Explain the hype behind this game Sup Forums

Explain the hype behind this game Sup Forums

It looks one of the most boring generic piece of shit open world survival game in it's entire genre. Is it just let's play bait?

It is fun. I like it

>open world survival generic piece of shit
it's a battle royale you fuckin nob, and its been out for a little over three months, has sold over 4.8 million copies and has had a peak playerbase of 300,000+ players. gtfo

it seems p fun tbqh but I would never pay full price for it.

Does everything it's competitors does but better

Constant updates (the filesizes are a big excessive but its good to see an EA game actually get updates)

Very Tense

It's not worth full price, but I'd be lying if I didn't say it was fun

nice collection of buzzwords m8

its actually pretty fun

I fucking love how your argument is completely based in both ignorance and buzzwords.

It's a fucking battle royale where the objective is to kill other people while not dying yourself in a constantly shrinking arena. It's not open world because the large map gets smaller like every few minutes. It's not a survival game because there's no survival aspects other than not getting shot by the enemy.

Please actually learn about the thing you're shitposting about before you start shitposting.

Fun game to play with

Let me ask you this

Why play PUBG when you could play: The Culling, Unturned, Rust, Ark, H1Z1, Day Z, Last Man Standing...

It brings nothing new to the table and the fanbase is stupid for actually wasting money on it when many other shitty games like it already exist