metroid thread
thread is about to die
guess no one wanted a metroid thread
I'll try to post the rest though in case anyone wants them
I'm halfway through, keep going, OP. I was just thinking about this comic today.
also Houston is a fag
Belongs in retro I think.
sweaty bed head samus a cute
They really should have rereleased this comic like they did for the Zelda and Mario ones from Nintendo Power. I love the art.
last one
>tfw we will never get a modern Metroid comic/manga series
>34 posts
>5 IPs
I actually remember being transfixed by Sigourney Weaver-Samus prepping for the day.
>what is a storytime???
>Metroid appreciation thread can't get past 50 posts without shithole remodelling shitposting / ZSS faggotry.
I hate this timeline.