It's a sand level

>it's a sand level

*distant explosions*

>it's a food based level

Desert Aesthetic is best aesthetic

These men are pawns

>playing the new FFXIV expansion
>all the weaboo jap areas are hyped to hell and back
>I end up enjoying the two Ala Mhigan desert/canyon areas the most

Wasn't T.E Lawrence gay?

>it's an underwater escort mission

>tfw you will never be boogie

it's rough and it's course and it gets everywhere, I hate it

Thanks OP now I gotta rewatch that, there goes my night.


Are there any good games set in the desert?

this one wasn't bad

>desert level
>fake LoA music plays

>There is no reliable evidence for consensual sexual intimacy between Lawrence and any person. His friends have expressed the opinion that he was asexual, and Lawrence himself specifically denied, in multiple private letters, any personal experience of sex. There were suggestions that Lawrence had been intimate with Dahoum, who worked with him at a pre-war archaeological dig in Carchemish, and fellow-serviceman R. A. M. Guy, but his biographers and contemporaries have found them unconvincing.

He was a lot more tolerant of homosexuality in others than many people of the times were, but there's never been any good accounts of his preferences.

That is, except that scholars would agree that he was a genuine masochist, judging by some of his own writings on his life.


>Abraham Lincoln spoons with a man even after he was married
You never know. Dirty history are often buried.

>it's a sand level

No wonder he willingly went to the middle east

>order HK-47 to piss the chieftain off

>touching quicksand its an kill

>it's an underwater level

>it's a snow level

>beat the game of life
>mods still don't give you a sticky

Not fair.

>Japanese Level