Buyfag Thread

Whats your recent purchase Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

video games

>buying virginity insurance

At least you know the policy works.







Preowned Nendo Luka.
I spent hours looking at it and comparing to pictures and comments on mfc to see if it's bootleg or not, but in the end I still can't tell.


congrats on your hotglue figure

Jesus Christ.

I bought Dark souls 2 and Shadow of Mordor, but haven't played them yet.


I was gonna stop with preowneds anyway because I can't stand the risk of bls, so I guess that supports the cause too.

Bought a pstv and persona 4 golden. Really looking forward to it. I never finished P4, and it looks like every QoL change added in P5 was also in Golden. Might do a run of only using Izanagi

>See Samus figma
>Holy shit it looks pretty I want it
>Remember that I haven't even played any Metroid games yet
>Feel like I shouldn't buy it if I don't have an actual connection or appreciation for the character and the franchise
Am I the only one this autistic about figures?

would you buy this?

>not buying a piece of plastic because you have no reason to.

you don't have autism

Anyone else have the Hunter Figma pre-ordered?

The bunny figures for Ciel and Alisa at the top.

Collection almost complete.

Only if it was his butt instead of his chest

It goes both ways, once you have her you'll be motivated to play the games
Buy it or you'll regret it later

this is vidya game related right?

God Eater.


checks out


Yeah, God Eater's a good game man.

So uhhh, do you put a blanket over it when when people come over? Replace it with books when you get a women coming over?

>God eater
My nigger.

You are getting her next week when she releases?

>a woman coming over

I own a couple of these but have been in several relationships throughout my life and currently am in one right now
Why don't you stop blaming other things and start working on yourself

That's in my room. If I have people over they stick to the kitchen or living room.

And I generally don't have women coming over because I have a girlfriend.

Of course, gonna have to wait until the end of the month though because I've also got boatshit coming in.

Nobody really gives a shit, people will sometimes ask what they are but that's about it. Stop being so insecure about your hobbies

My boyfriend buys them for me

Oh cool, does she not care at all and doesn't see them as a threat like most girls would? Or does she like them too

A threat? Is he going to dump her for a figure?

do you really think girls who are ready for a dicking come back to a guys house and then leave immediately when they see he's into women?

Imagine if you walked into a girl's apartment or house after she's been hot on you all night and you see "COCK" painted in red text on a 6 foot high canvas and a giant statue of a phallus perched in the middle of the coffee table.
You'd think it was weird as fuck, but would it really make you turned off that she likes dick?

What anime is that character from
He looks really handsome and like he has a good build

ビーチへの旅 - 禁断の愛
Journey to the Beach: Forbidden Love

Thanks, I'll look it up in a bit!
I bought these cookies and they taste really bad
I don't even want them anymore, I'm going to go throw them away before I start watching it

A threat? They're made out of PVC. She does think I spend a bit too much money on them, but it's never been a point of contention because it's the only thing I really spend money on. No alcohol, smoking, or any other extravagant vices.

She also collects those Lazy Egg charms or dioramas or whatever you would call them, so she knows what the pull of the hobby is.

My Splatoon art book is in the mail as we speak, it'll probably arrive either tomorrow or the day after. I'm happy I didn't cave in and buy the original Japanese book when it first came out.

Anime is getting more and more "normal" by the day the amount of girls that are okay with this sort of thing would likely surprise you.

I say a "threat" because some women would definitely feel uncomfortable if there man were collecting figurines involving sexy women. Similar to how some women view watching porn as basically cheating.
That's not your case, so it's pretty swell that you can continue collecting while in a relationship.

Eh, I bought the F4F Light Suit Samus, without having played a single game in the series. Afterwards, I played the fuck out of Prime games and AM2R, and I had a blast.

No, I preordered the Prime1 Hunter because I have money, and I'm very irresponsible with it.

Women that are insecure about porn are fucking dumb. My first girlfriend was completely surprised I watched it at all, got in a hissy fit, and soon admitting that she also read Hentai, and flicked the bean to Kaichou Wa Maid Sama.

It's bullshit -- stop being insecure about *your* hobbies because of insecure girls.

Just bought this one. What am I in for, Sup Forums? Any tips on displays? This is my first ever buy. Just moved into a new condo and ready to start my collection.

This. Not particularly impressed with it

Planning on buying Nendo Beatrice from Freedom Wars next

you lucky shit

sounds like she just didn't want to seem "okay" with it in case you took it as a signal that you could cheat on her.
A give an inch take a mile situation, rather than being actually upset you diddle yourself.

now look at what you've done

Seriously?! I was 3 posts off. Man.


welp thread over



Thread's over, folks.


The coming shit storm is what you get for liking Cu-poches

Thanks for ruining this thread, Fag.



Not that user, but that sounds pretty fucking dumb.
Is this truly the logic of women?
That watching porn might make you more likely to cheat?

Stop collecting figs of my Russian wife.

Yeah an ex of mine actually got me into figs and bought me my first couple. The girl I'm with now is coming to stay here soon though and hasn't been here before and has expressed digust in this kind of shit before so I'm going to have to fucking hide then or something. Fuck.


Yep. It's what women think, ans what they spread among each other.

Not like they ever asked a man what he actually thinks of women and relationships, they just know what their girlfriends tell them.

>pop shit

fuck off

imagine if some user said his girlfriend masturbates to hentai.
he'd be called a cuck immediately.

The idea is you're not supposed to immediately seem fine with it in case they figure you don't "care".
It's kind of sweet in a very stupid way.

If the virginity insurance didn't work then you're eligible for a payout from the figure manufacturer.

Tell that Stacy to suck your dick, and smack her on the tit if she doesn't like that you collect figs.

>that get

Now you have to buy it, user.

Im@s DESTROYED once again. Freedom wars is proven the god of gods.

>crossposting from reddit

>imagine if some user said his girlfriend masturbates to hentai.
he'd be called a cuck immediately.

But that's retarded. Do people think girls don't check their privates?

Same for the other thing, but I can see how it could be considered "sweet" to them.

The physical special edition of Furi

Holy shit what

Is this a GK? Is she actually getting a proper figure?

Prime 3 Samus figma.

Wish GSC would make more vidya figmas, aside from Zelda and Persona. Bayonetta figma when?


I have like 30 tabs of figures open right now. Help.

GK sadly

>cucked by a fucking figurine

there is no escape

I still want to buy this some day. It's become my holy grail. But NEET life means I ain't got the freedom to drop the cash on it. Oh well.

Of course it is. Disappointing but oh well.

Oh well.

>N O T P A R T I C U L A R L Y I M P R E S S E D


how much is this going for?

what the FUCK

Fuck user, you had me thinking a fig was releasing for a second there. Furi 2016 goty

I was thinking of buying the following (haven't bought myself anything in awhile)
>Crash Trilogy
Any suggestions for Switch games or anything else?


Iirc they tried a kickstarter for a Rider figure but it didn't get nearly enough

It's not much, but here is what I got.

Last I checked you had to fork out 10 - 15k yen for it, possibly more.


Mother of god...

I got these two retards in yesterday.