Is Sup Forums a disguised Sup Forums?

Is Sup Forums a disguised Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a disguised /trash/

everyone has Sup Forums inside of them

hail mary, our lord is with thee

Not really.

how are you supposed to react when politics are mashed into you face from videogames?

underrated post

I'm referring that half of Sup Forums are racist scumbags.

Sup Forums was like this from the start.

Maybe you should pay attention.

>Being racist
>A bad thing
Humans in general are natrually racist nice bait though Nigger


>being a triggered tumblrtard
The Sup Forums cant is working as intended, I see. Nigger.

Fairly accurate

Oh shit, they found us out.

No it wasn't m8.

>this is what furfaggots actually believe
Back to your home, the

Most people don't consider black characters "forced politics"

aside from Sup Forums

Well /trash/,/m/, and /k/ are the best boards

Literally underrated.

Now that's some top tier taste.

You are literally describing Sup Forumsposting on Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums is one person
Lol love this meme
Yes it was you retard
>being this booty blasted

in reality we're a bunch of genderqueer sjw's saying the n word to cope with how few friends we have, because if we had real actual friends, they wouldnt let us say that shit huh

ayy you right

It's hilarious how Sup Forumslution doesn't bother concealing itself when it gets called out.

>Yes it was
Guess I missed it for 5 years. No one was viciously for real "I WANNA MURDER NIGGERS! THE MERE APPEARANCE OF A NIGGER SENDS ME INTO AUTISTIC RAGE! I SHALL MAKE 8 THREADS ABOUT IT A DAY" before GG shitters like you came in.

No one cared when prototype 2's protagonist was a black guy. No one cared they black washed demoman for tf2.

>Sup Forumslution

Be part of the solution, not the Sup Forumslution.

/trash/ is only good because it's a relatively hidden board with tons of niche threads. if it was actually listed on the website I guarantee you it'd become shit.