why do people play this piece of shit after its been stated by the lead developer they dont give a fuck about balance and basically only cater to the casuals?
I dropped it and the time i invest i getting gud actually get rewards now.
why do people play this piece of shit after its been stated by the lead developer they dont give a fuck about balance and basically only cater to the casuals?
I dropped it and the time i invest i getting gud actually get rewards now.
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If you had to invest a lot of time to get good at this game you have bigger issues, second of all this game is a casual game so of course it's going to cater towards them.
There are plenty of sweaty try hard fps's out there that you can play if you want to be an E sports gaymer
>I dropped it and the time i invest i getting gud actually get rewards now.
Invest in knowledge
Its casual as fuck. Which is why its such a relaxing game to play.
>t. salty hog main
I dropped it prematurely
>the time i invest i getting gud actually get rewards now.
Really makes you think...
it's a clusterfuck 9/10 times
Y is Everybody memeing about this game? I think it's actually a good game. Of course you can't carry the whole game all alone, because it's a team game. Therefore playing this kind of game alone without m8s is cancer.
If you're able to carry the whole team all by yourself the game actually isn't a team game. It's more like a changed version of some single player deathmatch shit game and doesn't deserve the name.
Get some friends and play the game it's supposed to be played. Have a nice day.
It's the only game that constantly managed to get me angry even when i was winning. That shit is everything but relaxing, maybe if you play against AI.
name me some that are also
>t. silver shitter that couldn't deal with being punished for being out of position
This game is the most rage inducing game i've ever played. even worse than LoL. I quit because even when I win its more fustration than anything else.
Dafugg is this creep doing?
Did he came?
>being out of position
>You mean being anywhere on the map where hog can make eye contact with you.
Stay salty
Not sure why you say that, I'm a casual and I fucking hate this game
I figured the "dive meta" would actually be a non-casual thing since it requires teamwork and knowing which targets to pick off (at the right time too)
If I'm wrong and it's way simpler than I thought, feel free to let me know. I imagine it can be boiled down to something that's obvious or just always happens, I just don't know tho.
Gave up on it because the actual content takes too long to release while matches are too samey. Also seems to get buggier as time goes.
>its been stated by the lead developer they dont give a fuck about balance and basically only cater to the casuals?
No, this never happened.
Assault is the worst game mode because it features all of the shittiest maps.
>why do people play this piece of shit
they find it fun
>its been stated by the lead developer they dont give a fuck about balance and basically only cater to the casuals
not sure this ever happened, but it is true that the game caters to casuals. I put 15 hours into genji, 20 spread out hours into various other heros to see how they played and how to counter them, and was able to top score 80% of the time.
Meanwhile in quake 3 and live I still get shit on after putting easily 200+ hours into the two games.
the games fuels me with a fit of rage beacuse of HANZO!
He said that only 8% of the player base play at above Diamond, so it's pointless to balance only around play at that level. They don't want to piss off the majority of players, which I think is fair.
Overwatch is fucking boring
rainbow six siege
the game needs more game modes.
Then why isn't Pharah getting nerfed? The majority of the playerbase can't kill her.
76 murders Pharah
>why do people play this piece of shit after its been stated by the lead developer they dont give a fuck about balance
Where did you get that from?
I've just been playing ctf for the past month and unironically having a lot of fun. No one gives a shit about hero picks, so you can pick your guilty pleasure to practice and not trigger a bunch of quick play spergs
>Then why isn't Pharah getting nerfed?
maybe it's because the stats don't support all the crying on the forums?
Not really, you make it sounds like it's a hard counter. But an airborne Pharah who's first rocket gets the jump on a Soldier will often win that fight.
>"Roadhog's one shot combo is overpowered and not fun to play against"
get it out of here
>Hanzo can just as easily deal 450 damage and at a much further range
this is fine
>please come back to tf2
Sorry, but tf2 is in an even worse state.
No matter what FPS you play it's still going to be more casual than literally any fighting game out there. If you want to get good at something play a fighting game. Otherwise you're just playing casual trash.
Dude road can't do shit anymore.
>get good at fighting game
>either play against people online with input lag, or drag yourself to an autism infested local tournament
Hanzo has less health and can't self heal.
I don't like Overwatch either but at least think a little.
Fucking this they nerfed him way too hard. He`s a massive target and easily picked off with no long-range fire. He was pretty well balanced to begin with now he`s absolutely useless.
>t. plat player
Blizzard have said that they don't like 1hKOs so scatter arrow is probably on their radar, but Hanzo is a dps with otherwise inconsistent damage.
Hog was a 500 hp flanking dps 1hKO TANK.
That`s what med packs and competent healers are for. The only thing Roadhog had going for him were his heal that can still be out DPSed and his hook. Now he has nothing.
The deal here is that roadhog gets to use a big hook and drags the targets into close shotgun range where aim doesn't matter much, while hanzo uses smaller projectiles that require better aiming
Fuck split shot tho
Sounds like you were just shit at countering him faggot. He was a well balanced tank/dps hybrid with well outlined strengths/weaknesses.
>hanzo has less health and can't self-heal
yeah he also isn't the size of a bus dipshit
W-woah you mean just like any competitive gsme ever? O. M. G.
>main D.Va
>9/10 times shit on Roadhog before the nerf
>he gets nerfed and I shit on him 10/10 times now
>tfw everyone's starting to claim D.Va is op
>tfw my main is going to get nerfed because of all the cryposting
>See Jeffs post
>Get mad about his statement on Torbs winrate
>Read the rest of the post
>Still mad
>Get sad that Torb is never going to be buffed and Jeff will shit out any reason he can think of.
>Quit Overwatch
>tfw everyone's starting to claim D.Va is op
Again? They raped to the ground once, that still wasn't enough for some?
If they nerf hanzo im going to quit this piece of shit game. i have gotten anger issues because of this game and the only thing that keeps me playing is hanzo because it's so damn satisfying to get headshots and scatter kills. if you have a problem with hanzo you're a plebbitor and you deserve to lose your rank.
With Hog nerfed, almost every single game is Winston/D.Va as tanks now.
So naturally, D.Va is now considered "too strong" because of defense matrix.
I think it's mostly DPS babies whining that their ults aren't a free team wipe when D.Va has her mech.
Is this game still only capture the flag?
Oh no, a game doesn't feed to the meta that can make a game unfun. Overwatch shouldn't have ever had a Comp.
Oh yes, just like during the first nerf. It's D.Va fault Ana can hold alive 3+ tanks guys, really.
Blah, i'm glad i quit this shit. Blizz has absolutely no clue about anything.
>It's another Randy thread
>not investing in KNAWLEDGE instead
Because it's, and I know this is going to ruin your day and make you puke blood but hear me out. It's fun to play.
>I quit because even when I win its more fustration than anything else.
It takes some fucking skill to make a game where wins feel like losses.
>3 new maps since release
>no proper new game mode
>4 new heroes, one broken, two joke, dunno about doomfist
>no animated short for over half year, despite them supposedly loving to do them and wanting to do them for every hero
>lore? what lore?
>hyped anniversary event was cashgrab blunder
>balance all over the place, devs contradicting themselfs all the time, once they say we can't just look at pro scene, second they say hero X is not played anymore in pro scene so he's clearly fine
They just don't give fuck anymore, do they? And best part is Jeff monthly posts some passive aggressive novel on forums when people start bitch bit too much and they actually eat it up.
>Thinks a tank should be a one man army
Lel, the hook in any other game is just utility. Your team is suppose to do the damage work.
Roadhog mains were truly the most delusional of all, even though I haven't played since season 1, it was glorious to see them all BTFO.
niqqa I eat hogs for dinner. I was just saying that that comparing him and his 1hKO to Hanzo is pointless.
>aim at someone's feet
>if they have less than 500 health they're instantly dead
Hanzo should not be OHKOing every character except for Reinhardt, D. Va, Winston, and Roadhog every 10 seconds.
show me literally one video where he scatter shots two people to death in 10 seconds.
I'll do you one better.
I love how the thing you take issue with is the time, like you agree with me that him doing more damage than Roadhog is bullshit but him doing it consistently when the cooldown is finished makes you demand proof that such a mythical thing actually happens.
That's one scatter shot, not two.
All good FPS's are imbalanced (Halo 3, MW2, Overwatch)
so, you have no proof then?
>kaplan is mid plat
No wonder he said that the top third is what he'd call "elite".
>why do people play this piece of shit after its been stated by the lead developer they dont give a fuck about balance
What he said is that they're not gonna just gonna cater to the demands of the public when it comes to balance. When most of your fans clamoring for balance changes are braindead retards who don't understand the first thing about game design, that's a pretty smart idea.
Yes it is, the dude asked for a video where he scattershots two people to death in 10 seconds, in that video he gets 3 kills in less than ten
You're right, all Hanzo players are so shit they can't even kill people with Scatter Arrow abuse. Sorry to waste your time, superior human being.
I'm a casual player, and since shooters always catered to audience that cared only about fast-paced, quick, entertaining matches Overwatch is really fun to me.
Why complain about the cooldown, then?
>Playing Overwatch competitvely
Why would anyone do this? It's an entry level FPS designed to cater to casuals. Not that there's anything wrong with that, games don't have to be complex to be enjoyed but why people get to asshurt over this game I'll never know. It's like getting mad about Snakes and Ladders.
You're implying that I'm the same guy.
Because the game is fun, and playing QP isn't fun because people just pick shitty comps and go "IDS JUSD KWIGBLAY :DDD" then we get stomped.
you're implying that I'm the same guy
I'm not, and I never would.
>not just playing hots instead
You're really bad at this
>being a cucked NuBlizz fan
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