ITT: vidya apparel you'd wear in real life

ITT: vidya apparel you'd wear in real life.
hard mode: it has to be socially acceptable
nightmare mode: you can wear it in public without people thinking your some kind of weirdo

Other urls found in this thread:

you would look really dumb in real life with that on, specially if you don't look anything like jensen


Deus Ex has its own clothing line apparently. Some of the stuff isn't bad. I wouldn't wear it though.



There, what do I win?


Whoa slow down faggot you didn't win anything

I've always fucked with this jacket, it's a shame I don't have the body to pull it off.
You'd look super cool, user. Make sure to record yourself while walking like that in public.

im a sucker for hawaiian shirts
its either this or Tommy Vercetti's


>sucker for hawaiian shirts
You're clearly a man of taste

His RE4 jacket is way better

Wait, is he a canonical lefty?


They're both good, RE6 one would draw less attention though, and I think that's what that user was going for.

I'd love that exact coat.

I'd look a little out of place, but really I'd just like a trench coat with extremely subtle paisley on it.

Too bad the coats don't look like Jensens.

This is good

Ambidextrous at best, pretty sure he always holds his guns right side in the actual game.

Don't think so, he has a right-handed aim in all the games. Although, he switches hands when moving along walls and stuff, so maybe he's ambidextrous.

My friend has this exact shirt

Very subtle

Italian Suit 47 is best /fit/fa/ mix
Is Hitman physique achievable natty?

The only acceptable choice.

i need those pants and suspenders

>implying I don't already cruise the streets in this

It's ok if you're a minimum /fit/ and live in a colder climate where long leather jacket are semi-common anyway.

The school uniforms from P5 are stylish as hell. I would wear their uniform around town and rock the hell out of it.

>everyone thinks you're wearing a rape shirt

I'm very seriously considering getting one of these shirts.


I was memed enough to actually buy this from the filter merchant and wear it on election night in a 90%+ dem area.


i kinda reminisce the design but could you remind me what it is from?

Max Taste, bro!




Is 47 the most /fa/ vidya character?

itt: spergs

No, because /fa/ is full of twinky gayboys.

itt: you

Why not just wear any old varsity jacket? It's not like you see it in the game, and if I didn't already recognize that pic I'd never be able to tell you where it's from
Also that model really doesn't fit at all, but I guess that's just them being honest

Going for nightmare mode

>Wearing a three piece suit in the current year
>Not being a fucking weirdo

C'mon, suits are just cheating.


I'm under the age of 25: The Movie: The Post

>not showing the world your pubes

Travis himself looks like a fuccboi with his clothing, i doubt a real person could pull it off without looking gay as hell.

I should really get to playing this series.

You could dress as this guy I think and pass in nightmare mode


Congrats you have the worst taste in this thread.

You really should. It's on Wii and PS3 so you have options or you could just emulate, as long as you play it and the not as good but still great sequel.



Its subtle but looks fucking weird in that style.

Hawaiian shirts are the perfect kind of tacky.

Kinda reminds me of the FLCL logos. I'd buy it, it looks kinda cool and doesn't immediately out you as a Sup Forumsirgin


Always liked the look of the overseers from dishonored. I'd look like a complete twat in real life obviously but I'd love a costume for any conventions I go to. Aesthetic as fuck.


Does that include the hairline?

Alex Mercer, nice

Frank does pull it off well

Served a customer at work the other day wearing a Wipeout Feisar shirt, if I hadnt played the games I wouldn't have thought anything of it

Just fantastic my shit up senpai.

Those are the the best pop culture shirts IMO. Cool if you know where they're from, stealthy if you don't. I own Desmond's eagle t-shirt from AC Brotherhood. Only been recognized twice at a comic con, but it still looks pretty dope on its own.

It's almost like the design either portrays real life or uninspiring to the point that it's bland and dare I say normal.



>It's the Vigilante! Get him!

probably ambi, im sure augs do that pretty easily.


I have a DD jacket.

You beat me to it

He's wearing that fuckboi diagonal sweater thing though.







Varsity jacket will always makes you look like a tool

Also nice digits

I can't believe i'm 26 and i still never got to wear a suit yet

You've never been to a job interview?

heh wagecucks will NEVER live our sweet ass life...

You Could only pull that off if you got the thicc bara bod

Mah nigga

ayo hol up



Literally me

Post feet

I see a individual of patrician tastes