Where do you go for gaming info/news/reviews/etc

Where do you go for gaming info/news/reviews/etc

Pic NOT related


Why to Sup Forums of course wear else?

destructoid if pretty good

Sup Forums

Great place to get your news if you're able to spot the shills, fanboys and false flaggers.

Various Youtube channels.

I havent gone on IGN in like 5 years.

rockpapershotgun to see if there are some interesting free stuff on itch.io,
or how was some new indie game actually was.


eurogamer with ad blocker

why would you go literally anywhere else ffs

>no clickbait reviews
>no political bullshit
>no insufferable eceleb cunts
>no "imho this game is trash xD" tier """journalist"""

>Japanese Video Game News
I think the last jap game i gave a fuck about was Dragons Dogma.

I actually go to IGN. There is less opinion pieces and reviewers trying to become "gaming-personalities" then other sites. They just post the news and reviews

they don't cover jap games only though.

I used to go to Joystic before that shut down. Engadget gaming has been alright for the most part.

right here senpai

pls no bully

i use this app thing called flipboard
you pic topics you're interested in and it creates a 'magazine' of articles from multiple websites of that topic
sometimes you shit but generally you get the important current vidya news

Me too. I don't care to read the reviews. I just want the general opinion and I'll watch some YouTube gameplay videos to figure out the rest.

>jed whitiker

>sexuality is fine as long as it's aimed at gay men
He's not better than any of the fucktards going "eww, lesbians are gross".

I come to Sup Forums for my game recommendations.

RPS is pretty much the only thing i occasionally browse (also subscribed to their curators page since they had a load of interesting suggestions)

However they have been sold out to a network, so might expect the reduction of biased subjectivity.

i dont visit shit jouurnalist
so Sup Forums

I go to Metacritic just to get a sense of the games worth. Then I just read/watch reviews by some reputable people and then decide if I want it.

>valkyrie drive bhikkhuni's pc port is perverted garbage
lets check the game then , if gameplay is good its worth buying

Giant Bomb

Sup Forums
don't care

it WAS good. it's gone to shit now

and they have that hottie Naomi to fap to


I listen to Sup Forums because they're always right and they're redpilled af (as fleek)!!

Oh man, another redpilled magapede!
Are you ready for the coming meme war against the FAKE NEWS outlets? have you taken precoutions to not be doxxed? I erased my entire post history on Reddit with a bot. You should google it, just type "erase reddit post history", first result. I don't want fake news CNN to get a hold of my name
Remember that we won the first meme war against crooked hillary and we will win again!

i just buy whatever nintendo releases, no reviews needed

>Sup Forumsacks will say they don't sound this obnoxious

this. I believe Anons more than paid "GAME JOURNALISTS"

I used to IGN Boards before coming to Sup Forums

Hi Shareblue. No one here is Sup Forums, you're just spreading vitriol to destabilize Sup Forums because of a lost election. Sup Forums is not the place to spread your hateboner. I'd appreciate it if you all fucked off back to your private discord, reddit, neogaf or whatever you infest. The elections over, everyone lost cuz the candidates all sucked. Sup Forums is not the place for politics.


t. A concerned user who sees mentally ill people.

IGN isn't even a news site to me anymore.
I've been playing GTA:O with /vg/ for a long time and IGN is one of the crews endorsed by Rockstar. IGN crew is always full of shitters and I've associated IGN with shitters... which is not far from the truth.

>No one here is Sup Forums
Who are you trying to fool?

I know about you because you keep pushing your shit on Sup Forums you paranoid tinfoil. Because you kept pushing your fucking shilling here, someone eventually exposed you and posted info on you, your discord, and your private info.

I'd suggest you shills fuck off and stop ruining Sup Forums before you piss someone off who can actually DO something about you. How about YOU go back to Sup Forums, because you're the exact same as them. A buncha tinfoil hat screeching retards that want to push politics outside a politics board.

Just get the fuck out of Sup Forums, or at least stay on YOUR containment board you infest. You don't belong here.

> Everyone who hates a group of obnoxious users known for invading other boards is a shill
Have you considered looking for help?
These levels of paranoia cannot be healthy.

The post you're responding to is the first post I made in this thread.
>I know about you because you keep pushing your shit on Sup Forums you paranoid tinfoil. Because you kept pushing your fucking shilling here, someone eventually exposed you and posted info on you, your discord, and your private info.
I have no fucking clue what you're on about. Who is fucking paranoid here aside from yourself?
>I'd suggest you shills fuck off and stop ruining Sup Forums before you piss someone off who can actually DO something about you
Is this supposed to be a threat? Give it your best shot.
>How about YOU go back to Sup Forums, because you're the exact same as them.
Who am I exactly in your diseased mind?
> A buncha tinfoil hat screeching retards that want to push politics outside a politics board.
This isn't a politics board.
>Just get the fuck out of Sup Forums, or at least stay on YOUR containment board you infest. You don't belong here.
Take your own advice you pathetic little imbecile.

ur mom

All Games Delta

they just post news, so you don't have to sift through a bunch of bullshit articles

I'm old and use nonstop gaming forum on gamefaqs but mostly use Sup Forums anymore.


Honestly this or Sup Forums.

Reddit and to a lesser extent neogaf unironically does a pretty good job at curating vidya news. It's just a shame that actual discussion is shit.

Sup Forums is easily the WORST place to get news from as actual neutral video game news quickly gets pushed aside for bait threads unless the OP tries to spin the news in a way to enough replies to keep it afloat.

Gggmanlives- best reviee channel
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