Nobody likes forza tho

nobody likes forza tho

>driving games

congrats on your pretty car game, too bad it has nothing else

>being smug about anything ever


by far the worst genre of games followed closely by fighting games

how's it look on pc though?

>btfo sonyniiggers
>i-it's only a racing game
>n-no one likes those

>Sonydronies shitpost about the Switch's graphics
>As soon as something surpasses them they pretend graphics don't matter

>Forza babies need a line to tell them where to turn and drift

Fast RMX is more skilled than this trash

you can turn it off user, I take it you never played forza

Tell me why I should get an Xbox One. Almost everything on it is available on PC or PS4.

if you have a good pc then don't get one just get the games from the windows store. microsoft doesn't care about selling consoles they care about selling games. that's why they make their games available on pc

Nope. I've never had to lower my standards and touch a Microsoft console.

>I've never had to lower my standards
then why did you buy a switch when it has no games out yet?

VN's and fighting games are easily the worst.

jrpgs and vn are the worst

No one cares.

It had Fast RMX and Super Bomberman R on launch. Barring the first party trash (i.e. Zelda) it's been a great console so far.

GPUs have skyrocketed in price thanks to bitmining. An RX480, which has comparable performance to the Xbox One X, cost like $500 now.

Sonybros have been doing mental gymnastics for years now

I'm sorry, what was that?

Where do you Live? 480's are nowhere near that expensive in the USA.


lol assblasted SONNEGER

Speaking of Fast RMX it looks pretty nice imo

Nigga I'm gonna pre-order the $100 Ultimate Edition of Forza 7 so I can play 4 days earlier.

Xbots can be smug about having backwards compatibility

>Sony in consoles for the heart
Who are these redditors

Don't be that guy

I just looked up the prices for RX480s on eBay and Amazon, everything was $400-$600.

I will. It gets boring quick.

Cool, so you buy a brand new console so you could play games from previous consoles and literally nothing else, and these are not remakes or remasters, literally the same exact games and nothing else since everything is on PC? I mean I knew bots were retarded, but damn.

who is this semen demon

>buying amd gpus

>this idiot is actually defending remasters and ports just so that he can shit on Microsoft for having BC

God damn, you guys are pathetic.

>racing games

I've been looking for a reason to buy a bone since 2014 and i still have nothing

Nope, PCommando here. Exclusives are ONLY reason to buy console. And in this race only PS4 and Switch count

then die you anime nigger

Literally mentally challenged, holy fuck. Well, I mean, you are actually, unironically defending Xbox, the most redundant product ever to be sold to dumb americans so I guess it's to be expected.

Then the game just isn't for you then. For many others, it never gets old.

I don't have an xbox, I have a PC, Switch, and a PS4 (well i had one until I got rid of it). Xbox going out of their way for BC is a good thing and you're fucking retarded for shitting on them for it while simultaneously defending remasters. Go choke on a fat cock, faggot.


What's the point of this, I think every racing game fan ever has agreed that GT sport looks like trash.

>it never gets old
maybe if you are 10

>and these are not remakes or remasters
But user, that's a really good thing,

>and these are not remakes or remasters
And this is bad? How is this bad? They aren't repackaging the game then selling it for $60. So why is this something bad? that is easily one of the things that MS actually did that was really good unlike Sony.