Ludens found in MGS4


Other urls found in this thread:

“Metal Gear Solid 4 wrapped up in 2008, and the dev team took post-project time off right after that. But, of course, we were in a situation where we had to start planning for MGS5. So I started coming up with several ideas,” he said.

“I had several ideas for a game featuring The Boss and the Cobra Unit during the invasion of Normandy. I then handed these plans over to the team so they could take over and make the game. I presented my ideas to the team during the summer of 2008. However, simply dropping MGS5 on the younger staff members was a bit heavy and there was resistance to doing it without my involvement.”

During the March 29, 2007 edition of the Metal Gear Solid Podcast, David Hayter, when explaining Big Boss's characterization and why he went down the path he did, erroneously implied that The Boss was Big Boss's biological mother.

During D-Day, The Boss was pregnant with her and The Sorrow's child and she gave birth to their son, who was then taken from them by agents of the Philosophers.

During the D-Day landings at Normandy, The Boss and her Cobras were sent on a mission to destroy several V2 rocket installations near Juno Beach. It was there that she gave birth to her and The Sorrow's child on the battlefield, going into labor after she had been shot in the gut. The caesarean section required in the chaos left her with a snake-shaped scar on her torso. She gave birth to a baby boy, though he was soon taken away from her by the Philosophers.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs after an individual is exposed to one or more traumatic events.

While most people who have experienced a traumatic event will not suffer from PTSD, its prevalence is as high as 60% amongst combat veterans. The individual re-experiences the event(s) through intrusive recollections, nightmares, flashbacks, or intense distress when exposed to reminders of the event(s). The patient may have feelings of detachment, amnesia, emotional numbing, restricted affect or active avoidance of thoughts that may be reminders of the trauma.



Decima = Lachesis

Lachesis = Bushmaster Snake

Some of these are just pictures placed next to each other with no meaning.

This is the gish gallop of fan theories.



Except these are beyond theories at this point.

MGS = DS. That's a fact.



I've never heard anyone bring up the fact that Ludens is clearing blocking the hall like Lisa does.

Hello Caramel

Or the fact Ludens looks the Boss, upgraded with space armor.

Caramel could only wish to be as cool as FIB.

What other fan got Ryan blazed?


G S S I X"



Are you fucking retarded? None of this makes sense.


this is real life autism

It only doesn't make sense to an outsider.

I thought you and Caramel jerked each other off as you both an heroed from the crushing reality of there not being a ruse cruise.



Caramel was a fake. He's gone, or so he should be.

I'm the only prophet this ruse cruise has ever known, and I will be stronger than ever soon enough...

30th anniversary should be fun. :)

Seriously, the only theorist that matters is FIB.

Everyone else is so close, yet so far.

Just worship me, and I'll teach you what DS is.

Or you could be horribly wrong in the days to come and feel like an idiot for bashing the only person with truth!

Your choice. :)

Do you guys understand yet?


What's the significance of these?

Do you see how you're attempting to troll the only theorist with 14 and counting retweets from Kojima himself? I do nothing but send him my theories and ideas. If he's retweeting me, there's a reason for it. ;)

I do not care about your retweets

Just Kojima tweeting the music I send him. :)

Similar minds like similar things.

Retweets are only there for credibility purposes.

Examine the information. Realize it's the truth, and carry on with your day.

Death Stranding is the next Metal Gear Solid, and FIB told you so.

Say Thanks and move on.

Instead of just trolling me, you could ask me questions on how things are connected to one another? You know, something productive for yourself?

I dont understand where ludens is in the first image from MGS4. Can you elaborate?

Are you saying there really is FOX-HOUND?

Look at the two helmets next to the man's head.

One is open, and one is closed.

They're both astronaut helmets, and medieval knight helmets. A concept Kojima had mentioned basing his design of Ludens around.

The Snake-Man is cut content from MGS4.

By that, do you mean that the Konami drama was fabricated in order to hide the development of MGS6? The game that literally cannot be in development, right now?

"It's not about controlling content, but creating context."

In the present context, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY DS = MGS.

Which is exactly why it is. ;)

"Betray your audience."

AH! nice! But what about the "87" there?

Metal Gear Survive though

Not sure entirely!

When it comes to the numbers, typically they're japanese word puzzles.

5 7 3 = Ko Na Mi

My Japanese is non-existent though, so I don't bother trying to solve them.

So they shut down their gaming division and went completely downhill and ruined all of their franchises because marketing and *not* shady business dealings?

> "The Metal Gear games are about political fiction and espionage," he explained. "Where do zombies fit in with that?"

Everyone who's played it can't stop talking about how much fun it was...


None of the franchises were ruined. You're just buying into the pain they're selling. Pachinko was a troll, as was Survive. They're using the pain to make you think MGS is dead, so you won't bother looking for it.

Their profits are at an all time high. Find a new argument.

What the fuck is this image supposed to mean?

Kojima tweeted the center image. The rest is deciphering the clues/symbols. He's referencing the Volgin fight in front of the Shagohod, with The Sorrow holding the Bomb timer, and Ocelot walkin' about.

Maybe you can figure out why he's mixed the figures he was using for Death Stranding in with his Metal Gear Solid funkos?

This is fucking weak.
>look they're both standing!

i just dont understand this MGS ruse autism
one fucking time kojima makes a snake/raiden ruse on MGS2 and now every fucking game has autists talking about a ruse

You can see him use his Hannibal Funkos as Death Stranding stand ins in this image.

Do not let Kojima fool you folks. I am not a troll.

I'm just simply trying to stop him from tricking all of you before it's too late.

Someone doesn't understand how parallels work:


- Wears white
- Killed by a lover
- Shot in the right eye
- Had a baby cut out of her

The Boss:

- Wears white
- Is an Astronaut
- Killed by a lover
- Shot in the right eye
- Had a baby cut out of her


- Wears White
- Is an Astronaut
- Trailer 1 shows Norman (suspected to be Ludens) with a baby cut out of him

Just because you cannot see it, does not mean it doesn't exist.

Of course we look crazy when you don't understand or see it.

That is not our flaw, but yours.

So if you're suggesting this is a The Boss game, and Norman is supposed to be Jack, how does that add up? Why does Jack have a cesarean?
Why is there MGS4 tech stuff if it's D-Day?

Who's Guillermo Del Toro?

Well, I have a theory, but you're not going to like it.

Key word though: Theory.

As for Del Toro: A member of Bridges, an organization of the Philosophers. He's stealing the baby, and Mads is attempting to track it down.

I want rusefags to fuck off.

This is the worst thread in the history of this board


holy shit FIB
I'm fucking dying over here

yo if it turns out to be true and you play as Futa Snake will you worship me forever tho?

I mean, I'm happy to entertain with my insanity! Rather than then make people bitter and angry. >_>

Are Kojima and Lynch working together?

Is David Bowie still alive?

Are Twin Peaks and Metal Gear in the same universe?

There's reason to suspect that could be a possibility, yeah.

Maybe not the same universe, but definite chance at cross overs with Sorrow's spirit realm opening the realm of possibility..

Tho let's be real, a Kojima/Lynch Production is something the world is never going to be ready for.

As for "Is David Bowie still alive?"

Yeah. Yeah he is.

Wait till he shows up on Twin Peaks..


You mean like how Big Boss IS Skull Face?

I learned more from than that game than I've learned from anything else in my entire life..

Truth. Untruth. Hate. Love..

Big Boss is not skull face you retard


isn't a more likely scenario that kojima splitting from konami was 100% genuine but kojima is gonna fill his games with easter eggs and allusions to MGS anyway in ways that imply but not confirm that they are interconnected

he put references to mgs in snatcher and policenauts after all

>he put references to a game that had not yet made in snatcher and policenauts after all

I mean, entirely possible.

All I know is DS = MGS.

How that happens is beyond me.

so this is the power of autism

umbilical cyborgs are the missing link between Metal Gears and Snakes

>half the people thought miller would be blind ala "a visionary robbed of his past"
>other half thought he was possessed by psychomantis
>neither happens and doesn't explain his cataracts

People are real desperate.

Konami is a known black company in Japan. They've always treated their employees like shit and are renowned for harassing ANYONE that leaves the company / tanking their job prospects. Occam's razor says that rather than this all being some elaborate 15-year long ruse that maybe Konami is just a shit company.

Me and a few buddies did a podcast, now the world can see my tranny ass in ACTION!

Enjoy it nerds.

Maybe it'll show you that I'm not trolling?

so explain to me why there's a community rep signing every post with "J"?

this is all just an elaborate attempt to get laid, isn't it

got that covered d/w bout me m8

I don't need to explain anything to someone that's literally insane. You'd see shit on the sidewalk and assume Kojima meticulously placed it for some greater purpose.

k but here's the thing

I talk to hideo kojima and his best friends

do you?

seriously dude like


i know a thing or 2 bout a thing or 2

could you imagine being friends with one of kojima's best friends

I couldn't until it happened lol


You know the moment when a girl gets real awkward and just goes 'y-yeah haha user that's cool right' because someone's so autistic there's no better response than to just play along?

that's you

Is this schizophrenia? Is this person trying to kill Kojima?

and then there's the fact ryan let me take a picture of him putting in eye drops after we smoke some purple kush, despite him not smoking pot, and telling me "I don't care if you post that picture, because I don't give a fuck what people think about me for the things I do." as seen here:

It's hard to fathom the fact I'm friends with these folks, isn't it?

Not kill.

god fib get some self respect and some FFS you dumb neanderthal tranny

Self respect? Man I fucking love myself, which is why I still post myself despite all ya'll lonely no-girlfrienders who project onto others their anger.

God damn
Literally mentally ill

Narcissism and self respect are 2 completely
different things, friend.

jesus CHRIST youre not making a good case for yourself. shave that giant fucking chin down and learn to do your makeup properly, you AGP hon

Literally Unoriginal.

It's easy to discredit and demonize what you don't understand, while posting anonymously. You're not cool for doing so.

You look like my male cousin who has down's syndrome, and I bet he shits the bed less than you.

i don't wear makeup??

>seriously believes he doesn't need FFS
>hasn't performed home SRS
>dirty AGP shit-tier transbian
>probably not had orchiectomy
>obvious male facial planes and proportions
>massive male chin
>ugly glasses lol so randumb xD *holds up testes*
>can't into makeup
>probably doesn't even use injections
>probably self-medding

How are you going to even take it in the ass or suck dick properly if you can't even make yourself pretty for guys?

exactly. you can't even do something basic for a woman, because you're a retarded AGP who jacks off to your own shame and disgusting visage