Oh my god...is that a dead body?

Oh my god...is that a dead body?

No, it's just your cute little bum

This line is full of hammy and campy shit. It's hilarious to me.

Even the confusing line Tommy says when he spawns in, "they're killing my FRIENDS!" and then "I need to escape."

>it's another spawn near the main cabin and have Jason teleport to you in the first 15 seconds episode

cute like you

just start running since he doesnt have shift yet. Dont jump through the cabins either



This there's usually enough noise markers around where he won't go after yours. You can usually count on at least 1 person being stupid enough to enter the big house or hang around one of the cars. Basically if you spawn anywhere near a major objective run away immediately. Many good Jason players will prioritize trapping objectives before trying to kill anyone until they get shift especially those playing Jason's that can't run.

why don't the developers balance the game so that Jason can't teleport as soon as the game begins?