Why the fuck hasn't this been ported to PC yet...

Why the fuck hasn't this been ported to PC yet? Easily one of the best brawlers ever made and it is absolutely crying for mods and improved multiplayer support.


I miss Durga, lads.

we might see him again, after all he is invincible


Rin Rin is best girl

And you got it. It's called Anarchy Reigns.

Madworld was shit. It was fucking black and white for starters, not to mention the shit controls, overall shit graphics and incredibly limited gameplay. How can you even compare that turd to the epicness of AR?

>that feel when you never lost a single Duel to the Death challenge
Best game
Douglas was best character

I wish I could even find anyone to play multiplayer with. Xbox Live is dead for this game. I can't fucking believe they didn't include splitscreen or at least LAN.

anarchy reigns had shit graphics too, at least madworld had an art style to cover them up.

So, is this worth from a single player perspective? It's what always kept me back from trying it. I heard the singleplayer is more or less just multiplayer bot-matches with cutscenes like your Mortal Kombats and what have you, that true?

An art style that hindered gameplay.

More or less
Its short as fuck but fun for one playthrough. At the very least you can still do proper multiplayer with bots

not really

>anarchy reigns had shit graphics too, at least madworld had an art style to cover them up.
For PS3 and 360 the graphics were perfectly fine, better than average even. Madworld is fucking eyebleeding and you know it. Had they just gone with actually using color, my opinion of the game would increase tenfold. The choice to use black and white was autism. It doesn't make it feel like Sin City or anything, it just looks retarded and hurts your eyes.

>So, is this worth from a single player perspective?
Absolutely. Unfortunately I've never even been able to play multiplayer because I can never find a match on 360, but I've had a blast just playing versus bots and playing the singleplayer mode. Lots of unlockable characters and features, tons of different game modes and maps, plenty of content. If you enjoy the Platinum Games quirky style and love over-the-top action, it's fun to pull out even for a 15m spurt once in awhile, even if you don't play it on a regular basis. Just buy it, it's like $5 online.

there was nothing wrong with black and white (and red).
It worked for Sin City and it worked for Mad World. You can criticize the game all you want, but art stile wasn´t one of its problems

>It worked for Sin City and it worked for Mad World. You can criticize the game all you want, but art stile wasn´t one of its problems
Yeah... see... Sin City is a movie, that you might watch once or twice, whereas Madworld is a game, meaning you play it until you get bored. The decision to give the game black and white graphics was abysmally retarded, and part of why it wasn't changed with the sequel. If you like it, cool, good for you, it looked like shit and I'm not going to try and convince you otherwise.

characters are great,oinkie will always be my favorite.

>art stile wasn´t one of its problems
It was literally THE main problem.

How the hell did people see anything while playing this at 480p?

It's hard enough at fucking 1080p. They should have at least added some colors to the characters so they stand out a bit. Like give them a red bandana or something, damn.

ironically though, people like you probably also complain that every game looks the same today.
I can obviously only speak for myself but I didn´t have any problem with the black and white. I mean if you found a few good old movies that you thin youd like, would you also not watch them because they are black and white?

Don't get me wrong I like the style. It looks neat. I just think for a SD it's a bit of a weird choice to go for, especially since it's an action game where quickly spotting what is going on is key, at least without some way to make the characters stand out. Though I'm only basing this on pictures and webm's I've seen mind you.

if you actually PLAY the game on a wii, it looks fine.

Fair enough.


Give it time. Considering they just ported Bayo and Vanquish, AR's probably next in line.

I wonder if they are gonna do Yakuza one of these days. It's one of the few Sega series I actually have a passing interest in apart from the Platinum games which most of them have now been ported.