Why are there no games that take place in the process of society crumbling...

why are there no games that take place in the process of society crumbling? The beginning of the last of us was a small taste, but why not a full game like that?

I want to kill people for food, loot stores, and try to escape to somewhere better while riots are going on everywhere. Why isnt this a thing?

Don't touch anything!

I wish there were games about epidemics and outbreaks. Contagion was funny.

the division is the closest to that really, a crumbling society where you fight looters and try to survive with salvage, and the dark zone really captures that chaos of people wanting loot and wanting to kill you for your shit. its really hard to create that sense of chaos constantly it seems where theres just people running around going crazy because thats literally a single moment of chaos, if we're talking about zombies, the "outbreak" part would last maybe a day at most, after that people would just be regular ass zombies

Didn't that earthquake game do this? I remember people were desperate for bottles of water and would kill to get it. Don't remember the name.

I am Alive

The Division

I am alive

Does it seem weird to anyone else that anyone even tries to stay alive in these scenarios? If The Last of Us happened irl I'd just kill myself right there and then

p u s s y

And no you wouldnt
even pathetic basement dwellers have some survival instinct that would kick in during the apocalypse

Dead Rising 2 does that pretty well.

is this movie good? i completely forgot this movie existed probably because i haven't been to the theater since inglorious bastards. tarantino is an even bigger cuck now