>Every single hero is OP
What the fuck were they thinking when they """""""""balanced""""""""" this game?
>Every single hero is OP
What the fuck were they thinking when they """""""""balanced""""""""" this game?
Play HOTS instead
They were thinking that individual skill matters more this way, and it does.
"lets make a game where you can have fun"
if everyone is op then no one is op
>every hero is OP
>I'm out of position 100% of the time and never, ever look at the minimap ever
back to lol
My biggest problem is that I want to play all the heroes but can only play one at a time
>Every single hero is underpowered
>being bad at casualized RTS
That's the point of it. Every hero is overpowered given the right circumstances. In a low-skill match a good player can make ANY hero shine and look like it's the most overpowered thing on the planet. However if the opponent knows how to neutralize specific heroes, then that rarely happens.
OP has no idea what he's doing and is playing with people who have no idea what they're doing, so one player in a match randomly hits the right build/playstyle for his hero and rapes everyone. Literally git gud. And I don't even mean mechanically. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of heroes so you know how to counter them and minimize the chances of them getting out of hand and carving you three new assholes.
Tell me which hero touched you and how op he is so we can laugh at you
>crying about balance in the most casual patch of dota2
You cannot be serious
icefraud balances the game by making shit more broken
There exists easy to play heroes
Hard to play heroes that is stupidly OP once used properly
And very mediocre heroes with no real extreme strengths.
*swear in dotka*
The present? Yes, ALSO DEATH!
Balance mentality is that potentially every hero can be a powerhouse given the cirtumstances. Teamplay makes a difference and gives the room for plays which makes the "OP" heroes time to shine. With right draft you can get ridiculous advantage which then can be countered with builds and plays.
Nerf heroes: teamplay, siege and healing strats become OP.
Nerf teamplay heroes and/or exp/gold gain from fights and you get ricefarming.
Nerf ricefarming and you get deathballs and wombocombos.
Pick your poison really. Nerf everything and you get stale and boring right-click fest.
Post dotabuff so we can lau- I mean help you
>he's never played dota imba
Can't go back to normal dota, everyone is so underpowered.
Varian says hello
>Teleport behind you
>Tornado/emp/meteor/cold snap/ alacrity
>Ice wall and invi away
>pssh nothing personal kid
Why is this allowed?
That's the most fun way of balancing desu
Sounds like you described an invoker who snowballed out of control. Why didn't you take a dump on him during laning stage and slow down his progress? Why didn't your team have a proper carry with the same farm as him taking a dump on him? Did you even have a BKB? How about the rest of your team?
>Play vs sandking
>150 DPS with talent
>50 sec duration
>150*50 = 7500 AOE DAMAGE
What was icefraud thinking
>no one is op
ITT: faggots defending their casualized pubstomp game
>shitposting is a better use of time
Have fun with that
The esports are more hype than anything vidya related I've watched.
I don't often play hero that has early presence. Whenever I see an Invoker I often let the supp go mid and solo against their of but the Invoker still got fed.
He got countered by sentry and dust.
if theyre all op then they're all on the equal ground
Play Dota IMBA.
Its already the direction Icefrog is going with the base game so in a year we will end up there.
As it should be.
>sand king is countered by detection
>>Every single hero is OP
So, is both balanced and fun? OUTRAGEOUS!