SGDQ 2017: Beautiful Trans Edition

NOW: Startropics
NEXT: Kirby's Dream Land 2
LATER: Kirby: Planet Robobot


I missed HGSS, did that actually happen?

It was one of the worst runs.

>missed HGSS

You missed the worst run of this event man. Everything that could have gone wrong did.

Sauce on pic or are you just memeing?

I watched HGSS, I don't remember anything like that happening. I only remembered how awful the run was.

Actual new thread
Actual new thread
Actual new thread
Actual new thread
Actual new thread
Actual new thread

>starting to put politics shit in the OP

can we not go full retard with this shit thanks

Did V4C try to get a nickname in again? Last time at AGDQ they donated the most but they didnt use it because they thought it was a troll

So in a nutshell Trannies and Attentionwhores ruined SGDQ?

Sounds about right.

Yes it did really happen, they had a Sentret and the runner called it the wrong gender and his friend on the couch made a "assuming it's gender" joke, people then bitched on Twitter to the GDQ staff & GDQ acknowledged it.

The run itself was also horrible, he had to rely on RNG in the beginning so he reset 3 times right away but it didn't matter anyways so about half-way through the run he switched to another cart (HeartGold to SoulSilver no less) that had all the stats he needed and at the end couldn't even beat Red since he fucked up the manipulation. It was a train wreck, the only positive is he didn't go past the estimate.

>I'll Make a Man out of You.

>guy spends like 7 minutes trying to rng manip
>has a backup ds just in case
>backup was sitting for so long that the rng was wrong anyways
>entire run was based on that
>can't catch raikou due to needing to catch sudowoodo for donation incentive
>switches to another game mid-run that already has Raikou
>goes over estimate
>loses to Red, doesn't even finish the run

Memeing. Someone got in trouble for making a transphobic "joke", not for "assuming a Pokemon's gender".

honestly kinda feel for the runner tho, everything that coudl have went wrong, did.


I also do, I'm not blaming the runner, but it's still simply what happened sadly.

>aimed at american audiences
>everyone's fat
how subtle

oh, we'll go full retard, and then you'll get a full penis in your ass you transfaggot redditor

What are you talking about thats exactly what hapened? Do you work for GDQ ?

This is literally what happened.

She has the haircolour of my mother but with streaks of my 9 year old niece

I am. He submitted a heavily RNG dependent run and didn't have a proper back up ready. Like, why waste everyone's time with trying to get the right seed in the first place? Have it ready to go.

Overall Pokemon runs are shit and shouldn't be allowed, but he wanted to run a super random game and waste everyone's time.

worst fucking event, boring as fuck to top it all.
IMO, best run was ME:Catalyst

Don't forget to catch me and my Sanae fumo for the next run, it'll be Great Fairy Wars.

If crossdressing is transphobic, then how the fuck are they allowing that one purple-haired guy to do interviews???

>not Mountain of Faith



Isn't being pre-op trans literally crossdressing though?

The hypocrisy with these lunatics just gets worse every day.

Rumor has it dude is packing a very large cannon so people don't want to say "no" to him.

I'm gonna take my class to the National Queer Museum, pfft haha

isnt this very hateful and phobic towards drag queens and cross dressers?

No, you also have to change your name and register it in the database of special snowflakes.

The irony of a loser CIS white dude one day deciding he is now a woman and portraying himself as an expert on social justice issues is too fucking delicious.

If you could bottle it and sell it you would be rich.

What display of insanity of todays human mind did I miss?

when the world seems desperate to pander to you and meet your every demand, it becomes very hard to remain a victim without directly contradicting yourself in some fashion

Yeah but you cant reason with the mentally ill.

Yeah, it's extremely problematic and shows a complete and utter lack of understanding. Cross-dressing doesn't have to relate to homosexual activity, if I want to wear a sundress because womens fashion is fucking fashionable I don't want some gate-keeping maniac telling me it's offensive.

ᵛ ᶦ ᵈ ᵉ ᵒ ᵍ ᵃ ᵐ ᵉ ˢ

>Cross-dressing doesn't have to relate to homosexual activity


I said ᵛ ᶦ ᵈ ᵉ ᵒ ᵍ ᵃ ᵐ ᵉ ˢ

Fuck you, Ed Wood was right. Just because you're so repressed you can't wear what is comfortable and fashionable without craving a cock in your arse doesn't mean everyone else is like you.

What, you think if you put on a dress, youre gay? You think a garment formed as a cone makes you gay?

Why dont you and your mate put on a dress together, and you can live happily ever after then?




what dress has a dick

Dresses don't have dicks.




>Sung by a character portrayed by a homosexual actor.

They do now know a lot about men so, logically, they could build better men than anyone else.


>you'll never get people to use your made up words because you dress like a grill

Is there a reason to even live?

the fuck

You need to setup the Oauth token.

"I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you! And the people – and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon.

Thank God a mentally ill tranny was around to keep things entertaining.

can these spergs stop ASMRing the mics
it's disgusting listening to them chew air

the problem is you're using japanese currency instead of americans

Livestreamer is kill, use streamlink.

aint that the truth


an hero nao

i mean, youre not wrong, but what if the event was actually good?


Is this brap general?
God yes daddy feed me the braps down my throat

Has SGDQ inspired you to try Speedrunning or wear a dress Sup Forums?

>all the brits are crying now

*smacks lips*

It would be forgotten about shortly after it happened.

Just look at earlier, the trannyposting calmed down when fun runs were going on.

why do the stairs look like from ff1?

FUCK NO! These people are horrible weebs, and the ugliest mental trannies

It made me think I should play less games and do something else.


It has inspired me to hate Pokemon and Smash fags even more.

Why is everyone posting in the other thread if this is older and has more posts?

I was already wearing a dresses before the event started senpai

Jesus tapdancing Christ the CIDF is in full force today.

just laugh at them

I, as someone with more followers than you, declare your post invalid!

How come this thread is infested with faggots, trannies and SJWs?

Because this is the thread for furries and trans

The funny thing is I would have never given enough of a shit about this tranny to figure out how pathetic, self-centered and delusional it is if it hadn't started pissing itself over MUH TRANSPHOBIA

Is this the "boring as fuck to watch" block?

Because the other thread was posted towards the end of the old thread so got more people following it.

Why the fuck does GDQ pander to these people

Why the fuck does GDQ attract these people

This op is a newfag

In the last active thread the other thread was posted first instead of this one. People go for the the first new thread seen usually.

Beautiful lesbian (male) couple

I found this thread from that thread. Is there actually a shit load of trannys on Sup Forums?

I'm here for kirby

such beauty and grace. Really makes you think about your gender assumptions

Quick! someone tweet him this picture and tell him it's a relaxing shampoo

imagine having 13000 tweets and only 80 followers lmfaooo

>This is literally what happened.

prove it

goddamn he literally looks like the shrek lady

Was told to post this in this thread, too.
Left is five hours ago.
Right is four MINUTES ago.


hey guys been gone past 24 hours

I miss any good drama?

Kek, ded thread, post in the one with more activity

lol sitting around making fun of trannies all day is so cool

when you tweet 500 times a minute about how everyone needs to believe you're a real woman. kind of gets old.