get rekt ancap faggot
get rekt ancap faggot
Damn right
Yes Man is your man
Though I was sure he'd betray me when he showed up with the securitron army
>mfw the only thing they could think of to make the legion sound bad was fucking slavery
That shit was so forced. Legion a best.
He violated the NAP. He had it coming.
>replayed NV several times
>try to do things differently each time and to make a different character
>still can't birng myself to go with Legion even once
I mean, they are such fucking faggots
Too afraid to make your own decisions, huh
Also the fact they have no leadership plan for when Caesar dies and will inevitably fail.
*tips fedora*
I too hate legion, fellow gentlesir
Then you don't understand the legion and what he wants
Not the same guy but the legion is built to fail. The cult of personality is just as strong as it was in Rome but the society hivemind isn't like that of Rome at all. When Rome became a dictatorship it was already 200 years a republic that didn't rely on 1 figure to make things run. And even after they became an empire they had a senate. The 86 tribes on the other hand are unwashed leather wearing savages who only recognize Caesar's strength. Lanius may crush them once he takes command but I really doubt it, he's just a brute who doesn't share Caesar's vision.
In NV it's all in 1 man's hands and most of the savages he subdued don't follow him cuz of his grand idea but cuz of himself, once he dies it all goes to shit.
it's not meant to survive forever, what caesar wants to do is establish a unified culture that will remain even if the legion is destroyed
I can't do a legion playthrough either. Though the reason is mainly how fucking unfinished that faction is. Compare how many quests NCR has to Legion.
I mean come on.
>there are people who unironically sided with Caesar's LARPers
what i like to do is finish them in the worst possible way acting as a saboteur
like finishing the flags of our foul-ups quest by getting them chems from the fiends or letting kristoff kristofferson continue sabotaging ncr radio operations
But most tribes follow him cuz of his strength and not cuz they believe in his vision.
that wont matter because in the following generations after caesar achieves his goal they'll culturally all be the same. that's why caesar forced the tribal out of them and follow only caesar
Anarcho-Capitalists might be the most retarded people on the planet, even more so than socialists
What would be easier, for Courier to become the President of the NCR or for Courier to become Caesar Augustus Tabellarium?
Actually, libertarianism is exclusively about making your own decisions...
t. no skill welfare leech
some questions
Why does the legion not want to use technology he was a follower of apocalypse he's well read on a lot of things more wastelanders aren't besides actual Rome was not technologically deprived at all.
Why does Caesar and his legion hate women so much did he get cucked or something?
Why does Caesar say he finally found his Carthage on the NCR? I get the comparison obviously but I mean more of like why does he sound as though he didn't know what the NCR was even though he was literally born there. I guess he left when he was 20 so maybe he didn't expect it to get as big as it was but surely if he kept going west he would have expected to meet them eventually.
Low quality commie bait.
Hey, you ever fly a helicopter?
>violate the NAP
>get your nap violated in return
yes man was an-cap you dope, House was libertarian.
>implying there's any difference between libertarians and an-caps
Yes Man was whatever you as the courier wanted him to be.
nice bait
Most "libertarians" are ironically very socially authoritarian
small government=/=no government
Achievment is No Gods No Masters, an anarchist saying.
Libertarians are an-caps who got in power and said: "well ,maybe we need a little state"
Then they made themselves Dictator Perpetuus because you are violating the NAP if you disagree.
Except not at all lol
They're just a step below fascists
anarchism is a socialist philosophy
the phrase "no gods, no masters" is leftist
>Why does the legion not want to use technology
Because the Legion was constructed as a meritocracy, not a technocracy. Wealth and technology are what caused the bombs to fall, and Caesar wants to avoid this degeneracy in his men.
>Why does Caesar and his legion hate women
Women had the same status in Rome as they do in the Legion. Their role is to nurture, to provide, and to breed. It's not hating women as much as it is a clear definition and seperation of tasks.
>Why does Caesar say he finally found his Carthage on the NCR?
Carthage was what unified a divided Rome. The NCR is what unified the Legion, by being a single huge target to focus on. On the surface, the Legion was united, but of course there were power struggles, that happens in a leader-based system: people will be fighting for leadership.
>anarchism is a socialist philosophy
AnCaps are anarchists.
>Why does the legion not want to use technology he was a follower of apocalypse he's well read on a lot of things more wastelanders aren't besides actual Rome was not technologically deprived at all.
it's probably the same reason as the Brotherhood collects all the tech to keep it away from others, he sees technology as the bane of humanity.
>Why does Caesar and his legion hate women so much did he get cucked or something?
no woman wants to hang around sweaty guys in sports gear, who only want to fuck and fight, hence women are a 2nd class citizen.
>Why does Caesar say he finally found his Carthage on the NCR? I get the comparison obviously but I mean more of like why does he sound as though he didn't know what the NCR was even though he was literally born there. I guess he left when he was 20 so maybe he didn't expect it to get as big as it was but surely if he kept going west he would have expected to meet them eventually.
he never met them, you could even argue that he even didn't know of their existence, since he was walking around collecting tribe after tribe for his army, and in a post-apocalyptic world there are very little means of communication
Fallout New Vegas was nice and all, but what was House's tax policy?
Many GOP libertarians are only libertarian when it comes to big business yet when it comes to social issues they tow the moral conservative line. Sup Forumstards will also claim to be libertarian and then in the next breath state the government should control who you mate with or what you can do to your body
I know i just cant get over their toxic maeculinity and misoginy its just.. UGGH
>AnCaps are anarchists
>not an oxymoron
Fuck off, Martin, you overrated hack.
>House was libertarian
nothing says "small government" like an authoritarian robot army
I have the opposite problem, I can only ever go with Legion or Yes Man.
Funny how you mention the GOP but dont even bring up the fucking Libetarian PARTY. Also your shit about Sup Forums is judt a strawman and uninteresting, I don't use Sup Forums. You're a dishonest piece of shit and you unironically have no argument.
wtf on about
elaborate if you dare
reminder that ancraps think it's okay to sell your children
If you promote authoritarian policies, then maybe you aren't a libertarian? Wild notion right? Nice strawman about "Sup Forumstards" thought.
Nice strawman. Who are you even arguing with?
>all of these Legionfags and Housefags
There is only one true option, and it's pic related
This thread is shit
post AnCap memes
oh, fuck off Sup Forums. Seriously. I'm going to enjoy the day when you nazi idiots are strung up by your necks as an example of what happens to neo-nazis.
"doooodeee i don't like people just gas them"
t. Elijah
>he thinks Rand Paul is an actual Libertarian
>a mindless rant about Sup Forums that doesnt prove anything
I bet you get your news from John Oliver and Trevor Noah
>le you need state for capitalism
go back to leftypol and stay
>Dude, let's cover America with a flesh eating iron rusting fog. For science 'n shit man
wtf i don't find these funny now
>mfw locking that fagola up inside the vault
>replaces authoritarianism via state with authoritarianism via money
Ah i see, it was just le epic b8 the whole time, you sure got me
What kind of a single digit idiot do you have to to believe anarcho-capitalism somehow has anything to do with nazism.
>anti authoritarianism is now authoritarianism
cooked my biscuits
>replaces authoritaianism via state with authoritarianism via mob lynching
What is that even mean you illiterate commie? Define authoritarianism to me, if you can, please.
>tfw you sign a contract voluntarily
>read all the terms and agree to them
>Help! Authoritarian capitalists are abusing me!
>he actually belives that a Socialst anarchist state wouldn't turn into just that.
in AnCap society you can Tomahawk your neighbours backyard because the smoke from his barbecue party is cancirogenic and thus violates the NAP.
>He thinks wearing a skirt is masculine
It's time to come out of the closet
An-cap is children working 14 hours in a mine shaft. It's what we had on some level during the industrial revolution (obviously it wasn't completely laissez-faire).
An-cap is no wage standards, no worker rights, and no environmental standards. Yet an-caps reply to this by saying "if you don't like the job on offer, get a better one." It's completely delusional thinking that ignores location and assumes there is always going to be a "better option." An-caps are just as disgusting as bolsheviks.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. He did literally nothing wrong
things that can hurt my feelings
>tfw no benis tube
Yeah but if you don't like the job on offer get a better one
leaf spotted. Wanna see some cool sight in my helicopter?
>what are worker unions
>what is collective bargaining
>what are books
How did Obsidian predict ISIS already in 2010 in form of the Legion?
t. barbarian filth
>in ancap society you can gut children alive for being near you because them being near you spreads their body heat into your personal space through heat diffusion violating the NAP
Really forces you to ponder, huh?
>Collective bargaining
Shit that gets quickly broken up by Pinkertons.
You have to be insanely brainwashed to think that the state is the only thing that is keeping people from brutally murdering each other for ridicilous reasons
Reminder that ancap is much closer to an anarchic society than ancom is.
>People think we have things like civil, worker, racial and children's rights because of big daddy government.
Um no sweeties these were things secured by the people for the people. In an Ancap society these things will still exist.
Nice dress HOMO
The entire point of the legion is that it just provides a stable bedrock upon which future civilisations can be built, in the same way that Rome did for Western Europe
So? Do you think ancaps would support thugs? There are other ways to break strikes like hiring other people to work cheaper for instance.
say that to our faces and not online motherfucker and see what happens
>Don't like a contract offered to you
>Don't sign it
That was hard
Society is suppressing me. If I got the power I would use it for good and enact an ancap society with my army
Damn you and your New Vegas threads.
Everytime I see one I want to replay it.
The hardest part of New Vegas isn't installing it and all the mods... the hardest part
Is letting go.
Getting a better job requires resources, which your employer isn't giving you.
Besides, there are never going to be enough "better jobs" for everyone. And I think you and I can agree we need people to perform manual labor or low skilled labor. I just think that we shouldn't shit on these people.
Ave, true to Caesar! Death to the corpse ruler of Vegas, and death to the NCR!
Or what? You'd beat me with your shoddy equipment? Those shields would break from a rock thrown at them