SGDQ 2017

Now: Earthbound (almost halfway through)
Next: EVO 2017 in 5 days
Later: ESA in two weeks

Other urls found in this thread:

I jerked off to 8 times to various girls (male) during SGDQ. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Current tier list:

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Swordless)
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Ratchet and Clank
Final Fantasy VII
Chrono Trigger
Donkey Kong 64
Diablo II: Throne of Baal
Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
Ninja Gaiden (Sega Master System)
Freedom Planet
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
Onimusha: Warlords
Jet Set Radio Future
Super Monkey Ball
Mirrors Edge
Nier Automata
Ape Escape
Super Panga World
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Dark Souls III (DLC1)
The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Tetris The Grand Master 3: Terror Instinct
Titalfall 2
The Firemen
Bionic Commando Rearmed
Silent Hill 2
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Halo: Combat Evolved
E.V.O.: Search for Eden
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Mario Kart 64
Rise of the Triad
Mario Relay Race
Ys Origin
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD
Portal 2
Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver
Mario Kart Wii
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
The Maitre D
Super Metroid
Dark Souls
Silent Hill 2 Ending
I Am Bread
Tetris: The Grand Master
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Is it even worth staying up until the end or should I just call it a day?

I can't take 2 more hours of this snorefest

Reminder that ESA is in a few weeks.

See you then Sup Forums!!

Nigga they dont even TRY to look like girls, you gay

degeneracy. recommend killing yourself

We're gonna make it, losers


All right let's finish this dump off so I can forget this week ever happened.

Does that Patty guy from the ALTTP couch streams or something?

So close

Nothing. You just have a very active sexuality.

What is ESA?

Portal cutie!

So they made discord for people to chill and play vidya. Funny that it mostly gets used by nazis, anime porn enthusiasts and ERP fags.

are Europeans capable of humor though?

nigga you gay


Freedom Planet is God tier.

Oh shit, the Half Life dude ran Portal? I'm sad I skipped that one.

>oh man I love dicks I'm so gay xD like penis is just great lol where's the dick I can't fap to this amirite bros

I can't decide if this was worse than Sup Forums's dragon dildo phase or not. I suppose people spent actual money on those so maybe not so bad,

this announcer is annoying.

Is it just me or does this runner look like he's going through withdrawal or something?

Traps aren't gay you ridiculous newfags

I'm just going to get high and fall asleep to a shorter run.

Earthbound is likely going to end up in Meh or Shit, probably Meh.

found the problem

its like games done quick but good

As long as none of them were Protomagicalman

Thread is so fast nobody will know I am not watching the stream and is only here for the funposting


>threads as dead as the enthusiasm for this run

One last anime for the road, enjoy a cute casual wear Megumin

>a non tranny who's cuter than all the trannies
imagine this dude with makeup and hormone treatment

what about metroid prime and fusion


All the non shitposters are actually watching the stream

this GDQ has taught me that there is a point at which I am unable to tell if a person is a) an ugly woman b) an effeminate nerd or c) a tranny.

you dun goofed

>They actually named it REGGIE GIVE US MOTHER 3!

Huh, would you look at that. No need to riot this GDQ. Or at least not yet.

>boring run
>boring thread

Titanfall 2 should be higher

there's always the post-gdq thread

>I'm actually in this
Oh jeez, that was such a fucking retarded moment too.

>People wanting an official english Mother 3
why, it would just be inferior to the fan translation and it would probably result in more takedown notices

there's two Scotsmen so i think that should cover the event

I missed the Diablo 2 run, how was it?

>Activate it.

It's a late night run, and EarthBound is a kind of mundane game to speedrun. Relax and savor our remaining time together.

The resemblance is uncanny

I know how to get everyone motivated!

So I can buy it

>Jedi Outcast
The run wasn't anything to write home about, especially compared to the LttP run.

>Final Fantasy VII
>Chrono Trigger
>Donkey Kong 64
>Diablo II: Throne of Baal
Fuck no.

>Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix
>Freedom Planet
>Nier Automata
All boring as fuck.

>Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Was awful.

No-one is watching the stream?

pretty good
had some nice jokes set up that confused retards in the end

Girls don't play videogam-

Yeah and these aint traps, they are men in dresses, a trap would actually look cute

Yeah, his twitch is 'patty'

I've heard nothing but praise for it, but you're the first person to say it's in the wrong category.
Anyone else want to weigh in?


Nothing special about them, this isn't a comprehensive list

You're the second person to say words to that effect, I'll shift it up

>that guy walking with 1 hand in his pocket

It was patty good

We won't forget hella and bepis removal #2 tho, 3 strikes and a riot must ensue.

Why did you end this in a question mark?

Wasn't there a suprise bonus on the schedule or did I miss it?



In chemistry that's what we call the triple point.

On a more positive note it seems Bubbles didn't supremely fuck up this time.

What are they doing?

I don't know?

Just download it

Fuck off

this really makes me sad.

It was Portal 2 1- player co-op

>So little Poo's story and character development

makes me sad thinking of all the stuff they cut about him.

I'm tired and my balls are empty. Somehow this feels longer than FF7.

Well there's definitely nothing else on the official schedule, I don't know where you read that if you're not talking about BotW.

>Reggie got put on notice at a charity event
>Iwata didn't win

Aw yeah

why is the room so goddamn empty? undertale finale was a full house, this shit is fully empty

That's Klaige. You may remember him as the GDQ enforcer that got asspained because people were wearing a hat that supported the president elect.

This is the worst because of the woman interrupting the run.


>bubbles channeling his ability to crash the game
based bubbles

worth watching for the funny runner

>bad hair
>the way they walk

It's pretty easy actually.

Last night orgy in the hotel rooms.

>Every time the donator says "HYPE!", there's complete silence
Even the crowd knows that GDQ is dead.

Just a few hours left. And it'll all be over soon.

Its 2:30, user. Most people left after Zelda/Portal 2.

Making sure everybody in the room paid to be there. At the charity event. That is being streamed to several hundred thousand people for free. GDQ needs to make sure they got their cut. Every 3 hours.



Was Undertale at 3 in the morning?

How do we get Proto banned?

Now that SGDQ is over, are there any other GDQ-esque events the rest of the year?

Because this is yet another hours long RPG run. Undertale only took about an hour.

>the call that saved Super Metroid

These guys have absolutely no tact and seem to behave in a downright childish manner.

Thank god, then I won't have to deal with a stupid namefag in my gdq threads

I remember him as the guy that literally held his mic up to his face just to laugh during the Battleblock Theater run 2 years ago. He looks like a baby with a beard.

undertale was a late-night finale too

these are literally the people you jerked off to, what the hell