What video games do single moms play?

What video games do single moms play?

They don't have time. They have to raise their kids and take care of everything in the home.

What about the other 22 hours in the day?

>Single mom
>Raising their kids

They play with their sons bullys dick.

I'm still playing BOTW.

The Sims with incest mods


>Anime moms are obligated to have a minimum breast size of DD
>Japanese women are mostly B-cup at best

What did they mean by this

>implying that child didn't get stolen by social services.
>This happens in America all the time

probably the same thing everyone else plays.

>You will never go on adventures with a party of only christmas cakes

The only thing single mothers do is leech off the government, previous partners and shitpost on Facebook.

source before 404

hngg sauce please I'm dying here

You mean their son's dick, right?

They mostly play WoW. I knew a ton of them.

It means fantasy will ALWAYS be superior reality.


I remember when Takasugi Kou was good. That was before I realized all his stories seem to revolve around the same characters, with different names and hair colors.

candy crush. farmville.


You motherfucker

>The calligraphy teacher
>A single mom
Baka desu ne


What are some vidya that feature cute moms?

oh god sauce please

C'mon man, don't post cropped without a sauce

Every Pokémom is top tier

>not recognizing the artist from the image
Artist is Takasugi Kou.

Alright fine, it's Takasugi Kou and Kanten respectively

They play Pokémon

Meme50 Lost Brush