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DaS > BB > DeS

The other two don't really matter, rank them as you will.

Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 1 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 > Shit > Dark Souls 3

Any "Souls-Borne" fan who hasn't played Demon's souls is fake.

Also anyone who uses the term "Souls-Borne" unironically needs a bullet through the skull.

All of these games are fucking terrible

>make a generic fantasy action """""RPG"""""" with shallow uninteresting bare bones combat
>have literally no story but sprinkle in some half finished poorly thought out """"''lore""""" so retards will think the game is deep
>don't put any checkpoints anywhere so retards will think the game is hard
>rehash this 5 times and change literally nothing except for the one time when you add guns to trick retards into thinking that your innovating your """"sequels""""" at all
>laugh your way to the bank

The boner Sup Forums has for this shit series is fucking baffling.

DaS1 > BB > DaS3 > DeS > DaS2

I mostly enjoy the games for their worlds and environments. DaS1 and BB both have fantastic worlds to explore with seemingly infinite secrets to discover and sights to see. Seeing Ash Lake for the first time, watching the world change with growing Insight, those are the moments I love about the games. BB has slightly more interesting environments, but the gameplay can bring it down sometimes. Issues such as a healing item that can require grinding, limited weapon/build variety, and, a personal pet peeve, bosses that screech non-stop. That's what places DaS1 above BB for me. The quiet exploration of desolate castles and overgrown forests in DaS1 is powerful. Add to it solid/reliable combat and mechanics, and it ranks at the top. DaS3 is weaker than both, but still beats out DeS for me. DeS has some wildly unique and interesting ideas. Despite this, many feel poorly implemented or mired by what is clearly their first time working with this kind of game. More importantly, DeS doesn't have the most interesting areas to explore. Tower of Latria will always be amazing, but DaS3 easily beats DeS out for the sheer number of interesting areas. I appreciate DeS for what it is, but if I had to replay one of the two it would be DaS3. DaS2 is a poorly thought out mess. Any criticism I have for it has assuredly been stated before and by much better individuals who can break down the exact problems. I enjoyed the game, but it is easily the weakest for me personally due to the uninteresting and bland environments. The most interesting environments for me were the Dragon Aerie and Shrine of Amana, both being rather simple in their design, often ruined by certain mechanics/design decisions.

But hey, opinions. Mine are just based on the enjoyment of exploring each game's worlds and how the gameplay layered on top of the feeling of loneliness and discovery. To each their own though. I wouldn't criticize anyone for having the total opposite experience.

Demons > Bloodborne > DaS3 > DaS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> superman 64 > DaS2

BB > DaS > DeS

>Demon's souls was the best of the series
Fuck off dude, that's "objectively" a horrible opinion

Demon's Souls > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls III > Dark Souls II

anyone who actually enjoys soulsshit needs to be castrated and put in a zoo

Will someone please add the N-Sane Trilogy to that pic

Reminder if you think dark souls 2 is bad you belong on r/gaming ;^)

There is no objective thing about Souls 2 that doesn't scream garbage except for PVP and build variety

Your first souls game > every other game in the series

>ANY soulsbourne game>shit>>>>>>>das2
Do I fit in yet?

DaS 2 is the best

DaS3 > BB > DaS > DeS > DaS2

Wrong, my first Soul game was the first one.

3 and BB are way better

The fact that DS2 had arguably the most enjoyable PvP experience even with the shit stain that is soul memory says a lot.

This but DaS3=BB

Dark Souls 3 is so fucking bland and uninspired, I don't know how anyone ranks it as anything other than the worst. There's nothing original about it on its own, at least Dark Souls 2 tried to be creative even if it's poorly designed.

BB > DaS > DeS > DaS2 > DaS3

I rank BB as the best because the Souls games are clunkier by design, BB is faster paced. Though BB would be so much better if there was a Pro patch. The framerate/frame-times makes it feel constantly jittery.

>at least Dark Souls 2 tried to be creative even if it's poorly designed.
Everything "new" in DS2 is just a throwback to demon souls or kings field, except for when it just decides to rehash DS1 for literally no reason (DS3 is a direct sequel and it doesn't ever stoop as low as literally reusing a boss from DS1 like DS2 does with old dragonslayer)

DS3 has nothing original except for stuff like the farron legion, the entire concept of The Deep as something seperate from Dark and all the stuff relating to that, cathrus and all the stuff relating to that, the big ice theme the game has, ect.

Mechanically projectile weapons and items are useful for literally the first time in the entire series, stealth/support magic is useful for the first time ever, you actually have a reason to use faith miracles to do damage now, they brought back the actual good mechanics from demon souls like the luck stat and all the infusion types while improving on them, ect

Bloodborne is the most refined experience, fast paced, aesthetic and exciting all throughout, with it's drawbacks being the Chalice Dungeons and Invasions in general.

Dark Souls is my first game of the series and personal favorite. I was a little pussy and would always pull the cable when someone invaded me. My experience was virtually solo, since I never summoned any players either. I have no idea why I didn't just play offline.

DaS2 is annoying to play with its artificial dificulty and clunky controls but it does some things right, like the high stamina consumption of rolls and Estus not healing you immediately. I only came to appreciate these aspects long after playing the game. It's still shit though.

Dark Souls 3 is... good, I guess. My first time with the game wasn't so great. I even had to restart after getting to Farron's Keep because the gameplay was tiring. Things went more smoothly when I started over though. If I were to call attention to one thing about this game it would be the rolling spam. Fuck that shit. Never noticed how annoying that was until I played this game's PvP. Absolute cancer. Makes me appreciate Dark Souls 2's PvP even more in hindsight.

BB> DaS > DaS3 > DaS2

Another thing I came to appreciate about DaS2 was the enemies' tracking. It encourages players to dodge when they should dodge, instead of mashing Circle repeatedly whenever an enemy flinches. I still think it was badly executed since every fucking enemy had tracking but the idea was nice.

Bloodborne > Dark Souls = Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2.

I've played DeS, BB and I'm finishing up Sotfs, I've never played 1 or Vanilla 2.
Maybe it's the huge jumps back and forward between the order. But I really like Sotfs.

> If I were to call attention to one thing about this game it would be the rolling spam. Fuck that shit. Never noticed how annoying that was until I played this game's PvP. Absolute cancer. Makes me appreciate Dark Souls 2's PvP even more in hindsight.
It's a requirement given the faster pace that enemies attack you in this game compared to previous non BB souls games.

The fact that its annoying in PVP is irrelevant because the PVP is a minigame and not the core focus. DS3 pvp is set up to focus more on group fights because of the reworked dried finger and other tweaks, so catching someone rolling is not too hard (especially because of stuff like throwing knives actually being good and farron darts)

ds2 rolls with high agility have more i frames than DS3, they use more stamina but everything in DS2 uses insane amounts of stamina so it balances out

Which of these 5 games had the best final area to you guys?

>Demon's Souls
Beat all the demons and jump into the nexus
>Dark Souls
Beat the lords and put their souls into a vessal to open a door to the great lord gwyn who may or may not be alive
>Dark Souls 2
Confront Nashandra in Drangleic Castle
>Dark Souls 3
Beat all the lords of cinders and travel to the Dreg Heap, Ringed City and Kiln of the First Flame
Moon Presence

Why is the assault rifle from Gears of War in Demon's Souls?

>ds2 does nothing new
improved upgrade system
the adp/agility stat
soul memory
four ring slots
the ability to summon your friends

Demons souls was objectively a Dark Souls beta test. Dark Souls took the exact same mechanics and improved them to a t. That said, its still better than 2 or 3 and the I agree with you for the most part.

objectively this

All shit.

>final area
>Moon Presence
are you a mong?

you guys need to cut this retarded shit out

the area in des and das are super close, but des slightly edges it out. all of the other ones dont really come close imo

Crash Bandicoot > Bloodborne = Dark Souls > Demon's Souls = Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2


BB exchanges world design for better individual level design and better combat (and by extension boss fights). The core 'go check the optional places' is still there, but rarely to the extent of stumbling onto a new level.

These threads should be deleted on sight. Insufferable fucks.

Lucatiel > Solaire > Sirris

Which game in the series has the best punching?

sirris is so boring. i dont i've ever completed her questline. i dont even know what's she's fighting for

She wants to kill her mad grandfather.

We have the same fucking thread every single day
LMAO epik joke bro, have an upboat xDD

for what reason is she in the darkmoon covenant

I've only ever played Demon's Souls but I just bought the rest of the games
What am I in for?


Why do people like the first Dark Souls so much? It was an unfinished mess and everything after Anor Londo is a massive drop in quality.

Bloodborne > Nioh = Dark Souls = Demon's Souls > Dark Souls III >>>> Dark Souls II

DaS = DaS2 SotFS = DeS = BB >>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> DaS3
Dark souls 3 is bland frankenstein of a game, they tried to just mash all the games together, no originality and bland ass gameplay. Everything else was pretty fun.

DaS2 > DaS3 > DaS > BB > DeS, exactly

DS2 > DS1 > DS3 = BB > DeS

1 was good, 2 improved on 1 in litterally every way except interconnecting maps. 3 and BB were both bad games made to pander to the DS1 fangays who though 2 was horrible

anyone who tells you demons still holds up is looking through their nostalgia goggles.

that said, all 5 games are great.



In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks
This in particular. 3 damn near punishes you for invading.


BB>DaS>>>>DaS III>>>shit>>>>>>DaS II

try harder
you're not getting another (You) that easily

>anyone who tells you demons still holds up is looking through their nostalgia goggles.
>that said, all 5 games are great.

Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

Sorry bros, Pewds already solved this one

DaS3 > DaS > BB > power gap > DaS2 > DeS


I mean holds up compared to the other games. It can't hold a torch to any of the Dark souls games.

Definitive rankings for base game:




In short, BB is the distillation of all the good PvE elements of the Souls game. it's also the worst PvP among the rest.

he's almost right

Dark Souls 2 > Demon Souls > Dark Souls > Dark Souls III > Bloodborne lol who even played this


Haven't played DS2 or 3

I don't know why people like DeS more than DS but it had one of the best levels boloteria.
You start at boleteria and you finish at Boloteria.

Calling Demon Souls shit is a bit too harsh user

Solid rankings but I'd personally do

DaS1 > BB = DaS3 > DeS > DaS2

Put 2 in front of 3 and you're good to go

>stealth/support magic is useful for the first time ever
No it isn't. Vancian system is garbage but this is worse.
>you actually have a reason to use faith miracles to do damage now
You seem to be confused. DaS3 miracles don't do damage.
But all the infusions that aren't hollow, sharp, heavy, quality and maybe raw are garbage. Simple had some point when you could use WA whenever you had a single point of mana and the health regeneration infusion shouldn't even exist. HP regen on equipment was a mistake when DaS2 added a ring that gave you regen but could break and it's even more of a mistake now that DaS3 tripled down on it.

But iframes seem to cap out at 16 for DaS2 when agility is at the max which is the same as the regular DaS3 roll with the iframe boosting ring.

>the adp/agility stat
>soul memory
Yes, these are great additions. I wish DaS3 could have taken these wonderful ideas from 2. I'd also like to not have red eye orbs in the game and have cracked orbs be a major fucking chore to farm.


>doesn't own a ps3/ps4
Don't make it so obvious.

Dark Souls 3 does literally nothing better than Dark Souls 2.

how about playing the one you enjoy, discussing cool shit you did in them with other anons and stop being a fag?


I like the exploration too but some things are way too criptic.
Like Ash lake behind two hidden walls.

Devs were dicking around and made a joke animation or something.

What is worst enemy and why is the squiddude?

Nothing except much better graphics, better controls and feel, a solid interconnected world similar to the first Dark Souls, deleting soul memory and the need to use sl to gain i-frames, fun covenants that actually work as they should, and better and more varied bosses. Other than that though yeah Dark Souls 3 does nothing better than Dark Souls 2.

Nioh>soulborne baby shit

Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

Out of all the souls games who is the best boss and what is the beet weapon?


Artorias or Gael

Best weapon is subjective, especially to compare them all across all games.

whether you like them or not is your own opinion. i was just trying to make the point that das2 did try new things.
das3 is the the uninspired souls title


He's fun.

This but DeS before SotFS, all in all the shitties version of vanilla DaS2 is wtill better than most nu gen games

PvP is:
DaS1 (b-but m-muh b-backstabs I'm shit at the game and I can't counter them) > DaS2 = DeS >SHIT>DaS3>BB
Prove me wrong, You literally can't.

DaS3 > DaS2
DaS3 pvp is basically DaS2 pvp without retarded buffs

I refuse to believe there is someone this retarded. Ranking DaS3 higher because of buffs? Just a reminder that you can wait out the buffs, if you want to, and there are 9000 ways to punish them in dark souls 2 (ringswapping to elemental rings, eating a burr, stacking elemental resist armor). And buffs are even worse in dark souls 3.

DaS3 60fps +4k > DeS > DaS > BB 20 fps > DaS2

Playing Demon Souls after playing any other Souls game is such a hardcore struggle.
Not because of anything else but because of how shit ugly ass, clunky and unfinished everything is, jesus. I still am going through it because I love the setup and the mood, and I want to see where From Soft copypasted everything from, but this shit takes dedication to reap enjoyment from.

>Better and more varied bosses
>Covenants that work
>Better "feel"
>similar world to Dark Souls 1 at all

user pls