubisoft, but I figured since Rainbow 6 made a comeback that FH might get lucky as well. Either way, I suppose I'm glad that I bought it. Even if the fun was short lived I did have a lot of fun in the beginning.
Ehh, I enjoyed the beta, but I'm not all that into the fleeting games that no one plays a few months later.
Hell, I still go back and play games like L4D2, CoD 4, Killing Floor, and CS:S.
Too many of these big AAA multiplayer games rely on a large playerbase at launch that basically disappears a year or 2 later.
Sometimes not even a year.
Holy fucking kek. To put this into perspective Undertale has about 1.6k player peak in the last 24hrs.
Can you refund if it's not being active?
God, I hate how right you are. There's always a little thought in the back of my mind when Ubisoft releases a new game thinking, "This'll be the one! I'm sure of it!" Oh well, foolish to think anything else can think.
I wouldn't care so much about how dead it is if the people that still play the game didn't make my skin crawl.
>AAA multiplayer games
Speaking of, Anthem looks like it might be good. I like the concept at least. And it's got the writer of the first two Mass Effect games working on it AND it's been in development for a 5 years, I think? That's enough for me to keep my eye on it, at least.
Ehh, I'll keep my eye open, but Anthem will likely end up being Destiny + The Division in terms of hype and disappointment.
Oh yeah for sure but, like For Honor, the first few months are gonna be rad. At least, I hope.
I have a titanfall 2 trial, does this last until I use it or something?