Why is this game perfect? Why has every assassin's creed game made since this been absolute trash?

Why is this game perfect? Why has every assassin's creed game made since this been absolute trash?

But Brotherhood was just as good.

classic RPG progression, generic revenge story and Italy
perfect combination, we count all three in one right?
BF was good as well for almost same reasons

than we got retarded MC, a bunch of frenchies and brits
all three had nonsensical stories without any likable characters or focus
also going beyond 16th century is a waste to say the least
not even going to touch on gameplay, goes without saying

reason is Directed by Patrice Désilets. and learned their lessons from the first ac game.

Because it's pretty solid if not near perfect in every department.
>Great artstyle combined with a unique setting, never really done before and immerses you completely in renaissance Italy.

>utterly fantastic soundtrack

>great combat, still challenging like the original but no where near as repetitive, stealth is still a mechanic you must use.

>story is actually great because it doesn't get it's self caught in the modern setting too much, and all the characters were good

I might be going overboard but AC 2 is a solid 9/10.

I despise this series and enjoyed only the pirate one, should I give ezio a try?

generic revenge story ha. you sick-fuck retard uncapable of solving glyph puzzles. and not remembering minerva ending. those who came before etc.

I do not agree that literally any of the games is trash.
But at the same time most of them were not worth full price. I got the entire ezio collection for 10 bucks, got 3 for free and 4 for a few bucks and I enjoyed the fuck out of those games.

But boi did they butcher the story, what the hell was that?

no you can't understand this masterpiece. if you llike le pirate ship may may

this, everything went wrong after he left

2 and brohood are shining examples of just how much a great soundtrack can propel a game.

Jesper Kyd is a demigod

Way hay and up she rises

> generic revenge story and Italy

one thing I genuinely hate about this game (and just the assassins in general) was that he spared the main culprit who was the reason of all his misfortune while basically murdering half of Italy for far lesser transgressions during his quest for revenge

but gotta keep that ''''''historical accuracy''''''' intact!

>mfw they dropped all the cool real-life conspiracy shit
I live for alternate-reality stuff like that, it's a shame they've mostly dropped it in favor of muh precursors or whatever they're called

nah, they dropped whole "coherent story"
ac1 amks perfect sense
ac2,B,R, BF and even 3 make sense in a lesser way
rogue also is weird
unity and syndicate are terrible mess where nothing happens

Assassins and Templars have been at it since Adam and Eve times as le sekrit club, right? Why did the Templars go all out everywhere in Altair times according to the games?

>killing off Desmond
It's not fair, he was supposed to be the recurring protagonist

>ac egypt announced
>glimmer of hope for the series
>game is set during the transition to the roman period

what a fucking WASTE

That was hype as fuck
>Me and my teenage angst criends awaiting the end of the world 2k12 and then playing AC3 while actually none of us were still teenagers
Needless to say that those were 2 major disappointments in one year.


my interest dissipated entirely when I saw that they didn't address the boring asf gameplay

fuck asscreed, I hope it dies

Yeah, what have the Romans done for us?

Brotherhood, Revelations and Black Flag are also great you faggot.

roads, sanitation, laws, education
but besides that NOTHING! fuck the romans!

seriously though, romans are boring for the reason them being a lot like modern society, or at least close to it in essence, also too uch information about romans

I've finished 2 and 4, loved both (2 moreso) but never played brotherhood. Which one should I download now lads

>roads, sanitation, laws, education
>Defending Romans
romanes eunt domus

what I mean is, should I replay 2/4 or do brotherhood for the first time? been years since I played any

Brotherhood is 2 on crack. If you love 2, you will like Brohood.

why would you leave ezio on cliffhanger?

brotherhood is ac2 expansion featuring Rome

you should do 2-BR-Revelations and watch a youtube video of Ezio last days on portable for maximum devastation.

It absolutely isn't. The gameplay may have been better than the first game, but the really ruined the story. Why did they waste the potential?

Not sure they were really all that secretive in the early days but in AC1 they were an overpowering force because the Assassin leader was actually one of them or at least working with them.

Greed and not understanding where the game's direction was going

had that desilets soul

no books ... no wisdom. just you, fratello mio

>challenging combat
I like AC, but the combat has never been even mildly challenging.

AC1 PC version before patches was nightmare.

AC2 has the least challenging combat unless you force yourself to not use counter-attacks and hidden blades

well, in the book it's stated that borgia has siphylis, so ezio just assumes he'll die for the fatigue of the fight in a dishonorable, meaningless way. ezio was wrong tho

people called the romans they go the house??

In Unity you can get your ass kicked real quick.
>Bullet-dodging enemies
But it's just a matter of levelling up because they decided to turn AC into an rpg or something.

the first game is better

Because Patrice knew what he was doing, the first AC was decent but flawed simply because how repetitive it was, but it had a decent story, he took it and vastly improved upon it in every single way.
better graphics, amazing soundtracks, variety in locations, better characters, better writing, better and more varied weapons etc.. etc..
he left Ubi early in the development of ACB and that game didn't even try to improve, its just AC2 without its magic.

Where'd Patrice go?

Brotherhood was better

No, Brotherhood and Revelations were even less challenging, due to the combo finisher system. In AC2, after you perform a counter or a finisher, you still have to fight the other enemies. In ACB and ACR, after performing a counter or a finisher, you just mash the attack button and kill all the enemies in one hit.

I non-ironically liked 3 better, Haytham was fucking God tier and it showed the Templars in a more neutral light.

>rogue and IV

he was made go

>Haytham was fucking God
too bad he is only in first 3 hours of the game

Because Renaissance Italy is one of the most bountiful and rich periods to set a pseudo-historical game and have fun with the setting.
This game legit got me interested in Reminiscence art and artists.
In retrospect I've become found off of No Revelations too.

I liked Syndicate

Now you will kill me

I only like it since you play as a female

I said the same about liberation but seeing a female do all these acrobat parkour moves looks more natural

In December 14 of 2014 Patrice Désilets with his team launches a new game development studio in Montreal "Panache Digital Games"

Syndicate is alright

AC 1 had the best setting / atmosphere and felt very original for it's time

AC 2 improved the combat significantly and had much more content. but it already showed first signs of what is yet to come (AC becoming more generic and mainstream)

brotherhood is the last game i bothered with

>Hm that's interesting I wonder what game he's working on now
>It's a third person action-adventure survival episodic game [sic] called Ancestors
Fucking ell

it uses unreal engine 4. it could be like far cry 3 + batman arkham (asylum, city) series quality. top notch

It had Jesper Kyd, Ezio Auditore, a coming of age plot and the formula hadn't been completely played out by that point.

Red flags

What, were you hoping for Assassin's Creed: We Wuz Kangz?

Didn't play IV but Rogue was pretty decent except for the modern segments, fuck that shit

That's liberation and Freedom Cry

I thought 1 was better.

AC2 was the start of the casualisation of the series, as well as the point where it became historical GTA.

Problems with 2 include:
>easy combat that removed the challenge that was there in 1
>the conflict between the Templars and Assassins was reduced to "Assassins= good, Templars= bad"
>very little of the game involves assassinations
>armour, gadgets and weapons that make the game even easier

2 felt like an attempt to pander to memesters who didn't understand that AC1 was trying to be an assassination sim rather than a GTA clone.

After 3 they moved to assassins are dick bags

Even Syndicate had Jacob pointing out the hypocrisy of the creed and that games story segments were questionable

>11th century
The fuck?

Jacob had daddy issues and was forced into being an assassin so he fucking hated it

Evie was the teachers pet slut

It's a cosmetic

>easy combat that removed the challenge that was there in 1

But you could just counter and kill everyone in one hit in AC1.

>close to modern society
not in the slightest, especially in the Hellenic areas.

Counters required timing in 1, where as they don't in 2. Elite enemies in 1 also can't be countered unless you wear them down first.

it isnt and it aged like milk

Unity is the peak of the franchise and the best game unless you are an unchartedloving eziofag and who's favorite Hitman game is Absolution because MUH STORY

shit taste

I haven't played AC1 since it came out, but I remember it was pretty bad. Full of bugs that made the game freeze, repetetive missions, boring scenery, etc
AC2 was much better, but I agree the fights were easy and the plot was silly.

What I don't like is his costume never changed
Why is he still wearing the retarded hood in the 1700's? Why not actual clothes that let you blend in with society?


great comeback


3 was too hard to get into. I remember one of the first missions has you murder like 70 soldiers with some other guys helping.
Fuck man might as well wipe out the entire army at that point.

Trickster is cute and has cute feet

It's the games signature
I think it's pretty cool, I've always liked the AC hoods. I agree with you though, they should've made more era-appropriate clothing. Make the A logo of the assassins the signature of the game now that not everyone has a hood.

>Join the assassins
>look like a hobo with a stupid hood
>Join the Templars
>stylish outfits, sexy as fuck pony tail, clean shaved to show the jawline

This is how men dressed in 1868, your guy would stand out like a sore thumb

Doesn't the MC in Syndicate use a top hat while strolling around London and only uses the hood when trying to infiltrate and parkour buildings?

Why does Shay look like he aged 20 years after being shot and falling off that cliff? I thought the in between time was only like a month or two?

Glitches in the Animus

he still looks fucking ridiculous

Syndy also has the best gameplay.

>that bit where all the people you've met in your life suddenly show up in front of you out of nowhere and explain they were part of this killer cult and preparing you for this day

The series had such amazing what the fuck moments in the beginning.

He looks like a retard steampunk pimp, first of all his top hat isn't made of silk it's not shining, it's too short that's a dressage hat made for riding and the band appears to be leather. This is all wrong.
He hasn't a tie on, his open shirt like that would have been indecent, a closed shirt in white with a stiff collar would have been better with a tie,
His waistcoat has an okay design back then some of them could have crazy designs but the overall cut isn't accurate again it looks steampunk.
The coat I guess is the best part but they could have picked a better coat, I think an Ulster would have been a lot better.
I don't like that Victorian now means steampunk the designs look really stupid, this costume in pic related would be just fine as an assassin costume maybe change the hat if you want, without the coat you can have him in a morning suit so he would have the flowing tails when running

its armor you recover from a ship stuck in a glacier.the game takes place during the seven years war


that screenshot is from the france missions that literally take place 20 years later.

I wish Rogue had eventually gotten ported to Ps4 and Xboner. It really could have benefitted from the slight graphical and performance upgrade. Playing on the Xbox one backwards compatibility thing shows that it's sluggish as fuck and kinda ugly. I know it was more or less a reskin of Black Flag, but more BF is a good thing.

Funny you guys whos first was 2. Becs 2 is comepletely flat and boring.

Desmond wore a modern hood during his sections of AC3, too bad they dropped him from the story for no reason.

Tbf he's running a gang so his unkempt look reflects that he's a delinquent

The only good thing Brotherhood brought to the series compared to 2 is the multiplayer