I need to pass 13 hours as quickly as possible. I'm sleep deprived and need a game that's really easy to get hooked on for a bit.
I need to pass 13 hours as quickly as possible...
help a faggot out, Sup Forums
have you tried sleep
you cant speed up time silly
Time is relative.
I will, but I can't for for a while
Rocket League will keep you busy 7 minutes at a time.
Try heroin
You can, through various ways.
What types of games are you into?
I'd personally do another playthrough of Dead Space 2, or play a bunch of Killing Floor 1
It's too late right now to try and score drugs, everyone's asleep.
pic related (not very accurate, but a passable representation)
I can't recommend any strategy games or open world stuff like Fallout NV, but if you enjoyed the Horde shooter part of PD2, I would recommend KF1
It's a tad hard to get into because of the dated engine, but you've got more than enough time to get into it properly
Didn't notice you recommending Killing floor. played fuckloads of it too, is it not dead yet?
Saints Row IV
Risk of Rain.
Alternatively a turn based large scale game like SMAC or Civilization, those a ludicrously easy to sink 12 hours at a pop into.
>. I'm sleep deprived
Then sleep. Don't play games, you idiot. You have no idea how bad you are wrecking your body and mind. You're literally making yourself permenently dumber. The longer you wait the more damage is done. Go to sleep.
I'm not sure, I host my own server for my friends and sometimes get a bunch of pubbies who join, and I'm in australia
I'm sure you could find some players
Relax, I'm just normalising my sleep schedule and this is the only way it works out for me.
land down under would ping the living shit out of me
Of course, but what im saying is if I can find a game in australia, surely you can find one in whatever bigger country you live in
Oh right, sorry. I'll set it to download and see how I feel when it does. Thank you.
>I'm just normalising my sleep schedule and this is the only way it works out for me.
No, you fucking idiot. You're making everything worse. Trust me on this one.
If you can't sleep, you need to:
1. Get out of the bed
2. Start doing something monotonous and unexciting for hours. My choose is reading a bunch of technical books.
3, Do it until you feel like you can't stay awake. Only when you eyes are closing, get into the bed.
I wasn't born yesterday, I know how my sleep works. Your method doesn't work, I'm just fully awake at certain hours because I've been fully awake at those hours for over a month and now the situation requires me to change that.
>I know how my sleep works.
No you don't. I was like you, thinking that playing videogames during sleepless nights would allow me to adjust, and the only thing I did was ruining my sleep clock even more.
>Your method doesn't work
Yes it does. From not sleeping or barely sleeping four hours, I'm getting six - eight hours of actual sleep.
You can't get sleep because you get into the bed and try to force the sleep, making things worse. Add to that how you probably play videogames before getting into bed, not taking time to relax and wind down.
Only get into the bed when you're tired and can't stay awake. Don't use the bed for anything but sleep.
Exercise helps immensely.
I'm not sure how are you not getting this, it has nothing to with sleepless nights, I've just been on a different sleep schedule for a while and now I need to get on a new one.
I've been going to sleep at 6 in the morning and waking up at ~5 in the afternoon. That's my normal rhythm right now. I don't have trouble falling asleep, I have trouble falling asleep at hours that I'm not used to right now because my body is set to a different sleep time.
Go to the drug store and buy Melatonin. Should be able to buy some without a prescription.
Ahhh, that's very different. Sorry for not understanding you. I thought you were losing sleep just because.
There was a time when I had a night shift work and adjusting took me a couple weeks.
Why are americans so willing to poison their bodies with chemicals instead of trying something like exercise or healthy habits?