Is this the future of vidya?

Is this the future of vidya?

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And nothing of value was lost

>win game
>get new pet kot
Sounds like a good idea to me.

Just eat them, don't be cruel to animals :(

This just seems like a joke. As if those shitty claw machines can grab a light toy, let alone an entire cat.

I mean it's no different or any less humane than having them caged. As long as they don't leave them there without food or water or anything.

If play a bunch of times. A lot cheaper than buying one normally.

>put wet food in prize slot
>get free cat

I'm in.

The claw squeezing around them can't be comfortable

though I do question what's keeping the cats from hopping down the chute to freedom

>Male gamer

What did she mean by this?

>someone wrote an article about this
people get so up in arms about animals, especially dogs and cats. it's pathetic really.

t. sociopath

Cats have a higher IQ and are almost as friendly as dogs. Cats also kill annoying pests while dogs just sit around being retarded.

This has got to be fake. A cat isn't going to let itself be picked up by the claw and anything coming out of that box is probably going to be caked in piss and shit, why would you want that? Also, you don't need to win a cat in a game if you want one, they are easily available for free.

Are you playing vidya with your feline friend today, Sup Forums?

What type of feline soviet republic do you live in where you can get cats for free?

Shelter cats or just steal some street kitten from cat mom

The US? Go to a pound and adopt one. Many of them even do the shots for you.


>Cats also kill annoying pests while dogs just sit around being retarded.
Have you never had a dog? Every dog I've had was a master mouse killer.

Why are the Chinese such soulless monsters? Not even Communism fucked up the Ruskies as bad, are gooks just naturally sub-human?

You can change the strength of the claw. Owners usually make it pretty low though, of course.

That's one way to make the chinese pussy shortage go away i guess.

Someone should post the other pasta too.

>A dogfag feels the need to whine about the superior pet

Like clockwork.

nigga just look around and grab a cat off the fucking street, the things multiply pretty fast

>stereotyping a country of 1.3 billion people

Fuck off, retard

Cats can sleep in cages. In claw machine they can't and are constantly stressed with claw, shaking, noises and bright lights. It's not humane.

Cats and dogs are free plus the cost of shots at literally any pet shelter in the US

You realise there are dogs specifically bred to hunt and control pest population, right? That's why farmers primarily keep dogs at hand.

The right breed is friendly. My cat would come running and greet me at the door when I came home from school.


you got a version of that, thats not for ants?


>water is wet
>animals gets treated as animals
two of these triggers Sup Forums, can you guess which?

>implying those weak shit claws could pick up a cat

Fucking scam.

fellow phoneposter detected

>assuming their pet preference

Just look up "Sup Forums Chinese steel", I'm on mobile right now, that must have fucked it up.

Chinks lack all empathy though, it's their culture

>Not even Communism fucked up the Ruskies as bad

Cannibalism was common place in the USSR.

>sterotyping country responsible for polluting the planet and killing off more wildlife than all first world countries combined
>live in fucking inhuman conditions like insects and even behave like them
Fuck you gook, China needs to die.

>Putting a highly efficient killing machine inside a claw machine.
But why?

Isn't it a thing that in the event of an accident, people would rather run them over again to avoid paying medical fees because a funeral is cheaper?


>superior pet
Not even cat owners I know believe that. But they are too stupid / careless or live in a small apartment and unable to own dogs because of apartment policies.

I want Sup Forums to leave.

this thread isn't video game related


While dogs were bred specifically for that purpose, cats essentially domesticated themselves. They would move in to an area where people were which naturally had vermin and other pests around and cats would have nice easy hunting. Being looked after by humans was a natural byproduct of that as cats are adorable and much nicer than vermin.


Read the thread, tourists are frequently advised that if they're struck by a car to get up and run like hell because drivers will try to run them over again

Asían people are less empathetic than other races. Japanese were the same before they got bombed and forced some western civilization down their throats.


t. Xiao
Anyone have that picture of them throwing snowballs at those captive Lions? Chinese are like soulless automatons, or insects. They're one of the reasons garbage hollywood movies keep getting made, they're pandered to.

What is this like the Trump machine?

wat the fuck lmao
he just instantly blew up
fucking chinese motorcycles, not even once

>muh empathy

What does him being male or a gamer have anything to do with it?

I'll probably never go there. Sounds like a shithole. Do you have that post where it describes why even the Chinese don't trust each other?

No, that's not a thing.

Maybe you have to pay medical costs if they survive but you aren't just paying the funeral costs if you deliberately run them down again to kill them, you are getting executed for murder.

>AS male gamer.

Why did they need to include the gender of the player?

It doesn't take a Sup Forumslack to see how fucked up China is

I mean why

black man here, godamn chinese little dick motherfuckers putting cats in a clawing machine?


You could just adopt a cat at an animal shelter if you wanted one.

You seem pretty butthurt, princess

What do you expect when you cram so many people in so little space?

>male gamer

That is just the natural communist consequence of seizing the means of production by killing everyone who knows how to produce food. Makes me wonder what's in the head of every leftie retard who wants socialism.

That shit is going to slide straight off that cat, no way a shitty claw can grab 5kg.

>Win game
>Get new pet
What's the problem here?

Nigga you expect me to read that shit made for ants?

>Some Chinese sources also suggest the van’s driver left the girl to die because compensatory damages for death are often less than for a long-term injury. For the latter, damages might include medical expenses and income compensation for missed-work time over many years. Death involves a one-off payment.
>“If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,180),” the van driver told the China Daily before he surrendered to police. “But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands of yuan.”

I'd say it's because of the population size, having to deal with so many people around you makes you break down sooner or later but India has one billion people too and they don't treat animals like shit, just themselves.

Guess the events of the 20th century fucked them up for good, I dunno.

It's China, big deal. You should see how humans are treated there.


>have to walk them like 4 times a day
>can't put them on your lap unless you have a fag dog

>smell delicious
>don't have to walk them
>can put them on your lap regardless of faggotry

Dogs are the inferior pet. Deal with it.

There are empty cities in China though

If this was any other county than china I'd agree with you.


And look how many people try to fake accidents in China just to scam drivers.