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Video Games #3833
Video Games
What does Sup Forums recommend in arcade fight sticks...
Does anyone still play this shit?
Come up with more special infected for Left4Dead 3
Are you still playing Splatoon 1?
Death Stranding
Yo this is crazy. all these years of progress, we've got games hundreds of GB in size and hundreds of hours long...
ITT: Devs that haven't been good in a long time
You didn't quit playing mommy's game did you user?
Fate/Grand Order
Hots vs lol which is better
ITT: Hidden gems
This deviantart abomination is an actual pokemon in 2017
Why do people play this piece of shit after its been stated by the lead developer they dont give a fuck about balance...
Is this better?
Now you fucking tell me
This is my board now
Has there ever been an open world so large they had to take into account the curvature of the earth?
ITT: vidya apparel you'd wear in real life
Muh bag of rice for doing this
Young tryhard kids will finally end TF2
Stealing and impregnating his brother's lover
What video games do single moms play?
Do people make money off second life?
So I'm level 36 and I've still been spamming the same two shitty attack moves since the start with zero challenge...
Sonic Mania thread
What do you like to sip while playing vidya?
Metroidvania games
How do you feel about the portrayal of romance and true love in video games?
Mech/Mecha Thread
I have recently completed my backlog and now i want to try out some anime/weeby game...
After years of hype, people still fondly speak of 999 and VLR but never speak of ZTD. What went wrong?
What went so wrong?
Let's have a good old fashioned 3x3 thread. You know the rules and so do I
Castlevania TV series
What happened to breeding season?
Why is everyone in the speedrunning community suddenly transgendered?
SO What should i be expecting?
Is the Last of Us the best game ever made?
Is this GOTY?
The delivery of this line single-handedly BTFO's the entirety of the Jap audio
What is the Initial D of video games?
Videogames have never been original. Ever
Sexual Dichotomy
Battle station thread
Reminder that buying a game to demo it and then refunding it is against Steam policy
Why is Serana so perfect, Sup Forums?
Post your favorite video game robots
I have enough to buy one
There no good video game adap-
The last of us is the greatest game ev
You have 10 intergalactic seconds to name a better RTS game
Weebum thwead?
Video Games turn men into ugly women
What are Sup Forumss thoughts on neogaf?
What are some game moments that made you go like this?
Crash 1 end:
Enemies can impregnate you
Let's have a good ol nostalgia thread Sup Forums
How long did it take for the PS3 to get good games?
Best weapon is your starting weapon
Marina isn't black
Can we all agree that Mega Man Legends 2 was better than the first game?
Now that the dust has settled, what is Sup Forums's verdict?
Filename thread?
Final boss can regen his health
You've got ten seconds to post a good game from 2017 before I add you to the list of NSF casualties
Got a spare key from a gift during the sale
How did he know he can wield Master Sword?
It really makes you think
I finally got a new battery for my PSP 3000 after many years and decided to hack it...
Where do you go for gaming info/news/reviews/etc
Is he fun to play as?
Nintendo Switch
SGDQ 2017 General - It's All Ogre Now Edition
Is this last good video game?
Fucking legendary
Sup Forums was wrong again
What went so wrong?
1080p/60fps Fire Emblem Warriors
How do we stop the PS4?
Escape From Tarkov: STALKER
Who is best girl?
What's the best FE game?
Tfw you got soul but you're not a soldier
What went wrong?
The professional reviewers have already spoken, who cares what some literal who thinks?
Woah... so this is the power of the Switch
Why isn't Sup Forums talking about Super Mario Odyssey as much as it talked about Breath of the Wild?
The church is evil
Try to build a PC
Games that look great because of their visual style and not because of "muh realism", "muh detailed models"...
Enemy touches you
Will Mania save Sonic?
What do you guys think of Joseph Anderson?
Holy shit, how did everything go so wrong with Andromeda?
It's a "Lawrence is a hacker" episode again
Never Ever
Kyle smith of the nyp
This... looks fun
Press f
Post some desert area music
Sniper game
Impossible is just a word people like to use so they can feel good about themselves then they Skies of Arcadia thread
How To Fix Consoles Forever
90% of the game is trying to open one door
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
What are some great video game world maps?
Uhhh Steam?
Has your gaming addiction had a negative impact on your life
What are some games that do this?
What are some scandicore forest games?
ITT: "Villains" who did nothing wrong
Why didn't these two games see the same amount of success as undertale?
Name a worse fanbase. I'll wait
It's currently $9.99 on the playstation store, is it worth the buy?
Am I the only one who wasn't blown away by the "would you kindly" plot twist?
I know a lot of people dick-ride this guy...
What's your favorite TES race?
Never played a Zelda game before other than Oracle of ages/seasons, where should I start?
Tfw Sup Forums is full of brainlets that can't discuss zachtronic games
Why was this games multiplayer so good...
"We"fags BTFO
Over 100 games in steam library
ITT: Games you must play before you die
Meanwhile, in Inkopolis Sup Forums
Kill 4 of the most powerful beings alive
Shame about all the wasted space beyond the borders of the map
What are some games you quit because they were too hard?
IT'S TIME TO MAKE THE SWITCH (to homebrew on Switch)
What is the most divisive series ever and why is it Dark Souls?
Most successful femle pro-gamer of all time is a guy
Your opinion ?
Anyone else have a medical issue or physical disability that affects your ability to play games...
Does Ryzen offer the best bang for your buck when it comes to gaming CPUs?
Why is it so good, Sup Forums?
Is there a way you can be legitametely stuck in a Pokemon game? Not being able to do anything...
You're now trapped in the world of the last game you played
The last game you played now has the artist of the last h-manga you've read doing the art. You know...
Who was actually in the wrong here?
So the FFXII remaster is about to launch
Got the Deus Ex Collection during the Sale
What does Sup Forums think of the Growlanser series?
How come physics-based puzzle game dont exist?
Comfy games to shelter/build your base/survive stuff that are not shit early access?
I'm fucking sick of the argument
221 games in Steam library
Stardew Valley
You're not a fan of fps games if you don't recognize pic related
Anyone just not want to play fighting games anymore?
Game has a stealth mechanic
Are you HOYPED for donating 1.7 million buckaroos to this great organization, Sup Forums?
Grown women with big titties is for Pedos!!!
Why do vampires look so gay
Partyvan server
Why haven't you downloaded your FREE Pride theme yet? You're not homophobic are you?
Boss is multiple enemies
TF2 Party Van
Is Valve finished?
This game is literally cancer incarnate
They should stick with this concept for the future consoles, it's perfect
Tell me why i should gift you this game
Metroid Samus Returns
Tina Armstrong
Anyone up for some tactical shooting...
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Tfw starting to feel mentally tired of playing vidya
Its a vinny tries to break the game instead of playing it episode
Delisted from the EU PSN store
Co-workers start talking about vidya
Tell me anons, were you able to get a switch while it was re-stocked in amazon??
Check steam
And the dragons were no more
What are some essential PS4 exclusives? I'm looking at getting a PS4. Currently on the list:
Why does Bowser kidnap Peach?
ITT: Game companies that fucked everything up for themselves
Buy game for $30-$60
Gamer fuel thread
Now that sgdq is done, what were the best runs of the event and the trainwrecks?
This game alone made my 1.5k PC purchase worth
Look up game I'm interested in online
Why is this game perfect? Why has every assassin's creed game made since this been absolute trash?
Why is this allowed?
ITT: Describe a Vidya Series with Sex
What's the game, Sup Forums?
So I picked up this during the sale and fuck it's got nice graphics but it just is not appealing to play...
Why does pixel art in old games look better than pixel art in modern games? Or at least...
How did Nate get away with committing hundreds of remorseless murders?
TWEWY Thread
Childhood is liking 2B
Penelo is cute! CUTE!
Evo 2017 is on its way, and we're getting some cool stuff with it, including:
Cutscene """""games"""""
SGDQ 2017: THE END? Edition
Learn Japanese play Japanese games
What do you guys think of the new Spiderman game?
Dragon Age IIII when??
Depressed gamers
Does Sup Forums have a frogfu?
Resident Evil Herb
Devs, even Nintendo, are shoehorning in nonwhites because Americans love diversity
Soo what did you guys thought of DoomFist?
Hate turn based RPG's (especially JRPG's)
Joined Sup Forums guild
So are we all in agreement that this game is actually great, and that story fags need to fuck off?
Up to the Ruins sentinel
Essential Nu-Malecore
What is the fucking point of these stupid fucking PC rigs if
Played through the entire game with 10 fps on cemu. Did all the shrines...
Graphics Thread
Who was in the wrong here?
What's the next nintendo handheld after the 3DS?
When did it all go wrong?
Bow doesn't scale with STR
P-Please play our game
Are the megaman zero games good?
What was the last game that really disappointed you?
Ubisoft Hate General
SGDQ 2017: Lazy OP Edition
Steam Machines Flop
What's superior, classic Sonic or modern Sonic?
I'm enjoying this - I'm skipping the million cutscenes (am aware I will be criticized for this but idgaf)- the...
What was Sup Forums like 10 years ago?
Name one single video game that is even close to being half as good as this game. I'll wait
I've never played a Dragon Quest game before, should I buy this?
Mfw PClucks won't experience that kino that is Orphan of Kos
Opinions on Life is Strange?
Sup Forums says game is shit
Games you like that you suck at
Whats her appeal?
Jonathan Blow: "Japanese games treat you like an idiot"
Since I've been browsing Sup Forums for the past 7 months I became more depressed
Why did this get so much attention? It was meant to be fun
This is Jill eating a Jill Sandwich
ITT it's 2007
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Will some of the new Indies be like AA studios of the 90s?
Games that have aged horribly
Tell me Sup Forums, why is pic related right considered an rpg but pic related left isn't?
Competitive and casual categories
Replay Morrowind
Fan's hacking of BotW is provide way more fun...
Alright Sup Forums it's AM dance time. Time to stop getting baited and get
Find a flaw
SGDQ 2017
Monster Hunter thread
He doesn't have a custom fightstick fightstick done by himself
Turn-based RPGs have never been good, except for paper mario, undertale and persona 5
Does the lewd attractiveness of Neps affect you when playing their games?
Press F to pay your respects
ITT: post your specs and the user below you will find something wrong with it
Why has Sony put so few classic games on PS4's PSN?
Would a team comprised of nothing but Sup Forumstards manage to make gameplay more compelling than the devs managed to...
Comfy Breath of the wild thread
ARCANA HEART 3 LOVE MAX SIX STARS!!!!!! port Kickstarter reaches its goal with 24 days to go
What Went Wrong?
ITT: Shameful vidya faps
Hey Sup Forums, a steam friend is recing me Borderlands 2. How is it?
Official Grimoire Hype
What went wrong?
Game lets you bet your in-game money
ITT: moments of pure LUDO or KINO
Why are elves such a hated race?
Is Sup Forums a disguised Sup Forums?
Battlestations, go
This is the FGC
SGDQ 2017
Onii-chan, go and buy me a geimu!
Playing the witcher 3
Smartphone Gaming
Favorite RTS unit
Does Kirby has a gender?
What video games did you play today?
Enemies can open doors
Awful Single-player experience
What is the Grub Dog family a real life metaphor of?
FFXV: What happened?
And the award for the most incompetent Zelda goes to
What games have useless companions?
Can girls be REAL video game fans? or is it only ever for the attention
ITT games Sup Forums failed to make you hate
Who's your favorite fightan pro?
Recommend comfy city building games
Story doesn't matter in video games. It's all about gameplay
SGDQ 2017
That one guy who made a presentation about video games in high school
Junkrat is so fucking overpowered. Instant deletion and SO MUCH FUCKING DAMAGE
Rolling everywhere is faster than running
Is there any legit reason why nintendo sucks so hard at designing controllers?
Filename thread
The master does it again. Tearing down game critics effortlessly
Is this only a japanese thing in vidya?
"hey, turn on your mic"
Warframe Going Open World
Gaming Confessions
What does Sup Forums think about the first bioschock? i think it's boring so far gameplay wise...
What does he say again?
SGDQ 2017
V has come to
Ludens found in MGS4
Do you hold an opinion on ghostrecon wildlands?
Remember when video games were about video games...
Are you ready for Mario Retardy?
It's a masterpiece
Phantasy Star Online
Risk Of Rain
X game isn't an RPG because it doesn't fit my autistic standards
SGDQ 2017
Princess Maker Thread
Wtf is this game and why is it so popular?
Virtual pet thread
Have favorite game for years
Hello there wagecucks, be sure to enjoy your free time and play some vidya
What are some games where the villain doesn't deserve to suffer?
Hey guys, I just completed all of FFXIV's quests. Are there any other games where I can be a mindless errand boy?
Fate go is dead
Any other customizable hentai games aside from SDT that are light on the system...
Anyone got a StarCraft CD key i can borrow? Needa 1v1 an old friend of mine but i lost mine lol
Wake up
Serious question, what games to black girls like to play...
The world of games is in a kind of a trance right now. People are programmed to accept so little...
Can we brainstorm ideas for a hunter x hunter game
Dubs names and/or describes my gun
Post games that you are not allowed to like on Sup Forums
ITT: Underrated vidya characters
Not saving her
*kills hearthstone*
What games have the best paladins?
Ask for good game recommendations about native americans
Itt appetizing vidya food
From a capitalist viewpoint, how is pirating video games not bad or morally wrong?
Yfw Nintendo remembered that there was a Super Mario Bros cartoon and decided to make it canon by making a game out of...
______: Origins
What are some games that feature animal companions?
Is this the Dark Souls of FromSoftware games?
About to play this game, what am I in for?
It's a known fact that Mario Party 5 is the best one
Conflict and war is the crucible through which we evolve
How do you like your pizza, Sup Forums?
Game has an incredibly over the top first level that gets you hyped for the rest
SGDQ 2017: FINAL STRETCH edition
TF2 Party Van
Daily reminder
What's a good pair of headphones for vidya...
Are you prepared, Sup Forums?
Halo Thread
I've been out of the loop in gaming lately, what's the latest big SCOOPS in the gaming world...
Ask for recommendations on good video games with native americans in them
Who is the Miyazaki of video games?
What causes people to become emotionally invested in the lives and well being of video game characters? Specifically...
SGDQ 2017
SGDQ 2017
4cucks vs 8lads Wurm Unlimited PvP
This game is astounding...
Was it love?
Has a redesign ever been a massive improvement?
Who's Canadian here?
What caused the demise of Castlevania?
He was right, you know
Trannies at gdq
SGDQ 2017 : emote only mode
Section of the game is obviously rushed and incomplete
SGDQ 2017
What are some good multiplayer games that will help me get a boyfriend? I'm so lonely
Whats your go to gamer fuel, Sup Forums?
SGDQ 2017: Only reply with emotes/images
Have you heard of the High Elves?
Kirby thread
80 GB
When did you realize they were hacks?
Blocks your path
This game is pretty bad but I enjoy it. What are some bad games you enjoy Sup Forums?
What's a video game where the angels are evil?
Is it so much to ask that a game critic actually finishes the fucking games before reviewing them?
SGDQ 2017: OK
There will never be a better cinematic in the history of video games
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Do you have a best friend that you play games with?
Remind me again, why do we hate this dante?
Smash Sup Forumskend revival!
Is it good?
Video games will never be fun ever again
Do you play world of warcraft?
Remember when he fooled the entire gaming community ?
What do you think of "non magical" more "realistic" fighting games?
Why don't mages wear heavy armor?
I need to pass 13 hours as quickly as possible...
It's a sand level
Post legendary video game creators
How does nighttime-Sup Forums feel about Yukiko Amagi?
Anyone up for some Saturday night Quiplash?
Is this Nintendos first step towards redemption after the tomodachi life controversy?
Why are people mad about being able to play as Coco in all three games of the Crash N.Sane Trilogy? She's cute
Marina has increased the THICCfags
What video game characters have the best back story?
You have 10 seconds to give me one reason why you do not like Overwatch
People who play joke characters in fighting games deserve to die
How do you feel about 90s nostalgia slowly fading in favor of 2000s nostalgia?
Vidya opinions that legitimately make you mad
This is my boyfriend, Goro Majima! Say something nice about him!
All Kirby games are eas-
The joy
Dark Fucking Souls
SGDQ 2017: Record breaking year
Tfw Dark Souls is too hard for you
What is the "The Dark Side of the Moon" of video games?
As a seasoned driver, why does gran turismo just feel so much more 'right' than forza from a physics perspective?
What mobile games are you playing?
Samus Returns looks awesome!
I just bought this game , thoughts ?
Vermin Fight Club
There are people who think Splinter Cell series has any bad games
GMDX v9.0 Released!
ITT: Scenes that felt inappropriate for the game they were in
Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic. Eh, Luigi?
Nintendo's R.O.B device was shitty, but for some unexplained reason I love it
Nintendo makes an incredibly inferior sequel
Name 5 videogames
Has there been any other game in history where the devs do everything in their power to kill its community and succeed...
How many people on Sup Forums can program or do actual math, calculus, trigonometry...
What are you guys playing on your Switch ?
Two characters designed by backers to be put into a game
This is the greatest RPG ever made, say something nice to it
Is anyone playing Shonen Jump Ore Collection?
One day I will own this board
Resident Evil: Vendetta
SGDQ 2017: near the end
You hate this game 'cause it's a Sony exclusive. You hate that it looks fun
Wtf I love Canada now
Is this the future of vidya?
Can someone please tell me why the FUCK a speedrunning event is now a platform for furries and non-passing trannies?
Is this the worst remake in history?
Digimon World
What went wrong?
2017 is the best year in video games since 2004
What games have you bought today Sup Forums?
The southern belle
GTA IV Thread
Lets be real here, nobody would care about tekken 7 if SFV was actually good
What is your favorite or 'favorite' vidya movie?
Who was in the wrong here?
ITT: games only (you) played
*kills Paladins and Overwatch*
ITT: Game Devs shitting on their fanbase
Too hot to be play video games
Redpill me on this game, Sup Forums. I just don't get the hype around it
This is sombra
Final boss can resurrect himself
ITT: Objectively overpowered characters in fighting games
The great debate
Remember when games were just meant to be fun?
Game has your phobia
SGDQ 2017: Portal 2 incentive not happening
Make it vidya Sup Forums
Is it october yet?
My father works for Sony and is working on the new PlayStation ask me anything
Donate $10k
Which do you prefer: To give pain or to receive it?
Japan makes video game that actually degrades women
4 dollars on PlayStation store
Henchman are having banter while you are eavesdropping them Mother 4 officially dead, now?
What would you like to see from Animal Crossing Switch?
Golem boss appears
What is the most nihilistic game ever made? don't post dark souls or yoko taro garbage
Nobody likes forza tho
You know your shitty game has a balance problem when half of the heroes are in F tier...
SGDQ 2017: 1060 edition
Why is she so perfect?
PS4 Pro General?
Grimoire is a scam. He will never fucking release it...
Game developers can't be handso
Vermin Fight Club
We want the Destiny audience
What video game developer are you?
So how strong is BotW Link in comparison to all the other Link incarnations?
Every horde player in a single picture
Woa.. Really.. Hm... Makes me think
Stop sexualizing machines in videogames and anime
Is this game worth playing
Actually like this game
Why don't they let actual architects do the level design in a game?
The absolute madmen
Artificial difficulty: the games
What does Sup Forums think of the N64 controller?
How did arcsys take the fighting game crown from capcom when they had more money...
UH OH Sup Forums
We want the Dark Souls audience
So you're telling me you haven't played Thief 1 and 2? What the fuck is wrong with you user?
Yesterday I watched my lifelong best friend die beside me when a drunk driver stuck him while we were walking on the...
Are you hyped for RDR2?
There are people ON THIS BOARD RIGHT NOW who genuinely think that sly cooper and jak are better than ratchet and clank
Convince me to buy a ps4
How's everyones decks coming along? Have you purchased any kegs yet
Post vidya cuties
ITT: Mechanics that ruin otherwise fun games
SMT thread
Dropped from machinima
*Blocks your path*
Why is this considered to be so bad
Why does this happen?
Not having a high cognitive treshold
Reaplaying this for the first time in 10 years or so, anything I should be doing or keeping an eye out for...
SGDQ 2017
How was a simple scene like this more emotionally impactful than anything in modern games?
Just bought a PSP give me some good game recommendation
Final Fantasy XV Is Terrible and Here’s Why:
It's offical
I kinda enjoyed final fantasy when I was a kid but I never owned a PS2...
Now that the dust has settled
ITT: Try to sum up Sup Forums in one picture
How the hell do I get into sprite creation?
ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong
Hello? Hello?
Why the fuck hasn't this been ported to PC yet...
Is he right, Sup Forums?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...