Is this game worth getting. I like Prison Architect, never played Dwarf Fortress, and this looks a bit like both
I played Prison Architect before I played Rimworld and I liked both. Rimworld takes much longer to get to the same level as competency as Prison Architect though.
Yes Rimworld is worth getting
It's pretty fun.
For the high price though? It wasn't on sale
Great game, definitely worth picking up. Can always pirate it first and see.
I played about 400 hours vanilla until I got some mods, then another 100, now I've taken a little break I guess and a new patch came out so I gotta try that a bit
shallow garbage game.
Entire game is based off firing off events based off a list, it's not RNG or based off the rest of the world.
You can savescum,
Save -> oh no maneaters -> reload save -> oh no a tribal invasion > reload save > oh, traders...
etc etc, literally all events fire off on a global cooldown + local cooldown for the specific event firing off.
Rimworld is in alpha, has had several developers be swapped out because the entire project is run by an Ideas guy that hires people to develop for him, he's incompetent and refuses to integrate multi-z levels because he claims the entire game would have to be redeveloped from scratch. It's a fucking alpha... That's the POINT of alphas.
Pirate it. I bought the game and regretted it. The vanilla gameplay is pretty boring because you have to play it extra careful otherwise you are risking your colony to die in less than a year.
>hunt too many animals
>one of them go crazy and hurt one of your colony badly
>he went into coma and have to be taken care of
>now you are left with 2 guys doing 10 men job
You are always stuck with 3 guys where you can't take a risk to lose even one of them. then once you have 5 dudes in your colony, everything become too easy.
Pirate it bro don't be a chuck
Yeah maybe you should pirate it, I pirated it first, put a good 100 hours in then bought it
I hop back in with each major update. Tynan is an awesome dev and Rimworld is a good game. I'd recommend it if you liked Prison Architect. If you prefer pirating, that's up to you, but I like supporting the good devs.
I will say it's kinda simple, but each update helps to expand on that. Build a base, keep your dudes alive, build up your tech and resources while defending your home base. Recent updates give you the option to travel to other areas, with an eventual end-goal of leaving the planet.
I can answer any questions if you have any.
>>hunt too many animals
>>one of them go crazy and hurt one of your colony badly
Would you be surprised if that actually wasn't caused by you killing "too many animals"?
It's actually one of the random events that fires off the global event list, it's "random".
>refuses to integrate multi-z levels because he claims the entire game would have to be redeveloped from scratch
Fuuuuuuuuuck, there goes that hope then. I bet his book is shit too.
I pirated it. Pretty fun. In many ways better than DF and I say it as someone who spent literal hundreds of hours with DF.
Would pay, but it's too expensive for my third world wallet.
I'm disappointed with the last update and probably won't pay my shekels even once I get more. Direction of development is very important in alpha games like this and Rimworld took the shitty overworld direction instead of fleshing out gameplay.
Prison Architect is completely unrelated to rimworld tough.
They share art direction because the chucklefuck ideas guy that the rimworld dev is, has no clue of what he is doing and completely relies on seasonal developers, i.e. his devs has a history of never coming back when the new school semesters begin, and that's why there's so much hiatus in updates. New devs have to interpret codebase everytime he hires new ones, because the old ones barely get paid and primarily are students.
I didn't think it was possible to be as bad this game as some of the people itt are.
Did they fix hunting from being either send someone out with a machine gun to miss 99% of his shots or micromanage someone with a shotgun to actually get stuff done?
I dunno, they kinda felt like a similar game but that split down two different roads. One is managing a large number of people and keeping them busy and under control, the other is managing a scaling number of people, with FUN getting throw at you and a goal of leaving the planet.
I will admit I didn't put in near as much time to Prison Architect as I did Rimworld.
where is the proof of this? I used to read his google docs changelogs and shit was rapid as fuck.
He asked the community if they prefer fatter updated, and they did, and he delivered. Where is this shit about seasonal developers coming from?
rimworld is the dungeons of dredmor of dwarf fortress
>start game
>hunt an animal
>no problems
1 year later
>hunt same animal
>entire pack suddenly manhunters
Fuck that, thats stupid
its also stupid how little damage bullets do to animals
its stupid someone with a pistol or shotgun melees when melee'd
its absolutely pants on head retarded when you are point fucking blank and missing with a pistol or shotgun
also, how your melee dudes will run in line of fire, nice
i like this game, sometimes its even fun to micro manage, but sometimes it's really not
it's kind of obvious, his devs all disappear end of summer everytime it has happend.
the term seasonal is the best term to describe the situation, but most of them leave voluntarily because of shit pay.
"fatter updates", literally everything that's been added past year up to the caravan part has just been lua and xml scripts that modders could have done. Only the caravan part required changes in the codebase.
So you have situation of dev being hired that's incompetent and having to hire a coder at later point, and it's hard to find someone willing that's competent, which also fits his target employee description of student status
where is the proof of any of this?
Rimworld is a great game and I've seen nothing but good things from Tynan. I've never heard anything about whatever you're talking about. The updates have been up to if not beyond my expectations.
>hunting animals
>Not rushing a freezer and a large farm
>not having a dedicated cook and farmer and having stacks and stacks of food by first winter
baka I'm disappointed in youse:(
>game is not a simulator of reality
Realismtards are the cancer that is killing all simulationistic vidya.
it's RNG and unrelated to you hunting
people fanboy and obsess, what you're doing is called cult of personality. He's not a good guy, he's an ideas guy. Worst kind of developer there is, as he literally sits on the pile of cash and lures in people to develop for him with bad paygrade.
"where's the proof"
you don't question at all why there's been huge hiatuses and constant announcements there's a "new developer"? He doesn't hire more to the team, he has to replace them completely.
To my knowledge manhunter packs are just random events.
Different bullets / weapons will do varying damage, each animal has a different damage threshold.
I believe they melee because the enemy that is melee'ing them is interrupting their attack, which is based on their shooting skill. Try moving them back / around a wall to repositing for another attack.
He seems like a perfectly fine guy, and his ideas are fine too. I never hear announcements about new programmers, I just read the changelogs and play the game.
It sort of sounds like you're just making shit up.
ideas guys are cancer to industry, they contribute with nothing.
This game just stresses me out and makes me feel bad like 80% of the time. I swear like 9 times out of 10 when a hunter was bitten even once by an animal the fucker got an infection that ate 50% of my medicine stocks and since all the other settlers are inept at hunting I would be short on food and everybody gets angry. Then one fucker has a breakdown and sets everything on fire. Trying to put out fires is the most slow, tiring and nonproductive thing you can fucking attempt at this game. Seriously if you don't have a sprinkler system you might as well restart if you get a fire more than 5 tiles large.
inb4 git gud
it needs z levels
anyways just pirate it op
It's more like prison architect than dwarf fortress honestly.
It's a great game but it requires mods to change some obnoxious game mechanics and add more stuff.
z levels will never happen, becuase the "developer" doesn't develop the game and the codebase has been dicked by too many different coders to make it comprehensible to alter it that extesnively
>claims the entire game would have to be redeveloped from scratch
I thought it was for performance reasons
nigga he basically is a one man development team, code and "programmer art" included. Take your made up conspiracies somewhere else.
Just pirate it off first.
Ignore the retards who says its a dumb game because they can't deal with random events.
This place is as bad as Sup Forums with videogames, but
>Having a problem with tribes or manhunting animals
Is just "Hello I'm too dumb to check out gun turrets research"
From April 6, 2016 - May 24, 2017 he / they released Alpha 13 - 17, so four updates in a year's time, each bringing significant changes and additions to the game. I'm okay with this pace. I was under the impression it was just Tynan and a small crew, like is saying.
then you might as well play dort
plus we got the magic update soon(tm)
or at least the relics aspect of it
>muh z-levels
Z-levels would require a giant redesign of the game mechanics such as combat, UI, ranged attack checks, vision checks, attacker AI, idling AI and so on.
t. someone who implemented part of a z-level system for a tile-based 2D game
>magic update
does this actually effect fortresses or is this just more adventure more crap?
when a fire breathing gobo leads his religious followers to your fort to reclaim an artifact you sent an elite squad out to find, it'll effect you
It's Dwarf Fortress with like 1/100th of the content and none of the depth. It's alright if you like the genre, but inferior to Dwarf Fortress. It'll get boring really fast.
But will the fire breathing gobo be able defeat my draw bridge or just stand there while I shoot him to death with crossbows?
>he thinks DF has depth and content
someone who hasn't really played any real amount of DF detected
if you wait another year I believe they will dig under it
no you can tell them to shoot and they stand there and shoot
im not talking about the random event, im talking about when you shoot an animal and only then the entire pack goes ballistic. it never happens early game where as you can get manhunter packs of 2-3 early game, thats not a big deal
when its like 7 animals it is a big deal, plus your dude is right there because he just shot one, setting them off.
DF is too easy, at least RimWorld actually fucks you up and keeps the pressure up.
I use mods to try to make it a bit more fair against the RNG, though.
And it's 30 bucks
And the dev refuse to go any lower even during sales "because it's an alpha"
I've played plenty of both games. The only thing Rimworld has for it that DF lacks is it's much easier to learn and play due to an actual UI.
Rimworld is an objectively better made game than Dwarf Fortress.
nah i experienced the same shit. It's either you hunt or your colony die. i have tried to "have fun" in this game, i really do. However after playing for a week and creating like 8-10 colonies , i have come to conclusion the game is fucking mundanely boring.
You are stuck with limited human resources and you are fucked if you lose even one of them. You always start with farm 7x7 or bigger and have a guy with passion or at least 3-4 in shooting to hunt fucking animal.
>you can actually recruit prisoner?
>oh better have one guy keep feeding him and have his room spacious and fully furnished with dumb shit like potted plant
>oh no one of my only guy with competent skill is fucked by random event XD
>now i have to train for someone who i have to spent 10 hours of playing time to reach the same skill level
nice try reddit
DF is utterly broken once you get a basic fortress going, it's quite literally _too easy_. The only hard part about the game is the UI. Procedural generation is cool, building a bigass fortress is cool, maybe even playing with fluids is cool, but the gameplay is not good or even that deep.
I will wait till it gets out of EA
More features and mods
I didnt like tgis whole "escape the planet" objective thing tho
I just want to build a city and fuck people and wildlife up
people don't play df to struggle
they play to watch a forgotten beast made of gas collapse their magma forge suspended over a pool of lava as a squad of dwarves with beautifully hand encrusted armor and weapons fall to their doom
it was inevitable
And Rimworld is pretty much exactly the same, but you have even less tools to work with.
in RimWorld the enemies have advanced features like tunneling into your base, and long range artillery.
t. my ass.
Better siege mechanics, better objectives. Tech tree for progression. Better balanced. Better ai.
Except Rimworld has better gameplay.
pretty much this. The only pro thing rimworld that it has GUI and graphic.
In dwarf fort you have to alt-tab to dwarf therapy and pause to do simple shit like designing a mine or placing some shit. It's kinda turn me off after have to do it every single game.
If you've actually played 100s of hours of dorf fort, you would understand what sets it apart from imitators
Yeah it's pretty great
The tech tree in Rimworld is one of the worst parts of the game. You go from being savages who are using stone weapons to people using modern day guns and explosives in a single tier of upgrades.
There needs to be more filler in between these tiers. The jump is too big.
is all challenge still comes from "defend from raid attacks"?
You're confusing manhunter event and animal revenge event
Rimworld isn't a direct imitator, which exist, like Gnomes or whatever.
Rimworld does it's own thing and game sessions and short with more dynamic gameplay. It's actually a challenge and unlike DF where I can basically run a fortress forever no problem, I actually expect to lose in Rimworld.
Colony/fortress management genre doesn't have to be exact clones. We don't compare Dungeon Keeper or Evil Genius with DF.
>If you've actually played 100s of hours of dorf fort, you would understand what sets it apart from imitators
That it generates volumes of useless information that don't make the game any deeper than the imitators?
Yes, once you've told them to shoot they will attempt to do so once they're in range. If the weapon's warmup is interrupted, they can't shoot with it.
>all these people having trouble with animals
Jesus christ all it took is a single turret to fuck them up, or someone with sniper rifle.
The real challenge comes up when you're trying to raid assholes. But its easy to cheese armed pirates.
There are lots of different events, more than before. Main killers are variations on raid attacks, the alien infestation event, or the crash landed mecha pod things.
user come on, you can love DF and still acknowledge that it's the coding equivalent of using tons of duct tape and prayers until it barely works
Toady is a math wizard who self-taught himself coding as he programmed the game
yes or animal randomly attack you. The game doesn't have demons from the depth of hell or giant with corrosive skin butt fucking your gate.
That's what's fuckiest about Rimworld for me. You either have a balanced team and everything slows down to a horrible crawl or you do like any sane person and have people specialize in one thing. But if something happens to even one of your settlers, that area of your colony is pretty much fucked until you find a good prisoner feed a ton of resources to them in the hopes that they'll join the colony.
Not to mention that the AI can be so fucking stupid. This one settler got everyone killed because he decided he was a little peckish and wanted some food from the outside storeroom. He opens the front fucking door, letting six ravenous wolves in which proceeded to fuck everyone up.
Additionally I think cleaning should always be on as a low priority at least. They complain about their living quarters being dirty but never do anything about it. it's infuriating.
Rimworld isn't really an imitator of DF, it's only similar.
For one, Rimworld doesn't have no-brainer tactics that let you insta-win. DF does.
DF is fun, but it isn't really a game. It's too easy to be considered a proper game. All the difficulty comes from player's incompetence or scrubbiness.
>You can savescum,
Oh no, you can learn faster to play the game.. how terrible
In Rimworld? No. I've lost in it due to fires more than anything. Which can be almost entirely eliminated by not using batteries.
Outside of that, it'll try to fuck you up with RNG every now and then but these attempts are never that spectacular. Mostly it's animals wanting to kill your people but hardly any of them are an actual threat.
>Toady is a math wizard
If this was true DF would be far more optimized, perhaps even multithreaded.
Toady is just supremely autistic and stubborn.
df doesn't have objectives it's "open ended"
tech progression in rw is ass, you literally research how to build a spaceship in your cave with rotting off clothes
Ex-DF vet recently playing Rimjob here. It's like a mix of Prison Architect and Dwarf Fort, but with most of the detail of Dwarf Fort cut out and no z-levels. It's got shittonnes of mods though and, compared to modern versions of Dwarf Fort, is actually harder I feel.
nuDF is easy as shit these days and pretty impossible to lose if you're prepared. If you're unsure then just torrent Rimworld and see how you go. If you get to like 10 hours sunk into it consider buying it maybe, if anything for the access to shitloads of mods.
That's coding practices which are pretty much unrelated to math
I can't believe the day has come were Sup Forums doesn't like df anymore and claims that it's halfasses imitator is the dark souls of sim games
>df doesn't have objectives it's "open ended"
Rimworld is open ended too, it just also has a clear measurable goal for players to mark their progression by. Objectively better game design.
animal attacks colonist with gun
colonist melee's back with gun
pause game, draft colonist, and tell them to shoot animal
colonist shoots (while being melee attacked by animal) animal till it dies or goes down then just stands there till you undraft them
there's no interruption
>were Sup Forums doesn't like df anymore
Yes user that happens when you replace the people you're actually arguing with with imaginary people who hold arbitrary positions
You can both like a thing and acknoqledge that the thing has flaws if you're not a turbo autist
If you're at the point you're researching the space ship stuff, it's on you if your clothes are rotting off...
It is summer of 2017 after-all. Shithole's even more filled with normies now after the presidential shitstorms.
Modding is important to keep the RNG from completely fucking you over.
More Vanilla Turrets
Improved Surgery
Efficient Light
RT Fuse
Everyone Hauls
and thats just for balance, I use a bunch of quality of life UI improvement mods as well.
toady stopped being a geometry professor to spend more time on df
he doesn't knw jack shit about coding though
>you can't equip more than one weapon
>your main gun wielder suck dick at his job
>raid has come to your compound
>your gunner miss all his shot
>your raider has come close to your gunner
>now he's fucked because he has 0 melee skill and no melee weapon
so fun
Researching ship stuff takes like 3 upgrades, which don't take long at all.
Making decent clothing requires researching something that takes years in game to grow. You can literally research how to build an entire ship (and probably build it) before these plants grow.
>Not keeping a melee bodyguard close to your best gunner
>Not building killboxes so enemies don't even get a chance to get close
>Not abusing mortars
Git gud
Technically you can savescum in Dwarf Fort too though.
The RNG events thing is kinda it's weakest point. Things happen in DF, Prison Architect etc for a reason but in Rimworld it's literally a global cooldown timer and diceroll for the event.
For those who don't know, there are 3 character kind of difficulty presets you can choose when making a new save.
This bitch will gradually up the difficulty over time as you get more and more prepared
>Phoebe Chillax
She'll throw events at you like Casandra but give you long cooldowns between them so you have time to reorganize your shit, after a while though she'll hit as hard
>Randy Random
Random as fuck. You might get nothing but cargo pods for 3 years then suddenly 4 giant bandit waves at the same time as you have a solar flare and a rabid beaver attack.
All moddable in Rimworld.
You can't even mod DF to make enemies siege properly
youre talking out of your ass
just read the damn thread faget
>people suck at respective job
>they get rekt
truly bad game design
>you have to install shits to enjoy your game
nah thanks, i guess it's not worth it to fund incompetent dev.
Thanks guys, i will buy factorio instead
Factorio's a cool game too
you literally don't even play the game
The thread where many people acknowledge that DF is a great game but RW offers a fresh challenge because it's similar but different?
Or your imaginary version where everyone flat out shits on DF while praising RW as this perfect game?
You don't even notice the levels of delusion you're in
DF is terribly written and terribly designed.
You can have fun with bad games, just don't pretend DF isn't a huge mess of placeholders, useless crap, unreadable and non-standardized UIs, unoptimized single-threaded bullshit, unbalanced combat etc.
DF with 20+ dorfs but without rapist is a giant pain, even if you've spent hundreds of hours on it.