>Samus is good perso-
Samus is good perso-
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What's she supposed to do, let it ram her against the spikes?
Ignore it, the grapple beam is the only item it protects and it's not mandatory to beat the game.
she only had to pet the croco
It would die at the end of the game anyway
The thing's skin is melting and it's clearly out of its natural habitat, and in an area surrounded by lava that it cannot escape from.
>whole planet full of life gets blown up
Samus is a fucking psychopath.
It isn't her fault some dummy pressed the planet self-destruct sequence.
Mother Brain's self destruct blew up the planet's core. How was it Samus' fault?
Well in her defense, I didn't press it. All she could do was escape with some animals.
>play through Super Metroid for the first time recently
>look for everything, try and fill out the map as much as I can
>never come across the animals
Are they well hidden or something? I only ever found the ones that showed off how to do new moves.
Those are "the animals".
You can save them in the ending sequence, if you return to the room where you get the bomb. Just shoot the wall on the right and you will see their spaceship (a tiny little blip) exit to the right during the ending cutscene.
Do they have a spaceship? How can they pilot it?
They activated an escape pod. Etocoons are Dachoras are intelligent as fuck.
>mfw Fusion's ending
The bird like ones don't even have hands.
Are they the same ones?
I absolutely love Fusion's story, and that's one of the biggest reasons. For all the stuff that Samus does to make her seem like a tough motherfucker, her interactions with them make her seem more human.
I think it's implied that they are in Fusion
How big was Zebes anyway? Every biome in the game fit inside a square mile.
>yfw it's the size of earth and samus and the aliens are just really fucking huge
my fetish
He was too ugly to exist. Just look at him.
Well she wasn't trying to kill it. It was just clumsy and fell into a pit of lava
What're you talking about? He has four perfectly round eyes on one side, and four more perfectly round eyes on the other. Eight perfectly round eyes!
Pretty sure they used the derelict ship to escape actually
>caring about beasts
Bro, who the fuck said samus is a good person? She's a bounty hunter. She kills shit for money.
If anything, she's a psychopath.
wait wut?
Did it die?