Childhood is siding with the Stormcloaks. Adulthood is siding with the Empire.
Childhood is siding with the Stormcloaks. Adulthood is siding with the Empire
>childhood is being a slave
>adulthood is still being a slave
sounds about right
Actual adulthood is siding with neither and just enjoying your 100 gigs of porn mods.
Funny, I side with the Stormcloaks now. Skyrim belongs to the Nords, take that Empire shit back to Cyrodiil.
Mental maturity is realizing the Skyrim Civil War questing and writing is some of the worst parts of the game. The only good main questlines are the Theives guild and Dark Brotherhood and those basically just copied Oblivion.
storm cloaks are racist fucks.
Also if you like traps that means your GAY
You. I like you. Actually, I think the worst part is the combat system.
Childhood is being a globalist knife eared kike puppet. Adulthood means being an independent, monocultural kike puppet makes more sense.
>not being racist in a world where elf supremacists are literally trying to kill everyone
Empire cucks, not even once.
skyrim's thieves'guild arc is one of the worst storylines in the history of vidya
it's full of plotholes, gaffes and cliche/cringy scenes