What do you think of "non magical" more "realistic" fighting games?
Specially the UFC stuff.
What do you think of "non magical" more "realistic" fighting games?
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It's more fun when there is a PRIDE mode that lets you stomp the fuck out of people.
So they let you turn them into pulp?
I have never play one to know
Because if I wanted to watch to guys dry hump Id set up cameras in your house
But what is you wanted to see a woman getting dry hump?
Would you put a cam in my sister or my mother's home?
Def Jam Vendetta and Fight for NY are great.
compared to what? two guys dancing and hugging?
Out of the box, the game is great. The very first update absolutely ruined the game. The CPU has the ability to randomly knock out the player's character, while the CPU is given resilience to everything. Check the comments for most reviews. People hate the game.
Nice try, but UFC is infinitely gayer than boxing. Plus none of them can even take a punch. Pathetic, really.
I love those two games, but they're no where near "realistic"
They're meh. Give me a new Bushido Blade instead.
>Square making a no final fantasy fighting game
Sad story for all
>when you're so asshurt about UFC you resort to calling it gay and "pathetic"
You've got issues bro.
Played it at a friend's house and it's suprisingly pretty good
Okay, dude, bro.
It's fucking awful. I already hate these competitions because of the stupid judo shit they do. I don't want to see men hugging each other and rolling!
Fight like a warrior or go home!
Anything related to sports triggers Sup Forums and you know it damn well.
I had a fight where I probably hit the NPC 100 times in the head with powerful shots.
He hits me a few times and KO's me.
Fight night 3 is indisputably the greatest boxing game made.
UFC is fun. I have it exclusively for playing with brother and cousin.
I haven't bought the later UFC games, but yeah you could beat people pretty bad and smash up their faces
>judo n wrasslin isnt fighting like a warrior
nigger you understand that every warrior culture had some sort of grappling component?
>athletic men make me insecure
I've been playing since UFC undisputed 3. Fun and engaging since I follow the sport. The anons talking about the AI being hard just need to git gud. Try fighting someone who can perry and has a decent ground game.
Which happens all the time, that's realistic.
Fuck off with your gay shit
>Fight night 3 is indisputably the greatest boxing game made.
If a boxer and an mma fighter both of the same skill in each other's respective sport meet on the street who would win? If you've saw a street fight then the answer is easy.
Says thefan of the sport ruled by fagmoney mayweather who took the crown from a crossdresser.
I can taste your salt from here. Holy fuck you're bitter about UFC.
the one with a gun.
did you got cucked by a ufc man?
MMA fighters have tons of different disciplines, that's the whole point of it being mixed martial arts. So it would depend on the background of the MMA fighter.
This is the type of bloke who gets blowjobs from random homos in car parks and tells himself it's not gay.
You're a mad closet homo.
I'm a shut in and i don't have sex, tard.
You showed him
Yes, i did.
virtua fighter is dead for a reason
Show me a more braindead sport
I'd like them a lot more if they had intergender matches
Street fights are almost always between untrained, unprepared non-fighters, and usually involving more than two of them. It's really a poor measure of martial arts prowess.
That said, it's largely a question of focus and preparation. Any strike can knock you out if you're not warmed up and braced for it, and the MMA fighter could just as easily be overthinking and slow as the boxer could be unfamiliar and slow.
fight night is one of my favorite series. unfortunately the balance is pretty terrible in multiplayer
Fight Night is legitimately one of, if not THE best fight sports series in existence, and it's still pretty bad.
>There will never be a kung fu fighting game.
>You will never main Bruce Lee or Jet Li
UFC is bad for MMA. Dana White is a faggot who cares more about money than integrity of the sport.
American football, literally. Even prize fighters don't suffer as much brain damage.
True. But it's nothing compared to the constant rape of boxing over the last 30 years.
Football, hockey, basketball, most non combat sports actually.
>over the last 30 years.
the mayweather era is what killed boxing. roy jones jr was carrying boxing in the 90s
Whoever can throw better haymakers
>enemy has weight and knows how to use it
Is this an example of that? If so who are they?
The problem with boxing is the opposite problem with MMA. With MMA it's one organization run by assholes who try to be overly controlling to the detriment of the fighters. With boxing the entire sport is so decentralized that it runs entirely on star power. With MMA you see a UFC show and you can at least be sure that the fighters are, at least in theory, some of the best MMA fighters in the world at their respective weight classes, so even if a main event is lacking there's the possibility of some solid undercard fights. With boxing nobody gives a fuck about any of the organizations and anyone who isn't a star. You tune in for Mayweather vs. Whoever and the undercard is a bunch of literally who jabronis that nobody gives a shit about, purposely selected so they don't step on the hype of the main event.
And it was the same with boxing in the 90s
well you got me there. i really have no argument against that
t. mmafag
I bet you think boxing is also just like a real fight too.
Ufc is populated by bjj fuckwits doing glorified muay Thai / kickboxing with a little Greco roman wrestling thrown in for ONE reason.
Any actual fight is over in fucking seconds between actually skilled persons. Because until some one fucks up there is very little to watch and is boring for viewers. Then there's a fast short sharp nasty bit of violence and the person who sun goof'd the hardest is fucked up unable to fight, maimed or dying.
Ufc has rules to turn a 'fight' into a drawn out slugging match to entertain people. Just like every other fighting sport.
>Any actual fight is over in fucking seconds between actually skilled persons. Because until some one fucks up there is very little to watch and is boring for viewers. Then there's a fast short sharp nasty bit of violence and the person who sun goof'd the hardest is fucked up unable to fight, maimed or dying.
This describes the UFC spot-on, only difference being the rules prevent someone from being maimed or dying.
as a totally uneducated, couch-dwelling pleb, what rules create this gap between a "real fight" and a cage fight in the ufc's case?
>he has never had his face crushed against the wall just to stand up instantly and do a blazing
Pathetic, kid.
Not the guy you're replying to but a real fight is over as soon as one of the guys takes a good hit to the head which shouldn't take long because street fights don't involve a lot of dodging. Also real fights are usually unbalanced. The taller, heavier person has a huge advantage. Try punching upwards and see how retarded it feels.
Fights IRL are rare unless you live near niggers, anyway. It's usually just drunks having a go at each other.
def jam vendetta was rad
No they don't. At the very very start maybe ufc / mma leagues were populated by varied fighters. Now it's all retarded blow job jitsu fuckwits because they kept making the rules shittier and shittier precluding a lot of fighters from participating.
Until blood sports are decriminalised you'll never watch a REAL fight between different fighters. Too much of what many many martial arts do just don't fit a 'sport'. It just doesn't work that way. Even simple kick boxing has leg breaks etc and shin scrapes you can't use in a match.
new one when?
I came to this thread for webms
Why is only Japanese martial arts the best in MMA?
Even boxers have to learn some leg kicks and judo when they come over to UFC.
FFNY is one of my favorite games to just boot up and fuck around in once in a while.
you saying i wouldn't be able to literally play jump rope with your body and slam your face into the pavement? and that you wouldn't then get up and throw me into the air, start breakdancing, and catch my head with your foot as I fell?
do you even understand what realism is?
holy shit you trully dont fuck with a fat man with a havaian shirt
Hullo gridiron. Rugby league/union wants to say glargle flargle blorg folp.
Seeing as it is almost the same game with 0 protective gear.
The newest WWE games have been too much of a victim of this, where they feel need to be more """"realistic"""" which takes away what made previous WWE games great. It's even more BS when you look at 2K14, the last one considered decent, where every single one AFTER it kept removing things, which makes NO fucking sense since Take-Two released 2K14 as well. The last game that came out that felt more arcadey and just felt like loads of fun was WWE All-Stars. It felt like a modern take on WWF Wrestlefest, just a little bit slower and more over-the-top.
Def Jam: Fight For NY was an amazing game to play. Def Jam Icon completely ruined the series. This can also be compared to NBA Street, where V2 & even V3 were fun to play, but Homecourt, while not a terrible game, really detracted too much from the series and ended up feeling different as a result.
Fight Night Round 3 & 4 are some of my favorite boxing games, and while I don't know a lot about Champion, considering we haven't had a FN game in 6 years showed it more or less killed the series, but never say never
The UFC started as a self-circlejerk of the Gracies so they could "prove" their superduper awesome BJJ was stronger than any other martial art in the world.
But even today there's a huge gap in fighting style between people who came from striking backgrounds and people who came from grappling backgrounds, to such a degree that fighters have ruined their careers by trying to do exactly what you accuse them of being instead of focusing on their strengths (most famously, Ronda Rousey).
>Not the guy you're replying to but a real fight is over as soon as one of the guys takes a good hit to the head which shouldn't take long because street fights don't involve a lot of dodging.
This applied to everything, fighting in real life of any kind tend to not be spectator-friendly. And we are also spoiled by films and cartoons that exagerate how cool fighs are using not just special effects, but artificial sounds and movements.
You see those Robot Wars fights? Even robots with power tools don't actually make fights exciting. The TV show had to add a lot of pyrotechnics and an announcer to oversell everything.
Real fights are boring to watch compared to the fake fighting.
champions is more like 3 than 4
is way faster and more fun, 4 was too much of a simulator
I bought wwe 2k17 during the steam sale and you're 100% right. It's somewhere between realism that doesn't feel good and is janky and unrealistic because it looks so slow and forced. I feel like a good wrestling game has to have some sort of rythm and arcadiness to it to thrive. The best wrestling game is gonna be one that reqards you for keeping the flow or story of a match going. Unfortunately we'll never get that game because wwe games seem to be locked under one developer for ages.
i wish they'd get released on the pc for once fuck
what is the best WWe game and why is 2008?
Remember when those boxing games were really popular? Do they still even make those?
nah they're good when there's a bunch of drunks slugging at each other and you can hear that meat being smacked. Even better when someone hits the ground. There's no other noise like a skull hitting concrete. Shivers just thinking about it
UFC 1 was better than 2, and I'm shocked at how fucking BASED EA was about that game. VERY little DLC, I think they had the bruce lee pack and then one other pack? But they'd do updates regularly and add new fighters for free to keep the roster up to date. It was nuts that that came from EA. Not only up to date, either, once they out of nowhere dropped a "Legends" pack for free in an update that included Brock lesnar and (i think) bas rutten?
Simulators are not fighting games.
Hawaiian Punch
Boxing in 2017 is a points game. Floyd ruined it. He's fighting for scores and not getting hit so he had a long career. Now everyone's trying to do that and no one cares about boxing anymore. It's not a fight at this point it's basically fencing without swords.
A lot of martial art feature simple fast brutal attacks that disable disarm maim or kill. This obv. Can't be allowed in ufc / mma. Leg and arm breaks and dislocations. Throat strikes. All sorts of crap a fighter only needs a small opening to do.
But since they're not allowed they have bjj bs with grew holds etc to force tap outs etc instead.
at the same time, that is actually the sport though. Everyone wants everybody to fight like tyson, when not everyone is tyson.
Yeah, I said the rules prevent people from being maimed, because they want to be an international major sport selling out arenas and not some bloodsport done by shitters in basements while dodging the cops. But tons of strikers are dominant, because even if you're not trying to maim someone you just need a small opening to KO them.
I've never played one...I play fighting games for the hot girls, which is why the only Wrestling game I've played in Rumble Roses...so if you can point me in the direction of a female UFC game, I'd try it out.
Dude, why the fuck didn't BJ Penn use that as a nickname?
Would have been perfect.
Which just makes it fancy boxing. My original point. All you can do is bludgeon someone into submission.
which is a horribly inefficient suicidal 'please fucl y shit up' way of fighting.
There's a reason boxers end up stupid. Brain dmg. etc. Real fighters can't 'take a punch' more than a couple of times because if you're getting hit you're doing it wrong, so they don't spend a career in matches taking and dishing out beatings.
They hit and disarm or disable and that's it. 'Fight' over.
All practical fighting is like military and law enforcement shit. None of that is retarded stand up knockdown brawling.
i had a street fight once and i bolo punched a guy which made him groggy and i ran away
who the hell wants to take risk in a fight where getting knocked out means a surefire way for a trip to the ER
Boxing leads to a gratuitous amount of brain damage
Maybe if there was a pc version there could be SFM of the female fighters
Im not saying that would be a good thing tho
Fucking boring to watch
I don't play video games to have realistic experiences
Share us your story, what caused the fight?
Hand-to-hand combat among military and law enforcement in this day and age consists of fuck-all. 99% of the time they're pumping lead into the other guy, and that's not counting the military just sitting back in a sheltered position and calling in air support/artillery/drones/etc. In the other 1% they're running on instinct more than their actual training because they don't train to go into hand-to-hand situations on a regular basis. The average army grunt and the average cop are just as effective in a fist fight as the average drunk Chad with no training.
bumped into a guy walking the street and called him a blind bitch and then he pushed me
well i guess i wasn't being courteous in doing that
i've been in a few fights and have always won by pure luck. always dumb drunken brawl type fights where the more I tried to defuse it the cockier the drunken guy got and would eventually try to swing on me. I always tell myself I should learn BJJ or some sort of martial arts because eventually everyones luck runs out, but I always feel too old.
No one wants to play a realistic fighting game because it wouldn't be fun at all. It would either be boring ass UFC shit with guys rolling on the floor the entire fight, or it would be actual street fighting which would just be two chars rushing to pick up a lead pipe and bash the other guy's skull in before he can do shit.
My only fights were in highschool, and all of them because I was a fatassm but all of those that were against a single guy, were won easily by simple tanking a hit, grabbing the arm, then herding the guy facefirst against a wall or tripping and mounting.
Even if you're a teenager, why the fuck would you pick a fight with someone bigger than you in all dimensions
Always always always if it's for self defense learn how to bare-knuckle punch properly, along with other arm-based strikes. You don't want to bother with any form of grappling in the real world because you don't know what the fuck is on the floor and if you try to pin a guy down that just leaves you open to get beaten in the head. Just punch the fucker in the face before he can do the same to you, and learn how to punch properly so you don't break your hand or wrist doing it.
I remember walking to work at about 5:30am on a Sunday ages ago and saw a guy knocking some dude out and stomped the shit out of him all the way up the (long) road. I have to admit I didn't run over to stop him, but he did run off when he saw me approaching. Had to help the other guy up, luckily the local police station wasn't far, so I left him there and went to work.
The stomper was threatening to get his mates from the nearby estate, hope he was alright when I left him there.