Fucking seriously, if this mining bullshit continues like this...

Fucking seriously, if this mining bullshit continues like this, I'm giving up on wanting an upgrade and I will just switch to consoles for gaming and some shitty Linux laptop for work and office related bullshit.

Just go buy a GTX 970 or R9 390 off ebay, they aren't power efficient enough for miners to buy.

just get an r9 390/380
you dont have to run everything on ultra and unless its over 50% performance increase youre wasting your money

Do you seriously not understand that the second a piece of hardware becomes less economical for miners that they will sell their used shit for pennies on ebay?

This is a good thing for us. Means cheaper hardware in the long run.

>wanting some card ran at 100%, 24/7 , probably about to die

>wanting a GPU which ran 24/7 on full load for months


Just don't buy graphics cards right now. Hurt them for catering to minecucks.

How does one buy crypto shit anyway?

There are 900 ching chong and ruskie exchanges. The trick is finding a good one.

Your claims are nothing but FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt).

The cards are designed to run at full load for thousands upon thousands of hours, and even if a miner uses up 50% of the life of the card you'll never even come close to using the remaining 50%. If a GPU is going to fail it's going to do it early on in the life of the card. If it can make it through mining it will certainly make it through the usage of a typical video gamer.

But go ahead. Be a moron and buy new "just to be safe". Cheaper hardware for me.