Has there been any other game in history where the devs do everything in their power to kill its community and succeed in doing so?
Has there been any other game in history where the devs do everything in their power to kill its community and succeed...
Mighty No. 9, and like FT13 it was a shit game and nothing of value was lost.
These devs just keep outdoing themselves.
Chrono Cross
so how many times are you gonna make these threads?
no one cares you were banned
Someone give me the short version of the story please. In like two or three sentences.
I'm not banned my friend
But it's getting harder to find lobbies
>user gets banned for abusing exploits/bugs
>autistic angery intensifies
>proceeds to moan about it on a srilankan crocheting board
user gets butt blasted at some random counselors feeding the Jason player information and calls them faggots (The act of intentionally helping Jason is a bannable offense according to the devs)
Turns out, one of those random counselors knows the devs and cries about being called a fag
Devs ban user, but not the other guys, user writes a negative review, and the whole thing blows up with the devs doing some stupid as fuck damage control
Oh okay, so business as usual.
I knew the earlier story but what damage control?
Devs claim the banned guy is a sexual predator looking for 12 year old boipussy.
Devs went full SJW
Anything non-PC gets you banned
They're accusing the guy of sexually harassing a 12 year old and admitted that they do in fact actually know the people that reported them.
Never mind the fact that
1) Why the fuck is a 12 year old playing the game?
2) Why didn't the other party receive a ban as well since they violated the list of bannable offensives that they've been bragging about enforcing?
Fuck the devs. This game was a pile of shit to begin with now it just got a whole lot shittier
Kek, theyre trying to make the game a safespace now, soon just saying 'get fucked' will be construed as a threat of rape.
Gun Media doesn't care about Xbox One users.
Why can't Community Managers ever behave? It's your one job not to fuck up and piss off the fanbase. Why do so many fail?
The game is unfucking playable on Xbox One
The last patch turned the game into a slideshow. It also promised to fix crashes. The game ends up crashing even more than usual.
And their matchmaking fix for Xbox One?
Instead of having you on the Main Menu with "SEARCHING FOR LOBBY" with a countdown, they put you in your own little private lobby that nobody joins.
The vast majority are blue haired diversity hires who won't stand by as 'evil internet racists' play 'their game'.
I fucking hate being thrown in as the host & having 0 players join in, why create so many hosts if your system doesnt already have players queued up.
That's disgusting. A shame too because i actually enjoy the game, but it really is getting harder to find lobbies in general.
Finding people who think screaming "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER" as the height of comedy annoying isn't going SJW. Yes I am aware of where I am
>One strike you're out ruling
>Everyone now recording every match out of fear of being banned
>People trying to bait others into swearing, using cuss words so they can be banned
>Entire system relies on edited videos which can easily be doctored
Really incompetent.
Banning people over saying "ima fuck your ass bitch" & calling fags fags is pretty sjw tier especislly in an M rated game. And instilling a fucking fink system is just childish way to avoid fixing the game.
Not gonna lie, I took loads of screenshots back when the roof glitch was out the ass rampant, and when I run into annoying 12 year old players or general fags being fags, I get their name, shop it onto my screenshots, send the screenshot over to my tv, take a pic of it with my phone like its happening right that second & send it to the devs.
Keep it up. The sooner the userbase realizes how easily this is exploited, the sooner the devs either change it or fuck up the game for good.
I honestly wish theyd bring in a team that can handle this type of game, its very obvious this is a 'bit off more than you can chew' situation.
Plus who the fuck would ever think a finking system would go unabused.
>Playing F13
>Main Adam
>Manage the best game of my life, had a hand in fixing both vehicles, calling the police, and fixed a generator
>Shot Jason with a shotgun, a flare gun, stunned him with a fire cracker, stunned him with a bat and trapped him with a bear trap using my clever placement
>Get out in the 2 seater with my bitch AJ
>Respawn as Tommy Jarvis
>I'm ready to take this fucker on one more time and save the remaining players
>Find Jason, he starts walking towards me
>Approach him with my shotgun, my middle finger ready to hit M2 and M1 in a fantastic sequence that would rival the Tetris block at SDGQ
>Tommy suddenly opens his mouth
>Jason stops in his tracks
>Start to lose my composure and sweating all over the keyboard
>Hit my Push to Talk key and begin apologizing to the Jason player, but I'm so shocked and anxious that I keep stuttering
>"I-I'm s-s-sorry. I-I-I-t wasn't me I-I-I swear!"
>"N-No! I d-didn't swear! That's exactly what I didn't do!"
>Cops finally show up on the scene
>They leave the exit gates and I can see their blips heading towards where Jason and I are
>The cops are actually the Gun Media devs, they invaded my game
>They tell me to put my gun down
>They arrest me and escort me to the exit, I see another Gun Media dev trying to console a crying Jason Voorhees who's sitting by the EMT
>Devs give me a good beating while they shout "MAGGOT HEAD!" at me over and over, asking me how much I like it when someone calls me names
>They ban me from every visiting Crystal Lake in the future
>Keep trying to apologize but I stutter at every syllable
>They put me in the looney bin
>My only communication time nowadays is shit posting on Sup Forums
>the one who got the guy banned works at Turtle Rock Studios
>some sjw looking tumblr girl
For fuck sake.
>Believing controlling what people say is okay.
Hello bootlicker.
user got bootyblasted he isn't allowed to cheat. That's it.
Some edgey 10 year old got banned for acting the same way on a game as he does on Sup Forums He came crawling back to his safespace to constantly make threads about it and cry about it.
Hi Gun Media
Hi user, still enjoying your ban?
I've been kicked out of many bars; never banned once from an online community.
Maybe you should start being nefarious irl coward.
If its the shittalking player than he was not cheating, he simply shittalked which is something all competitive online games have. Gun media is just looking for brownie points with the safespace community you cocksniffing gapeholed hiv+ faggot
Yeah... staying away from this shit, has drama and frustration written all over it.
Community managers are always toxic.
>Gun media is just looking for brownie points with the safespace community
They want brownie points with Sup Forums? Why?
nah, he's talking about the Kotaku type crowd.
"lol I'ma nerd" people.
I stopped playing because of what happened to you, so you at least warned one person.
I'm doing just fine friend
Player was being an absolute shithead and got banned for it, then cried and lied about it. Fanbase is crying because they are also shitheads, since Jason is deliberately OP and thus attracts players who want to undeservedly roll over the other team without resistance.
This explanation sounds less vague and more reasonable.
physical copy when?
Evolve is a masterclass in how to fuck yourself out of a playerbase, perhaps on succeeded by Battleborn's badassery
>players act like cancer and kill the match
>guy gets mad at them and goes full autistic screeching
>devs bans the guy forever, 40 dollars in the fucking trash, and the cancerous players are left unbanned because they knew the devs.
It's honestly not that much, it's been blown out of proportion, but it's just super retarded. This could have been handled so much better it's not even funny.
I still really like the game though, it's shame it's going to die if the retard devs don't get PR 101.
>Join a game just to shit post
>End up getting two cheevos for it
Thank you Gun Dev. Have a batch of (You)s
>Chad is a Dick
Woah. I'm going to have to report you to the devs for posting an offensive screenshot.
Thank God they're already in this thread. They'll take care of you.
I bet you feel so fucking clever, you know what community Im talking about you cuntfaced downsyndrome shitsmear.
100% certain youre the type to report big bad bullies who call you a shitstain online.
Obviously, none of these niggers in this thread have replied to a single valid observation I've made. Just makes the game's community and/or developers out to be even bigger assholes then they already are.
>take a pic of it with my phone like its happening right that second & send it to the devs.
kek that's pretty smart.
>Community managers are always toxic
It's true. But why is that? Why do devs always pick the crazies?
The only community managers I've seen that were really cool and level-headed despite trolling/criticism were for Last Year and No Room In Hell 2.
Had they banned all parties this would be a non issue, but them playing favorites & now trying to drag the autismoscreechrr thru the mud is ridiculous. Bitches just fix the fucking game instead of becoming literal language nazis
It's astonishing how these people get employed and stay employed when their job is to manage the community
It seems like they only hire assholes.
>Why do devs only pick the crazies?
Probably something to do with having a gender studies degree as their only qualification. All the other people with talent and actual qualifications are working on the game itself so they need a rainbow colored monkey to post on twitter and ban people they deem 'offensive'.
There's nothing wrong with someone saying that.
It can be annoying, so just turn the MIC off.
Being a Nazi/Commie and controlling behavior is worst than the person saying such.
>succeed in killing its community
>goggle this event
>literally no on cares
>not even reddit, who love making a drama out of everything
>join games, no one is talking about it
Literally no one gives a shit you got banned, niggerlord.