What do you like to sip while playing vidya?

what do you like to sip while playing vidya?


I can't believe I used to drink this shit
it was the original green one though, but I doubt these new ones taste much different

Iced tea pretty good


Good taste

The drink tastes like edgy and ballsweat and call of duty with halo. I'm not even making this shit up out of spite.

I really don't understand the origin of these 'sip' threads, nor do I understand their purpose... please help!

It's just /fit/ quietly continuing to be the only real engine of original content production left on this site.

the newer ones are alot better very light tasting and 0 sugar

>when that first sip kicks in

>drinking poison.
>not drinking healthy and refreshing water or at worse coffee.


how do they do it? how do they make it 0kcal and no sugar? it's black magic, surely.

Oh boy, here come the waterboys.

the one OP posted is the only good one. tastes much lighter and is zero calories / zero sugar.

Coffee is less healthy than soda you fucking retard


A sip thread, I see

maybe if you load it down with sugar and cream faggot. coffee is far better for you than any soda.

Good /fit/ memes here.


>sip threads
>being anywhere other than /fit/

no it aint. coffee is a norrmalized tar of a drug

is coffee 0 calories? no? owned, sweetie ;).


Water or tea

Monster is nice but garbage


They do it by making it taste like shit, if you think it tastes good you are actually desensitized to the garbage big corps pump into everything.

This, but also sometimes I feel like the zero calory monster has to have a catch but at most it seems to be the artificial sweeteners and whether those are good or bad varies so fucking much from research to research that you might as well just not bother caring.

I guess the main drawback is the caffeine if you drink too much of it.

>caring about calories
>not caring about carbs
Who /keto/ here?

Tea is water

muh nigger

I remember liking the M80 version of monster. Is there a sip equivalent?

>trying to cut back calories
>basically no beer and less shit
>really miss a nice cold one during gaymin
>the light beers are total shit

Why does good beer have to be basically liquid bread?

Yeah basically. I love the stuff but I don't think anyone is going to argue its good for you


It actually has 10 calories

>not going full /paleo/
>not having half your plate meat and the other half veggies.

Peach juice