Is Cleve the new Kojima? Will Death Stranding be half as good as Grimoire? Will we regret our words and deeds?
Thal posters only sapes need not apply
Is Cleve the new Kojima? Will Death Stranding be half as good as Grimoire? Will we regret our words and deeds?
Thal posters only sapes need not apply
best bunker
He lied
You know it
Begone sapient doubter, when the thal chosen race finally receives the instructions coded into Grimoire their ancient superior dna will awaken, allowing them to seize control of the world from the sapiens and reassert the proper natural order. Society, and even the sapiens (those that survive) will benefit from 'thal rulership
I keep getting this weird mouse bug whenever I open a character page, anyone else having problems like that? I want to play cleve's wild ride.
Is the hype dead?
This guy are sick.
Sapes, Get the FUCK out
Can your autistic ass fuck off already? Go shill your never releasing game somewhere else.
link demo plox
Cleve isn't shilling the game you retarded donkey sucking faggot, you'd fucking know if it was cleve.
Yes, he will never release it.
It isn't >>>/reddit/ it's >>>/codex/
Reddit is a hole for sape scum, you'd know that if you had an ounce of thal blood
Day of the club when
it'll get removed from steam in a weeks time because he hasn't "fixed" it yet
then he'll start over because he no longer has a deadline. expect another 23 years of grimwah hype guys
is Cleve the modern day Sisyphus?
From the man itself :
Grimoire Go-Live Date Will Only Be Updated When Valve Has Accepted and Approved The Package For The Store
During the last two weeks leading up to the release date I kept marshalling more bugs and slight glitches in the game. No show stoppers but things that just needed to happen in version one. I did not want all the schadenfreude army to take delight in the fact the game was released with these glitches present.
As they accumulated over the past two weeks I kept hoping if I worked harder I could pull it all together at the last moment but when I woke up on Saturday I realized they had become substantial.
This means the release of Grimoire is just sliding a little, which always happens with any software. If you ever meet people who tell you they work as software developers and never miss deadlines you don't know any people who work as software developers.
Grimoire is a colossal game but has already been played completely through by dozens of testers as early as 2005. Every single issue raised during that test is long solved in the game. It is my own observations that have accumulated in the last two weeks.
I did the math and figured it is better to be a little late and deliver the ultimate game than to release it a couple days too soon just because of the pressure of the deadline. I have been working about 20 hours a day and it is amazing how much of it that was long postponed to "later" has been cleared up just in the last two days. I am going to continue working 20 hours a day until it is released very shortly.
As an example, it was always my intention that NPCs log useful entries in your quest book that are sensitive to context. I only had a couple instances of these but in the last two days have added about 92 additional notes by NPCs in the game to make sure the interactions are memorable.
The game could be released right now and few people would know it was not the final version. I am going to work on it intensely just a little more and then release it as a product polished to enormous perfection. If you get this close a couple days is not a big deal, compared to 23 years of working on it.
I told my wife it was similar to the Challenger disaster. Brilliant engineers worked for years on all these systems but then during the last hour they rushed to launch when a simple review and fix could have saved them from catastrophe. That's what I am doing with Grimoire. I canceled the countdown and we are just going to inspect those O-Rings to see if they need replacement before I punch the button here.
Don't believe his excuses, Cleve has been telling similar lies for 23 years. The game will never release, he is a conman. "just a few more days" leads to the date getting pushed back 3 months, and then another 3 years after that
>My problem for my entire life has been my overwhelming modesty and humility about my own ability level
the way he phrases ticks me off, it doesn't seem humble