The church is evil

>The church is evil

Other urls found in this thread:

But churches ARE evil.

>papa franku

Just like in real life

>degenerate filth detected

Just like your local priest :)

I'm Catholic and I hate Proddos more than I hate Muslims/atheists

Videogames are getting too realistic.

The Chantry is one of the few things I think has been executed well in every Dragon Age game.

>He never talked to a priest/pastor in his life
>He never found out how bro-tier they actually are

>the institutions that funded the recording of the most pieces of scientific literature for over a thousand years is evil because i saw a chart on Sup Forums that said the church ended science
>the institutions that conduct the most honest charity in the world today is evil because some C*tholic fucked a kid
>a social staple of generative american life is evil because of C*tholics despite being completely different

>evil is in a church

What is it like being 14? I can hardly remember.

hello r/athiesm friends

>people posting an image of someone must surely watch that person
stop posting anytime

noobs replying to pagans,why i'm not surprised?

Was that before or after he molested you?

Every time ;)

>the institutions that funded the recording of the most pieces of scientific literature for over a thousand years
>He thinks they did it consciously or even for charity
>Who are the Jesuits
>What is control of culture and information
>the institutions that conduct the most honest charity in the world
>""""""""""""""""HONEST"""""""""""""""" charity
>when the Church is under constant investigation for money laundering and tax evasion scandals that have been going on since literal centuries
>a social staple of generative american life
>brb going to shoot at doctors who practice abortion

Do you christfags think this is a safespace?
Get the fuck out and go suck your priest's cock, you're just as bad as mudslimes.

You feel like you already have the whole universe figured out because you're such a badass

Have you ever attended mass before? Shit gets creepy.

you live in a fantasy world

Religious cult members are one of the toppest tier antagonists in media. Prove me wrong.

Churches are evil, Kingdom Halls are not.

>local pastor turned my mom into a religious nut when I was kid
>this meant that almost everything in tv, movies and video games are evil

My entire childhood would have been neutered if hadn't been for my Dad seeing it was all bullshit.

>It's okay to make fun of Christianity
>B-but don't you dare laying a finger on muh Islam

>Edgy Athecuck thinks he's any good at banter
Go back to /r/atheism, people might actually take you seriously there.

Take your (You)s. Being the unsaved heathen you are, it isn't surprising you need to fill the Jesus shaped hole in your heart with something else.

>nobody even mentioned muh islam in this thread

What DID he mean by this?

Unlike you, I live in the real world and read actual news.
You're the one who thinks your favorite criminal organization can't do no wrong, The_Donald.

>It's okay to make fun of Islam
>B-but don't you dare laying a finger on muh Christianity

Show name?

Stop playing video games

>implying church isn't just a catch all term for religious group

almost good bait

>""""God"""" is the final boss

I say this to every liberal I meet who gets mad when I mention how awful Islam is
It gives them an error so they ignore it and watch CNN

>Autistic Asian

>he's a true believer

I'm sure you do

>Sup Forums is christian
i don't get this shit, religion is retarded

both of these are dipshit sand people religions

>he unironically went near a priest as a kid

guess people are lucky enough to slip through natural selection sometimes

that was the shit when I played my first JRPG
>mfw I realized that you do that in every single JRPG

this one is mysterious


>The church is good

>Implying the pastor wasn't correct
Unless you couldn't because of superstitious bullshit, tv, movies, and vidya are just a waste of time and you could have been doing something better with your life, even as a kid. Hell, I should be doing something else right now then posting on this shitty board.


>Americans are the bad guys

vegetarians and vegans (as an ideology) deny man's supremacy over animals, which is retarded.

>m-muh reddit memes
>m-muh religion

>main villain is a patriotic politician with a "so what if a few people die, that's the cost of prosperity" attitude
Fucking juvenile

I don't know bro, I'm finding religion again but the organized churches are pretty degenerate.

>the institutions that funded the recording of the most pieces of scientific literature for over a thousand years
yea well those that they didnt fund were burned alive at stakes for heracy, like galileo, giordano who were both catholics

I don't do that
Well, it depends on what you mean by that I guess

I'm not an atheist tho

Just don't trust men deprived of sex around your children, it's as simple as that

I love vidya games!

Doesn't make frank any less cancerous, you dumbfuck.

That's why independent Protestant churches exist.

Hmm... who does that sound like??

I know americans are fucking retards but this is just sad

Filthy Frank

Exactly, so fucking overdone


Yeah, keep living in your alternate reality when your priest "friends" keep on fucking children undisturbed and protected by the authorities, while also not paying taxes and stealing money from your """""charities""""" to fund their own little empire.

Literally every month something new comes up, but you fat fucking american redditors are too busy fellating your corporate overlords and parrot that (((THEM))) and some angry sandnigger is destroying western civilization, while you get fucked in the ass, sometimes literally, on a daily basis.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>some bad guy with an army is hyped since early game as the biggest threat and the dick that the heroes want to defeat, however...
>option1, if church exists in the game, then it was actually the church leading everything behind the scenes to revive some ancient monster "god" to conquer the world
>option 2, if no church, then ancient alien or a god was the doing the keikaku from the very beginning by manipulating the bad guy

Why can't the bad guy just be the bad guy? Why always the ancient evil alien or god with wings bullshit out of nowhere right before the end game?

>humans have the capacity for evil
>there are humans in the church
>people say the church isn't evil
Explain this bullshit

Religion is a tool, and like all tools they are able to be misused.

Not bad, just stupid

>you live in a fantasy world
unlike theists? lmao

m-muh deity muthafucka

Or basically any leader, really

If all you cared about was saving lives you'd just seize wealth and property and distribute it to the poor and homeless, possibly even in other countries

>A couple of priests in the world were perverts, therefore every priest in world is a pervert!
How is that brainwashing going for you?

Tell me one thing written in the quran without googling it. Neither of us know shit about Islam other than Mohammed being a pedophile warlord and that's been done to death.
Some church of England bishops were recently accused of sex abuse.

Turns out degeneracy runs rampant in the clergy.

>deprived of sex
My pastor is married and has 4 kids.

Because they are the sons of god...?
>but every human is son of god according to them
Then.... they are purified with all those white vests, those white cookies, that purified water..?


Mosques* are evil

>atheists are degene-

Lel, that's pretty ironic coming from a christfag

>A couple of priests
>A couple
>Implying pedophiles aren't just the tip of the iceberg
>Calls anyone else brainwashed
So...this is the power...of the redpill...woah

>people without imaginary skydaddies live in a fantasy world


>Mfw Churches in my country all fucking own real estate and fucking shopping centers and deal in big business and are tax exempt because "donations"

And none of that is even remotely true, dipshit.
Keep on drinking that Vatican Kool-Aid.

>I believe things without evidence because it makes me feel superior
wow, you sound like a christ-cuck to me

>b-but that was a long time ago! it will NEVER happen again
history repeats itself, over and over m8

>evil lies in the church, but their own ministers doesn't know the truth

>The Church is evil not because religion is wrong but because the Church itself is corrupt and strays from God's path

>a couple

This is like trusting your kids around homosexuals. Why should I trust a priest just because someone said 'not all priests are like that'

Give me a legitimate source, and we can talk.

good trope

>because C*tholics fucked a kid
>protestants and orthodox are bad because of C*tholics
you're illiterate

>"gay drug fueled sex orgies are total normal and not degenerate g-guys!"

They are just recreating the good old times.

I used to be an atheist, but then I grew up and saw that atheism is normie mainstream shit

Religion =/= Religious Organisation

Churches do tend to do a lot of bullshit, you don't have to be an athiest to notice that.

>I believe things without evidence
Except tons of evidence and sources have been posted in this very thread, christcuck.
Not only you're a brainwashed cocksocket, you can't even read.

t. Someone who does not go to church