>gaming laptop >UK >worth the money No, they never are prices here are fucked
Henry Gonzalez
100% although i would recommend a desktop with the same specs over a laptop anyday you absoloute trash
Levi Taylor
Kek That's the thing my job requires me to travel a lot and I can't take my desktop everywhere with me so I had to come to this
Kevin Hill
Not a bad price for what you get
Gabriel Walker
Absolutely not. You'd get a GTX 1080, i7 7700K PC build for close to that price if you just assembled your own desktop.
Ayden Martinez
Read this
Jeremiah Lee
You laugh but I'm right, even computer components are a joke here. Check out Sup Forums they have a thread up for questions that dont deserve their own thread you're more likely to find decent advice there
Carson Reyes
then yes its worth it, will be running vidya at medium in a year or 2 though, ignore all the retards that tell you its not worth it bc (insert desktop rant)