What's the next nintendo handheld after the 3DS?
What's the next nintendo handheld after the 3DS?
A switch mini
They might do that, but they'll still make a distinct handheld too. If they didn't, then people wouldn't have to invest in two separate consoles. They could just play their Switch games on their Switch mini. Just leave it to Jewtendo to find a way to make people spend more money.
Know someone working for Nintendo. Supposedly the next handheld is code named the SL and will be called the Slate. Will feature a 720p screen, no cartridges, but will be focused on Virtual console and be able to play a massive backlog of Nintendo games. That's why they've been quiet about VC for the Switch. No it won't play Switch games
DS stands for "dual screen" you retard so that design makes no sense with the name
Fine, the Nintendo SS, single screen. It even fits in with their trend of horrible acronyms that look very bad at first glance
Nintendo /ss/
Everyone laugh at this retard who didn't get the joke.
My uncle works for nintendo
Clearly op didn't get the joke either
does 3ds have 3 screens? where is it i dont see it??? is there a hidden third screen in the back???????? wheres the third screen???????????????
The problem is that while the handeld market is doing good, nobody gives a shit about their home consoles anymore.
That's why they made a hybrid in the first place.
They're not making a 4DS.
They'll make a cheap Switch without touch screen probably instead.
The fucking Switch stop with this meme.
>Know someone working for Nintendo
Tell them to say hi to my uncle for me.
i for one would welcome a switch mini, would sell my old one in a heart beat. if i could just plug in to my tv without docking and it's smaller? hell yeah
Literally all you'll be playing is with a line on screen. A line with colours in them.
You think Nintendo going to sell a Switch without the basic features.
That's stupid
I love docking with my bros
just bought myself an old 2ds and hacked it. i'm seriously saving up to buy the next handheld iteration from nintendo since i'm loving my 2ds so much. how long do you guys think til they release the next one?
well they sold a 3ds without the 3d
I could see Nintendo doubling down on the 3D and releasing an HD version of the 3DS. Plays the entire 3DS library, plus 3DS-HD titles.
When have they ever done a redesign of their flagship console besides the Wii mini, which was just an obscure one-of.
>implying DS doesn't stand for Developer System
the gameboy, and the ds??
This is exactly my thought as well. Everyone on Sup Forums is expecting a new Switch model in a couple years, but the chances of that are extremely slim to none. That's because people also keep calling it a handheld when it's officially a (portable) console.
The 3DS is going to fizzle out after Metroid releases.
And they are not going to just ignore that sweet mobile cash. If anyone thinks otherwise, you haven't been paying attention.
?? the ds and gameboy are prime examples
Flagship. As in, NES, SNES, N64 etc...
so you mean home consoles. Which the switch is also a portable so. But how is the gameboy or DS not "flagship" theyre all flagship
I think it depends on system popularity. The Wii-U was too unpopular, plus relied too much on the gamepad for them to consider making a cheaper, mini version.
I could see a Switch mini at some point.
>small screen
>2x cheap bluetooth controller
>copy of mk8 deluxe
>works with joycons and pro controller but those are sold separately
>cheaper built and sold mainly as a home console that can be used as a portable console you setup and play with friends
>an HD version of the 3DS
I'd probably buy this before the Switch. I don't want to give up the second screen, the 3D or StreetPass yet.
I doubt it'll happen though. Switch was meant to be a unified platform that would merge together the handheld and console lines, halving the development burden on Nintendo and allowing them to double their rate of output of first-party titles. This is such an obviously good move that I'm sure whatever the "next 3DS" is, it's essentially a Switch.
see, I would buy this.
Right now, I still cant justify buying the Switch, even though I know it has like 4 games I'd actually enjoy, just because the startup cost for it is ridiculous.
>Buy console
>buy 2/3 games to have some variety
>get a Pro controller because fuck the joycons
>Year/whatever is available of Online Access
and now I'm out almost $500
Meanwhile, buying my PS4, I got:
>3 games
>Year of PS+
>More free games from PS+
>Guarantee of 5+ games that I want coming out within the next year
And it only ran me $450
Why would they give up the handheld line when people just buy both anyway. What you're saying just means their profit will be cut in half.
>Why would they give up the handheld line
They won't. I'm saying their next handheld will be something that runs Switch games, even if it isn't the Switch we know currently.
This isn't just something random I came up with, by the way. This whole merging-of-the-lines thing was the plan Iwata laid out before his death.
Hardware sales aren't profitable.
It's actually beneficial for Nintendo if they can get everyone into one ecosystem.
Kinda unfair to compare a product out since 2013 to one that came out this year though...
I mean switch will probably be even more affordable in 2021
So they would only sell Mario Odyssey instead of Mario Odyssey + next gen handheld Mario. That's a bigger loss than breaking even on selling a new handheld and then selling all the games to go with it.
True, but you have to look (as a consumer) what your options are available at that time.
With my limited budget at the time, I could invest in a console that while a bit older, would guarantee me a lot of what I want immediately, with a promise of more to come, and no fear of issues cropping up because of rfirst-run issues.
Conversely, I could get the Switch, literally have 1 game to play (that I don't even want), and not use half of the defining features, while waiting for something that makes it worth to me. I'd also need to dump almost $100 in extra accessories to even make the system usable for myself.
If there was the "mini", or whatever that variant that was posted was, for only $200, I'd be much, MUCH more inclined to drop money on the system. At least then I wouldn't be as worried about not having a return in my investment.
No it doesn't you retard
That's stupid, Nintendo's original strategy was creating a dev environment where games could be easily ported between the home console and the portable to solve the problem with droughs, but in the end they went with a hybrid, only retards are expecting another console alongside the switch
We're getting a more portable switch at best
That 1DS joke has always been retarded, the 2DS doesn't remove a screen from the 3DS
Nintendo DS HD coming March 2019. Screencap this.
Uh, yes it can actually stand for that you retard.
Learn to fucking do research.
Well if you wanna be a piece of scum the switch SDK leaked recently. It won't be long before we get CFWs and what have you. People are already ripping splatoon and ARMS models which oh-so-conveniently have the same file format as the wii u
Sure. And if I had neither already and you put a gun to my head and said only one, ps4 would make sense.
There are also millions of people who already have a ps4 who want a switch. And millions who don't need to purchase the switch today.
I mean I already own a ps4 that i bought almost 4 years into it's life. And I will probably buy a switch 2018-2019.
I mean it's just a silly false dichotomy that you can only have one or the other, and you have to buy it today. Early ps4 adopters went through the same bullshit.
the merging plan was only to prevent droughs like the wii u suffered, it was just a way to easily port games when you don't have anything else coming soon
releasing a console like you described would canibalize the switch and turns it into another wii u, there's no reason to release another console when the switch already fills for home and portable
>more portable Switch
No. People are already buying the Switch in droves. There is absolutely no incentive to make a Switch mini.
The Switch is the successor to the 3DS. The 3DS might still have a few games coming out here and there, and Nintendo might be saying the Switch is its own thing, but truth is that I think Nintendo is done with dedicated home consoles. Handhelds are where they've made money and that will be their focus.
We'll see a Switch V2 (or a Mini) with better battery and more portability, but I think the Switch is their main focus, and that's not a bad idea for them.
I tend to stay away from emulation with current gen systems. Older ones that the system just isn't accessible/worth buying into is fine by me, but even stuff like the Wii U will be a year or two before I start getting the emulators.
I guess I didn't make myself clear in the initial post, I didn't buy my PS4 until about a week after the Switch dropped. I had to make a choice, then, as to which console I'd invest in until I could afford the other one. The PS4 was just better, as it was much, much more bang for my buck.
That's why I was saying that if there was the option for the $200 version Switch, I'd have more than likely bought it as an investment for the upcoming year, because that pricepoint seemed much fairer to me.
Maybe from the dock to your bed, but no one is retarded enough to bring their Switch on the train and shit.
I meant as the inevitable lite version, you don't have to remove any functionality, just make it smaller
There's nothing preventing you from doing it, the switch is a full fledged portable console no matter which stupid excuse you want to use to deny it
CFWs are a way to run unsigned code within the system user, it's not an emulator. ie you could potentially get free games and even stuff retroarch on the switch. I'd buy one in a heartbeat if it could emulate PS1 and DOS reliably
Probably a cheaper Switch Lite with a 7nm die shrink of that POS Tegra they currently use. It should be power efficient enough to fit in a smaller form factor and not require a fan and a massive battery. It would replace the switch and the 3DS.
At least that would be the logical thing to do, but this is Nintendo, so probably more gimmicks.
Oh, okay I did misinterpret.
I mean sure, and there will be a $200 switch one day. It just makes no sense for nintendo at the moment. Why blow your load all at once?
>bigger target to steal
> more easily dropped and broken
>can't fit in your pocket
The Switch is a home console, dumbass. No matter which stupid excuse you want to use to deny it.
Fucking this. I want me a smaller version that can fit I. My pocket like my GBA and Ds lite, and original 3ds did.
oh, rip. Pay me no mind, I'm not that experienced with modding consoles. Thanks for the heads up though, might look into picking one up earlier than I was planning if the hack works as well as the 3DS ones do.
Yeah. I agree they shouldn't just throw everything out there at once, especially with how new the concept and system actually is.
Still, I'm at least sorta glad they didnt have the cheaper option available as well, since the no localization of XX kinda killed my urge to buy the system anyways.
My buddy has one, takes it everywhere with him. As long as you aren't carrying massive cases, and the dock, and every other thing you dont need, it's no different than carrying a tablet/e-reader with you.
So, you want a PSP-Ninty Edition?
Be prepared to wait 4-5 years.
nintendo SS
I'll wait.
There is no hack YET, but with the SDK out in the open like that it shouldn't take long for both CFWs and emulators to pop up. Right now 3DS is all the rage
That's a nice anecdote, but the Switch will never fill the void of the 3DS as an effortlessly portable handheld.
so neither is the 3DS XL and the Vita
Unless you're a fag and wear skin tight pants, the 3DS is 10x more portable than the Switch.
I'm sort of hoping they'll just have the switch as their handheld and release typical hand held games like pokemon on the switch. That's pretty much the only way I'll buy one.
How could they even market a new handheld when one of the sellings pout of the switch is handheld and portable
N3DS XL is really cumbersome to take around, but still fits. I wish it was as sleek and tiny as my PSP, but that's asking too much from a device with non-specialized hardware and two screens
I'd actually love to have a 2DS Micro..
They already announced a new pokemon is being developed tho. Mainline too, not some spinoff
The only ones surprised by that were retards that expected them to take a new engine out of the ass instead of doing the obvious and releasing this year's game on the 3ds and thought it meant the switch would never receive a mainline pokémon
>What's the next nintendo handheld after the 3DS?
It's already out, it's called the Nintendo Switch. The good question is : Will Nintendo make a new home console ?
They could just sell Mario Odyssey and Mario Odyssey 2 and save time and money by not having to port the engine their using or making another engine, being able to recycle assets more efficiently, only having to remember one set of limitations, etc. They'd also be selling it for more than a new handheld game.
Oh I somehow thought you said you were waiting for a pokemon announcement or something along those lines, excuse my lack of reading comprehension. But yeah a pokemon on switch was inevitable given the numbers it's moving in the places that matter for nintendo and gamereak
Dont think they'll be dropping the 3DS with its install base any time soon, what i think will happen is they'll push Switch/3DS connectivity sometime next year and leave the new handheld for the time when the Switch reaches half its expected lifetime.
I do not doubt however, that they have been working on a 3DS successor for one or two years.
>Nintendo wants 3DS line to go strong beyond 2018
>tfw 3DS family could live for a decade
I'm not the same one you quoted, I just mentioned that because it was obvious as fuck but apparently people already forgot about B2W2
The 3DS is already a frankestein of a console, the eshop wasn't native, the miiverse wasn't native, hell it still uses friend codes, nintendo should just let it die after it runs it's course and then put all towards the switch
It's already out, it's also called the Nintendo Switch.
Should include a 3DS slot
The momment nintendo drops the 3DS the homebrew scene goes kaput, and I don't want that to happen. We need at least a decent doom port since games like quake and duke 3D run like pure sex
The Switch is unwieldy as fuck. I don't even remove it from its dock. Imagine a kid trying to handle it. Kids account for a large portion of their business.
That's why it's plastic. If the screen was glass that shit would be a damn safety hazard. It also saves them money so there you go, two stones with one cat
>tfw Nintendo will never make a Gameboy Micro-sized Switch
This makes a lot of sense actually. It could explain why the current Switch looks like a piece of shit tech demo.
Is that a Sony patent for a handheld? I thought they learned their lesson.
Two pillar is dead with Switch. And so is Nintendo.
How long are you faggots going to be in denial about the Switch being the 3DS successor?
It's only the 3DS successor if they do something like this.
What are you implying?
Good luck with that.
>mfw idiots still don't understand the point of the Switch is to unify both console and handheld in one device
It's the Wii U replacement
And it's the 3DS replacement
There isn't a new handheld in development.
At best there's a Switch Lite or Mini edition coming alongside FUCKING Pokemon.
Good lord.
You are a fool. The Switch being Nintendo's single platform is genius from a marketing standpoint. The Vita failed because it was too fucking great, it was expensive as shit to develop a vita game so nobody wanted to invest big $$$ into a niche handheld platform so Vita got no games (very sad). 3DS got a huge library because it was cheap as fuck to develop for due to the shit hardware, this combined with the huge install base and the very cheap price of the 2DS meant devs could make a game at very low cost and potentially reach a massive audience. The Switch circumvents the problem of having to choose between being a great handheld with stellar hardware and no games or having shit hardware and tons of games by also being a console and thus being the sole Nintendo platform and not being a gamble to developers (or not nearly as much of one anyway).