>Sup Forums says game is shit
>it's actually good
what's her name?
Sup Forums says game is shit
Too many to list.
I'm sure Sup Forums doesn't like videogames.
final fantasy 13.
and unironically fallout 4 if you can tune out and just have a fun adventure.
What's with this influx of Gwenpool in Sup Forums? Did something happen?
Sup Forumsbabby's first shitpost
Kind of like that retarded guy leaning on the baseball bat
It got a rep boost with the NEET arc
Persona series, namely 5.
The Evil Within, though it's more of an intensely divided game rather than unanimously deemed shit.
Modern TF2
Yeah there's way too many to list.
All Bethesda game studios games after morrowind
Dark Souls 2
Far Cry 3, 4 and Primal
Almost every Assassins Creed game
Watch Dogs
Doom 4 (Usually only the hardcore Sup Forumsipsters say this one is bad tho)
Resident Evil 6
Dead Rising 3
Batman Arkham games (yes even knight and origins)
Thief 2014
Hitman Absolution
Dead Island 1 and Riptide
There genuinely is too many games. I miss when Sup Forums wasn't full of Sup Forumsipsters and when Sup Forums actually liked fun games.
Life is Strange
Mechanics wise it's telltale games done right.
Story and character wise it has had a deep impact on me and made me actually cry several times. I'm not sure when was the last time I've been this moved by a video game
>Sup Forums is just one person
>Sup Forums says game is good
>it's actually shit
La Mulana
Came here to say this.
Honest list.
Playing AC2 after having played AC1 was just "that" moment for me. Every Assassin's Creed after that was equal or better. They just don't have that first time magic.
Cancelled despite being one of the only good looking girls in Marvel's current string of "female version of longtime character" runs. I mean do you even see people making reaction images with She-Thor or Iron Man Woman?
My problem with DOOM 4 is that it thinks the only way to pit large groups of enemies against the player is to pull a Serious Sam and lock you in a room with them. 1 and 2 would drop parties on you as well but those were more like surprise traps to keep you on your toes rather than the next mandatory part of the level, and even then you still weren't locked in with them you had the freedom to leave the nest of enemies if you wanted to. I also wish that glory kills weren't mandatory to get pickups from enemies because it kills the circlestrafing momentum you build while in a locked enemy room and also because having to watch that shit gets stale after the 300th or so time.
Stop avatarfagging.
Its fucking shiet, stop with this meme neo/v/
Sonic 06
Same here, I really enjoyed it and I looked forward to play every episode. Haven't had that feeling about a game in a while.
Is it seriously being cancelled? I thought the next issue of the new Venomverse was gonna have her in it. Fuck
Kys Neo/v/ipser
Every game I like.
Gwenpool being cancelled doesn't mean that the characters can't appear in other series, that would be like Squirrel Girl no longer being an active Marvel character after those tumblr slackwits shat out the worst fucking thing to come out of the official Marvel Comics lineup in over 20 years.
Someone said it's shit?
Final fantasy X-2
>and unironically fallout 4 if you can tune out and just have a fun adventure.
>shitty game is good if you ignore what made it shitty
i bet you can eat literal shit too if you ignore how shitty it taste
The only legitimate complain I have seen about Fallout 4 is that its not a goosebumps choose your own adventure novel. I play games for the gameplay and especially with mods being able to turn it into a post apoc survival game even more hardcore than Stalker and Metro who I could care less if its not a glorified visual novel like some borefest isometric game.
Sup Forums is shitting on it for the story and the fact that 100% requires watching every minor cutscenes.
It has one of the best gameplay of any FF game though
Final Fantasy XII, which every contrarian user is now scrambling to its defence now that it's old and several games have come out since.
Same will happen with XIII in a few years time. Haters will conveniently start liking the story as soon as the next one rolls around. Didn't people also use to hate X? Now look at it, widely considered one of the best and defended a lot despite my hearing that it's incredibly linear.
Stupid children really need to be more self-aware about how nostalgia works. FF _ wasn't the best in the series because it is objectively so, it's because you played it first.
Skyrim, Witcher, CoD, Halo, Overwatch, DotA.
Actually you list anything sold over a million and Sup Forums probably hates it. Except Dark Souls. With each day pass, I'm convinced Sup Forums has shit taste in vidya the same way Sup Forums has shit taste in anime or Sup Forums has shit taste in movie. This is why god has forsaken us.
All modern battlefield games.
>Liking a game that is partly responsible for destroying the gaming industry and stopping valve from producing good games
As for Witcher since when does Sup Forums hate the witcher?
I always thought that they gave the witcher a pass because its seen as the enemy to the more popular more fun elder scrolls series thus making it the hipster alternative and okay to like.
Transformers Devastation was underrated af around here, everyone just seems to consider it a cash-in budget game.
And to some degree it is, but it's lightyears beyond Korra. It's just Bayonetta-lite with a Transformers skin and it's pretty great.
I want to hold hands with Gwen
great, take your shit taste and objectively wrong opinions and return to reddit/neogaf
You neo Sup Forumsipster cucks are so painfully unaware that you're the reddit tier faggots on this site.
>My edits aren't in the .gif
My feelings are hurt
It's full-on gaemplay with scale, rather short rounds, no bullshit, fox only, final destination
Spoken like a true plebian.
Have fun with your
>No (Yes)
>Yes (Sarcastically)
She's literally the only good new Marvel character.
>He cares about text adventure shit in a video game
Spoken like a true cuck. I bet you "play" visual novels.
AC Unity
Life is strange
Kamala best girl.
>why don't you care about the role playing aspects in a role playing series baka
I actually thought that 4 was decent fun but come on user
Kamala was good until Marvel realized they could milk her popularity. She was best when she was like spidey, a down-to-earth, relateable character with legit problems.
Now she's shoehorned into every world-shaking event and is some kind of symbol of the new Marvel, which is never what she should have been.
She's still cute tho
>dude I'm aware I'm in a book lmao
>dude inconsistent writing lmao
>dude cringe inducing humor el mao
fucking casual waifufaggots, read a real mango
Because the GAMEplay in a video GAME is the more important aspect regardless of genre.
But the stats in an RPG are part of the gameplay. RPG stats in Fallout determine if you are going for guns ablazing, a more calmer approach, being a savage and beat people with your melee weapons or you are so sneaky and quick the enemies cannot react to you.
>Reading SJW comics
gwen is a cute neet, don't call her mean things
>implying VR guy would give a fuck about anything but pure gameplay
>implying VR guy wouldn't actually complain about dialog options shoehorned into a game in order to make it fit with the expectations of the franchise
Persona 5
>i didn't read it
>Sup Forums says game is shit
>they haven't played it
Borderlands 2
this must be a troll post
>watch dogs
>dead island
>posts naruto gif
if you bought and support those games, you are the cancer killing gaming
because all of those were poorly put-together, buggy, rushed, and lacking in good story
you buying them is encouraging publishers to half-ass everything
But all those games had good gameplay.
Those are mechanics not the gameplay itself. Gameplay in most games generally is how you progress forward.
Aka combat, movement, etc how you interact with the world itself.
Yes, and those stats affect how you interact with the world.
>watch dogs
>dead island
>good gameplay
>RE6 (Granted, if it wasn't called Resident Evil, it wouldn't be on here)
>Fucking Dead Island
>Good gameplay
Pretty much any game
hey i recognize that half naked egytpian dog
Okay but that's now HOW you interact with the world.
There's a difference between gameplay mechanics and the gameplay itself.
Not an argument. How do those games have bad gameplay? Also to the second guy specifically basically you just admitted RE6 had good gameplay and the only reason you're getting triggered over it being stated it has good gameplay is because its called Resident Evil because you're a cuck who can't dissosciate a good game from your boring ass tanky survival """""""""""horror""""""""" franchise.
truly babby's first waifu.
undertale is the most notable
What's the point of being part of a franchise if it had nothing to do with a franchise?
Also Watch_Dogs is such shit in gameplay. Oh, you want a proper interaction with the city hacking shit? Too bad, click X to steal money from people.
I liked her before that reveal.
You are just proving his point
no lie her design is normally the obnoxious shit I hate but Gwenpools design is hard to hate
>He wants 10 minute long time wasty hack segments even tho you're one of the best hackers in the world who has developed an automated hacking program
Also honestly I wasn't even talking about the hacking I was thinking more the stealth and combat. It was a chill game and it was fun liberating/clearing the city.
Also franchises evolve all the time? Sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse. In my Opinion RE6 was an example of it evolving in a different way for the better. In fact I would have loved that expanded upon in maybe an open world environment.
I think you mean she's CUTE!!!!!
d-did they fugg?
So you don't like her now?!
this, it helps that i'm not a pedo