How do we solve the problem of bullying in online vidya?
How do we solve the problem of bullying in online vidya?
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Stop being a bitch nigga.
How would you even befriend a girl like that, after that ordeal?
Randomly walking up to her and asking if she wants to hang out, would only make it seem like you wanted to fuck her.
A more gentle approach would make it look like pity
Retrospective by Degeneratepai
Become Chad.
This is like the epitome of female privilege.
>Be girl with big tits
>have other girls talk bad about you because they are jealous and want what you have to some degree
>get endless male attention, and by playing cards right could have a group of sad horny slaves wrapped around your finger, without actually touching them
>get sad and play vidya
>be guy with any form of weakness
>get mercilessly ridiculed by girls for pretty much no reason, they obviously aren't jealous or like you, despite what you learn from tsundere anime
>stronger guys beat the shit out of you, because then they won't get beat up if they're on top, or they do it for chad points
>escape in any way possible, vidya, anime, suicide, etc.
Seriously. A chick could own this big tit "problem" and come out on top. Getting your ass beat daily for being different is pretty much the lowest point of adolescence for guys.
>Getting your ass beat daily for being different is pretty much the lowest point of adolescence for guys.
You could always do what I did. Become a masochist who derives pleasure from pain as the legion of chads mentally molds you into a subservient clocksleeve. It's not the prettiest solution but it works.