80 GB

>80 GB

How is this acceptable?

cause its the best game of 2016

>plus backtracking maps


>muh megatextures

COD infinite takes 95 GB
Halo guardian take 100+GB
gear of war 4 takes 100+GB
again DOOM was the precursor

You can delete the MP and snapmap files. Check reddit.

Holy shit, you can see Doomguy's face.

...How small is your gaming hard drive that 80gb is a cause for concern?


Fucking disgusting, the minimum space for a console should be one TB not 500Gb

>Not having a 2+ TB drive

It doesn't matter if my HDD is 12 TB, there's no reason for some linear FPS to take up this much space

By not living in a third world country.

It's a modern game that's fun to play and looks nice as fuck. If you don't like it buy a goddamn external for all of your porn and other shit.

Complaining about nice things made nice because you don't have enough space is fucking stupid.

>gaming hard drive
I'm lucky to afford a computer.

What was the price of this game during the summer sale?

I plan to buy it as a christmas gift for myself need to save the money for it.

> v
> not really knowing what/how much work goes into a game

Nothing out of the ordinary here

>80gb single
I have 4TB and that is just ridiculous for one game.

I got it for 20 dollars canadian. Not one fucking regret.

IIRC, New Order was almost as huge and people found the file compression wasn't nearly what it should be, meaning they left the game size fucking huge as like anti-piracy or something

good to know.

because it looks fancy shmancy

Fuck do I care I have 6 available terabytes.

what is the correct size OP ?

i believe it's 2 tb now

The game is only 66 gb though. It did take me 20 hours to download it with my shit tier Internet but the game isn't 80gb.

nothing but the best highest resolution textures for your RX Vega powerhouse to crunch through !!

Yeah dude right, like fuck optimization lmao. Every game should be eight HUNDRED GB!

It is on PS4.

I I gotta sacrifice 80GB for perfect 60fps, I'll do it any day

it's 76 gb to be exact
download is 66gb, then it installs and unpacks everything making it 76

If you mean on Steam then that's just the cripted data that you need to download, once installed it's 77 gb or something

oh my god I thought that was an no-leg amputee asshole

It isn't?

This fucking picture


>tfw perfect 144fps

2TB SSD? Fuuuuuck that

That's your own fault for playing a PC game on a console user.

>144 FPS everything maxed
>frametimes smooth as silk

did you honestly think solid state drives would be cheap?

>8th gen consoles ushered in at e3
>microsoft and sony brag about new feature: play as you install
>idiot manlet game bloggers in audience cheer

Oh, OK, so now for every map of a game, they'll have copy and pasted all of the sound, all of the guns, all of the animations, all of the textures etc...for every fucking level of a game.

Let's be honest about what this is, this is the kike game industry trying to combat piracy by making games too big and tedious to download to keep pirating. Now if I want to purchase a game online and install it, it takes 6 hours because some hook-nosed oven dodger thought he was being clever.

Feels so good.

Thinks we should all have one though

on a 980ti I was expecting 60fps for a new release like that, 144 on nightmare settings with occasional dips to 120ish that was later patched out to make it perfect butter smooth was a nice fucking surprise

Shit I meant to quote

>too big and tedious to download to keep pirating

i consistently find piracy to download quicker though a torrent and f2p than though whatever the fuck digital store any game company can come up with

How good is snapmap after all the updates? Can you play bots offline yet?

What's wrong with 80GB?

also the games industry is just fucking lazy

i try to download doom but it crash my whole village's internet
80gb is dumb, user

Black Ops 3 + all the DLC + patch updates has it clocked in at about 101.4 GB

It's by far the application taking up the most space on my PS4...shit doesn't make any sense.

2. GTA V 65.24GB
3. FFXV 60 GB
4. NBA2K17 60 GB

I mean to be fair I have a shit ton of games installed and still have about 500GB of space left but that's only because I upgraded to a 2TB HDD...if I still had 500 GB I'd be fucked. If they don't start out with 2TB HDDs I won't even bother with consoles next gen.

m-muh uncompressed audio that literally nobody worth catering to will notice

i... i..notice user

If your headphones arent shitty skullcandy earbuds, you will notice.

>there's no reason for games to take up more than 300mb of space
>there's no reason for games to take up more than 5 Gb of space

>there's no reason for me to not whine


That's not the argument, the problem is that it's a ton of space with duplicate data, not anything adding to the quality of anything.

Fuck off.

You will not notice the difference between lossy and lossless compression if the compression is decent and not 128kbps MP3.

Multiplayer bullshit probably.

>not using m2 on 2017
this kek

It's not and fuck any developer that does this.

Because its worth it, being the only non-copycat war shooter on current gen consoles / the only arena style multiplayer shooter

>b-but muh 60fps on consoles!

but those three first are all shit games, totally fine with them being that way

You're an idiot.

Good luck waiting for the loading times then.

>Due to circumstances I'd rather not get into forced to make due with 500gb harddrive for a while
>I start having to beat games if I want to buy and install a new one or just install an old one to play
>Mfw I've beaten more games in the last 3 months than I did in all of 2016
I'm keeping it like this. I do literally everything non gaming off of an external harddrive/off my laptop for college and the 500gb restriction forces me to actually beat games to make a new addition to my installed library.

>games just keep getting larger and larger
>graphics barely improving
can we just stop, games like fucking Total War don't take up as much space as some fucking shooters.

>Falling for the M2 meme

4K Nightmare settings DOOM, thats better than sex

And half of its the shitty multiplayer and its DLC no one plays. At least COD got it right by having MP as a separate install.

>need an 8GB card
>all the cheap $300 USD radeons are sold out
>only option is to buy a $600 card to play DOOM on Nightmare settings


The performance on Doom with Vulkan at max settings is fucking insane, I was regularly hitting 150+ FPS on my 1070. I was actually hitting the engine cap of 200FPS in smaller rooms.

>Nightmare settings

The graphics change because of difficulty choice ?

>60fps without a single drop the entire game so far
>Not a single visual bug or really bug or glitch of any kind
>Plays like a dream with my Steam Controller, had with simultaneous input support and ID had a top tier premade loadout for me where all I did was alter the rotation of the camera pad and maybe switch with backpaddle jump was on

It's fucking not. I have 4tb of HDD space to work with and I'm still upset that for a few weeks I had to dedicate 80gb of that to a single game.


The game's shadows become increasingly complex on HDR devices and the Argent Energy capacitors become runic and blow a hole through your 4K monitor disabling any future entry into hell.

If only Steam Controller were seamless with wine steam games. I'm just an edge case, but still the game is a dream come true.

>felt slow af
>refunded it
I wish i couldve got into it, but zooming fast af around things is what i liked about the original doom
Maybe i fucked up beating shadow warrior before playing it, since its fast af
i don't regret refunding tho

the actual campaign isn't anything that big

that's stupid though because repacks exist, i doubt game studios are that ignorant

>Steam Controller
Is this worth the money?

not him

don't do it

I don't give a fuck about the space it takes up on my hard drive but my internet is fucking shit and all the other ISP alternatives in my area are just the same slow speeds, it took me a full day to download, then the download got fucked somehow I don't even know and I had to download it all again. It's finally fucking ready after sitting in my library for months I just need to finish some Sleeping Dogs DLC then I can finally play it and see what all the hype is about

Absolutely, you just need to give it some time to grow on you
The SC is the Herman Melville of its time. Completely unappreciated at first, but eventually it will be hailed as one of the greatest controllers ever made

Buy 1080Ti like i did

Its graphic setting and also difficulty setting

>no modding
Unforgivable, Doom still has mods and such happening today.

>felt slow
You weren't pressing the buttons well

I found a weird glitch where i teleported into one of those weapon mod drones and the camera kept following the drone until the point where it normally stopped.

But then how do you justify the fact that 70-80GB games do not look or sound much better than 10-12GB games from a few years ago?

i wouldn't even mind it that much if they actually put out fucking single player content, I hope they actually neglect the MP stuff next time around

what's wrong with m2

I dont know what makes the doom multiplayer so bad but I will say killing another guy with armor while you have none is bullshit and the netcode is atrocious

the game runs fuckin great with Vulkan

It's the truth. People who think they can hear the difference between a decent lossy format like Ogg and lossless always fail blind tests.

Yeah it's great. It makes games played with a controller control way better (ever want to use a bow and arrow in dark souls? You can actually aim for shit now. Also games like GTA/Sleeping Dogs feel better on the controller in every way except shooting. It has all the advantages of mouse aiming like no turn speed caps and a finer range of movement, it's just not in the same realm of accuracy, still much better than sticks though.
Works great for playing quite a lot of PC games if you want to sit back and be a bum instead of hunched over the ol keyboard. But something fast like an RTS is probably gonna be too much.

The one thing you do really need to understand is that the Steam Controller won't be able to fully replace your standard controller or keyboard. Games like twinstick, fightan, and 2d platformers dont work great and there's PC games where the controller just won't be able to keep up

I wouldn't have minded if not for THIS bullshit
>Bought physical copy because my DL speed isn't great
>Open case
>It's just a single DVD
>Hopes of godlike compression destroyed when it takes a minute to 'install' and then starts a 70-gig download

Consoles didn't get shafted like this too, did they?

this is correct. ogg is ideal. they used it in doom3. the audiophile meme isn't worth it, it's mostly old people who are internally frustrated that their hearing has gone weak

>he still uses physical media in 2017
what the fuck gramps, it's past your bedtime