What mobile games are you playing?
What mobile games are you playing?
Knights of the Old Republic. Parts for my pic build arrive in few days so biding time till then.
Lumines and only Lumines is worth a shit on mobile platform, prove me wrong.
are these images made by the same people who liked to make a difference between swag and class?
If someone would rather play on their phone than talk to the person next to them, chances are that that person doesn't have much interesting to say.
maybe they're not a brainlet and can hold a conversation and look at shit on their phone at the same time?
B-but user, if I can't do that then there's no way you could. I'm not dumb!
Fire Emblem Heroes mostly
>naturally infers men do this
>implying women dont default to this out of insecurity
Tower of Saviors
I can't stop
only women do this and thats when you leave them with the bill
Why's the picture showing the bloke doing this. I don't think I've ever even heard of that.
>person wants to force their shit on innocent fellow using their phone
>wants others to bend over and immediately drop what they are doing to hear what is probably condescending shit
>somehow it is the other who is disrespectful
I still play Pokemon Go
Are you showing Sup Forums this image because it's actually women who do this nine times out of ten and you wanted to start a thread about that or did you just need an image relevant to mobile and this is the first thing you found?
I fucking love this game and am a little ashamed to admit it.
To it's credit, you can beat the game easily without spending real money. And so far it's gotten a content update about every 2-3 weeks.
>Find a pokeball in the road
>"It could be a trap!"
>The shinies in the water have never hurt me, take it
>"Are you really sure?"
>Yes, take the fucking pokeball
>"You throw caution to the wind!"
>It's a voltorb
>My magikarp dies on the spot
A game this stupid has no right being as good as it is
some DC game
candy crush on the shitter
Why is it okay for girls to do that to you but not guys?
i dont respect you. your less interesting then my phone. id say sorry, but
im not
Tales of the Rays
Well, I was, but they just announced an English release so I'm waiting on that
I'll blow my 600 japanese account gems on Velvet then start over on international
Gilgamesh's game
I found the image on Google. I was looking up random shit. Thought it was funny, so I made a thread. Didn't realize the image was interesting enough to derail shit. My bad.
You cannot force someone to respect you.
Didn't you dad taught you that.
Probably written by a social justice warrior. You know how much they try to push the narrative that both sex are virtually identical clean slates.
Any other Dokkan bros?
Yet at the same time pushing the narrative that men are ebil
>semiotics are everything
>people can't think for themselves
Mobius and Fate/Grand Order.
Also downloaded Potion Maker to tinker with, but I'm unsure if I want to bother.
Nobody has heard of it but I've drowned so many hours into SimplePlanes.