2017 is half over. What games have you played/beaten so far this year user?
2017 is half over. What games have you played/beaten so far this year user?
Utawarerumono 2
That's about it, really
ds3 dlc
persona 5
resident evil 7
>crushing realization that you will never get to play all of the games you want to play
zelda BOTW
i'm really close to finishing persona 5
I can't remember if dragon quest builders was late last year or early this year but there's that, too
>pic is of a spread sheet that an actual user has created of the games he's beaten
>nobody is mentioning this as if it's normal behaviour
tfw too autistic for real life but too normie for Sup Forums
nice spreadsheet. How autistic are you may I ask?
I do it, although I don't record completion dates.
It takes no time at all and I like keeping track of such things. I do it for books, films, etc.
Hzd still playing, kinda shit
Hollow knight
Shadow warrior 2
All i can think of right now probably more.
Va-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartending Action
One Way Heroics Plus
Tales of Berseria
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nier: Automata
Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City
Persona 5
Persona 4 Arena
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 - Road to Boruto Edition
Salt and Sanctuary
Been a pretty good year so far.