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Make an interesting OP at least you fuck.
3 days motherfuckers.
>Planned party setup
>Favorite character
>Favorite zone
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite judge
>Favorite track
>those weeb tears
Truly delicious.
>didn't bother adding a mode where you can just sub in your own party of custom characters, and any character including guest characters through the whole game
Is it clear yet whether the two jobs are concurrent or not? As in, can you access the skills and stat buffs from both of a character's job boards at once, or do you have to toggle them?
Fuck, those busts are bigger than I thought they'd be. Now I'm kind of pissed I didn't pony up for it.
Is there a reason for the green tint on everything?
>Classic - Vaan, Balthier, Fran
Shit taste, i know.
>daily reminder that you're a pleb if your main party setup was anything but Basch/Ashe/Balthier/Fran
>daily reminder that Vaan, Penelo and the other twink have no use being main characters beyond your fetishes
Green tint? I hate the new visuals but I don't really see any green.
Basch should of been the mc
He is. He's just not the player character.
he was supposed to be, but during the development it was changed to Vaan because of vagrant story being unsuccessful with a "strong man in his prime" and they wanted to target a younger demo.
Wasnt the sequel good, even rhough it had vaan as the mc
3? It's less than 2 days for me!
why though
Wait, release is in 3 days? Already been playing for two days. Didn't know that street date was broken.
I loved this game as a kid
>Planned party setup
Solo Ashe, going for some sort of Summoner playthrough. Not sure which class I'm going to make her yet, probably some support based shit. I want to take full advantage of being able to control summons in this version.
>Favorite character
Playable? Ashe. Favorite character in FFXII period? Doctor Cid.
>Favorite zone
Golmore Jungle
>Favorite weapon
Bit of a weird one here, and it's sort of cheating since I'm going to pick two but the first is going to HAVE to be the Burning Bow. Doing a 'perfect game' run and having that thing drop just makes the next half of the game piss easy.
If I had to choose a top tier weapon then I'll go for the Yagyu Darkblade
>Favorite judge
>Favorite track
Regular boss theme + Golmore Jungle
So they are releasing a 11 years old ps2 game on the ps4?
The final fantasy that finally killed the series opening the gates to lighting?
Wow, its like I give a fuck or something
>>Summoner playthrough
shit that sound like a lot of fun. may steal that idea and try it
It's funny.
>FFXII releases
>Nobody gives a shit about it
>FFXII remaster releasing
>Nobody gives a shit about it
I'm not even mad or anything, I just find this constant reminder on how shit the rest of the worlds taste is. FFXII is easily the best Final Fantasy. I put 700 hours into the original, and I'm easily going to put at the very least another 100+ hours into this.
>tfw no steam version
For a very long time people have not given a shit about stories that don't play out like movies. Especially in video games. A slight deviation in this clearest cut formula in all of fiction will be an almost unnaturally quick turn off for a lot of people.
This is why odd perspectives or various pacing speeds are enough to completely take people out of a story. 0 attention span, 0 attention for detail, 0 memory retention, full intent to stop and go fap instead.
probably in 3 months after release.
>The final fantasy that finally killed the series opening the gates to lighting?
but that's X
I've only beaten FFVI and FFXV. I enjoyed both. Will I like XII, Sup Forums?
So what are they adding to this?