What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?
How it was even possible for people who made diablo 2 to fuck up so much?

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It would probably be a huge success nowadays.

That's what happens when you rush games out the door that aren't finished.

I actually think this way about half of wow killers, like lotro

dude, I just wanted to forget...

I fucking loved it.

Hellgate revival will never be finished

>trying to launch a new MMO in the year of The Burning Crusade

Here's a comprehensive explanation.

Fucking forgot to link.


It would be so expensive to make nowadays that no one would agree to fund it.

I actually bought this, it wasn't awful but it wasn't great either. It also ran like shit at the time as well.

What ever happened to that F2P version a while back?

Isn't Hellgate a first attempt at a loot shooter?
It was 3rd person and it was crap, but marriage of loot-oriented loop with gameplay different than "click em to death" - I think they were first.
Why this game was bad? I've only read some previews.

It, was, boring.

I genuinely liked it a lot, but it had so many issues it's no wonder it went to shit.
Could have used a few more dev months, but the game was already so delayed and beyond schedule I don't think they could afford it at that point.
That relaunch some korean f2p company tried a few years back didn't address any of those issues, in fact they turned the game considerably more annoying to sell you shit in their shop.

It had a shit release, and by the time they got around to fixing it everyone had already given up. The devs went bust on some shitty deals they made trying to keep the game afloat and basically lost everything.

It was later re-released by some shitty Chinese company that had managed to acquire the rights and it was still pretty fun to play, but also infested with F2P cancer.

It had some potential, but played like shit and I got bored of it real fast.
Hard to say how Borderlands worked so much better.

The game's keys had unlimited uses.

I pirated it.
Kind of want to play it again, though.

>single player mmo Loot n shoot

What could go wrong ?

It was obvious from the very first second the game starts that it was garbage, I got a sinking feeling in my stomach once the game world loaded. Was excited after the intro video played out as well.

Sure the game might have some interesting things but no quality