The last of us is the greatest game ev

>The last of us is the greatest game ev...

Why does this game look better than pc games

Because pc has no games apart from indies, mobas and 40 year old looking mmorpgs

>when your bait is shit so you post another one in hopes of getting attention this time

Dropped this game out of boredom
The storyline also was inconsistent as hell

Not going to get the dlc, instead I think I'm returning this to get a 30 dollars discount on gran turismo sport

Should I finish it at least, it's worth the suffering?

neither game were good. kill yourself marketer.

Drop the facade.

Drop the facade.

I'd kill myself if I had taste this shit.

>audio logs

If the game's main feature is the story, it's a garbage game.

t. Toddler

Drop the facade.

The audio logs are interesting as fuck. Kill yourself.

Also, you can just read them. It literally takes twenty seconds to read that shit. Ninety-five percent of the game is gameplay.

It's hunting big ass robot dinosaurs

>You don't like horizon
>You must be lieing

This ks exactly what pisses me off on horizon and in general play station fanboy

Faggy ESL cunts fuck off. You're not wanted.

>That one guy trying to pretend that this game is any good

just finished on ultra hard, Sup Forums was wrong again.

that's just my opinion though

You can tell Horizon fans never bother to post here because every Horizon thread is started by some inflammatory falseflag hyperbole.

New Game +? How hard was it?

>"objective: kill all robots"
>I override them instead, rendering them harmless
>"objective: kill all robots" still there
Fuck you, game

What mission? Usually you only gotta kill the corrupted ones.

Are corruption arrows fucking useless?

I remember seeing something about improved armor sets in NG+, is there a better version of the Shieldweaver? I don't want collect all the powercells again if it's the same as the original one.

>rendering them harmless
For now.

no, was my first playthrough; i had started on very hard ~2 weeks back, ended up wearing carja silks with ~25% stealth 'cause any more stealth ended up being broken, and the heavy stealth outfit's ugg-boot shit looks like trash. ultra-hard REALLY made it harder to stealth, and REALLY upped costs for pretty much everything at merchants, seemed to make machines more aggro/spend less time idle. had heard shield-weaver armor was broken, but fuck me if i didn't need that shit for the final mission/boss

i read the patch notes, don't think shield-weaver changes. it's just versions of each armor/weapon that are the same as shadow variants, but with one extra mod slot each.

What's the best armour in the game?


Overrides on combat machines or basically anything bigger than a Strider don't last long enough for you to subjagate more than one at a time. Not to mention the cool down would never allow you to do something like that in quick enough succession to complete that objective. You're describing a situation that never occura in the game.

Did you even play it? Be honest.

They're pretty good when you use them to clear out large groups of enemies. Best case they kill each other, worst case they have less health.

user, you know there's an upgrade on the skill tree that makes overrides indefinite, right?

>avatarfagging a shitty dyke character like Aloy
>allthis samefagging in the thread
Dead game.

its a fun game, but it has no replay value

like a cheap whore in an expensive whorehouse

I had fun with it for a while, though I quickly got bored after a certain point. At first the combat was fun and I could take enemies out with different strategies, some of the tougher fights required planning and thinking on my feet while I could play around with the weaker enemies. But after a while all the combat just seemed like a chore.
And I didn't care for the gathering/crafting system, that's what really killed it for me. While it's really not that bad, it seemed half-baked. Like it wasn't well thought-out or executed. The fact that all your crafting supllies just got thrown into one mess of a bag didnt help either.

Overall seemed like someone had a good idea for a game that they were passionate about but rushed the details. I had a lot of fun with it but couldnt get myself to finish it.

I loved this game a hell of a lot more than The Last of Us. Then again, I love Assassin's Creed games.

Did you have the interface turned off? How could you become bored? The only time I became insanely bored was when I ran into glitched quests, and had to eventually update to continue.

The trophies are tied to New Game Plus and Ultra Hard mode. It's pretty challenging. Yet it's obvious that most people can handle it, due to making it to the very end of the game, also the new gear with extra slots in New Game+ that is sold by the vendor standing in front of the path to Meridian.

Kind of sucks about the nerfs to stealth. I went from the base game, wearing a gemmed 80+% stealth outfit, to 53% stealth in one patch.

Last of Us doesn't have any either.

Now THIS is an excellent thread

>Like it wasn't well thought-out or executed.
I'll admit that. I went broke buying precision arrows, so I eventually bought wire, which is used in bundles of five to make precision arrows, so I still went broke.

i didnt like last of us. played the remastered version for the first time and it was pretty easy to guess what came next

the dialog and cutscenes were the best part of the last of us imo

>What is system shock, Prey, Bioshock
Come on, user
There isn't anything inherently wrong with Audio logs

Who is responsible for these endless threads and why?

Love horizon but it isn't the beset game ever made.

Either a paid shill or just one guy with buyers remorse.

who are you quoting?

people who want to talk about horizon without it devolving into shitposting for a change

>People aren't allowed to like games because I say so!

Fuck off, kid

Stop making Horizon threads then.

It's more like
>bad games are bad regardless

These threads universally begin as shitposting. The source is definitely not positive.

sony needs to sell a few more copies to stop the patriarchy

>female protag

>so fucking mad

>He doesn't know about the indefinite override upgrade

You're right I'd be mad too if I bought Horizon.

Why are sonybros so detached from reality compared to everyone else? Why are they so delusional compared to Nintenbros, Xbros, and PCbros? Every other group seems to be aware of their shortcomings and treat everyone else respectively.

MS shills please go

Who's talking about them?

Also you can't be a shill without something to shill.

Insecurity for the most part.

You are mad because Horizon is so great though.

MS shills want to shit on PS4 games to prevent people from buying it and buy Xbone instead. This thread is full of them.
I don't know man. Nintendo and PC shills claim their games are best ever though.

>Every other group seems to be aware of their shortcomings and treat everyone else respectively.

I think my sides started moving on their own.

>b-but Microsoft
>b-but Nintendo
>b-but PC
>All in one post

Please answer, anons


You have some mental problems?

shield-weaver is generally considered the strongest armor

What game is that?

Which sort of mods should I equip on it?

Dude, you literally tried to deflect to everyone else.
Are you being intentionally retarded?


Horizon zero dawn

>Why are they so delusional compared to Nintenbros

Nintendo fans are the most whiny/delusional videogame fanbase out there. They know Nintendo is just going to ignore their pleas, and release an under-performing product/console, but they still pretend that they are beating the competition in some form.

Let's think back on all the ground breaking things Nintendo has done since the N64...Hmmm, this is going to take awhile.


Original post I replied to was talking about everyone else so how talking about everyone else too was deflecting.

I won't ask you if you are retarded because I already know the answer.

>Accuses others of not having played the game
>Doesn't know about the infinite hacking skill

Can't be modded. Either the shield weave or the stealth armor with stealth mods.

I chose the carja armor cause i really liked looking at Aloy's sexy abs and the game was way too easy with the other two sets

OP said he just like Horizon much without attacking anyone. Why are you got so mad and have to shitpost PC friend?

Last of us is better, but I liked Horizon too. Surpirisingly good game

I'm still at the start and just on my way to Meridian so I'm still not sure about the gear and stuff. Is purple the rarest the items get or are there rarer items?

>Original post I replied to was talking about everyone else so how talking about everyone else too was deflecting.
Okay one, learn proper English
Two, did you even look at what you posted?

You literally called everyone shills for no reason.

>OP said he just like Horizon much without attacking anyone
OP (you) started this thread by attacking another game.

Why do PC exclusives suck?

Why does a self-declared "master race" constantly, openly beg for console scraps on their platform?

TLOU was pure shit and normie tier catnip. HZD was at a great game because it was actually FUN

Same as you called people shills for no reason. So why asshurt now?



Purple is the rarest yes, you can farm the thunderjaw for them. For the most part the level 1 steath armor w/ some steath mod will be OP for the game.

You're the only one that brought up shills kiddo.

>Last of us is better
You can't compare these games, diifferent genres.

>You're the only one that brought up shills
How does it feel to be mentally challenged user?

>thread literally starts with you saying TLoU is worse

So somehow that's me?

>not saying that certain game is best ever is "attacking"

Jesus Christ

How do I actually enjoy this game? I put like 20 hours in and it's just dull as shit. Same enemies over and over and over, nothing to really explore except some metal flowers or some shit, side quests are all MMO tier trash, writing is the worst I've seen in some time...

The combat is fun, yes. Except there's so few different enemy types and most of them are piss easy. Someone convince me to play this shit cause I bought the season pass with it when it came out...

Sometimes npcs gets stuck in retarded events and the game is all 'oh no you gotta help this person by killing the (non-corrupted) bots that are harming them'.

Yes user that's how antagonising works.

There's like 20 types of dinos. The vs human combat is pretty weak

When will Sup Forums have a HZD thread without lashing out at Nintendo or PC randomly? Hide post that talks negatively about the game if it bothers you so much.

No, that's not how it works. Considering your logic no one is even allowed to have own opinion here.

When HZD becomes a good game that doesn't rely on shitposting for "discussion"

How'd you go broke? I'm on Very Hard and I'm rolling in shards.

>When will Sup Forums have a HZD thread without lashing out at Nintendo or PC randomly?
I'm pretty sure Nintendo and PC users are the ones that invade our threads and start arguments.

Word of advice user, you can have an opinion but you don't have to shitpost about another.

>Side quests are MMO trash.

Ask me how I know you didn't play the game.