What is the Initial D of video games?

What is the Initial D of video games?

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initial d?

F-Zero GX.



Overrated shit? I'm pretty sure there are plenty

Beware of tripleQ posters

Burnout 3: Takedown or Wip3out

>tfw live in Japan
>every shithead youngblood American tries to own one or a GTR or RX-7
Such is life

NFS: Carbon

Ridge Racer

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

Any Gran Turismo game

Speed lines and everything

Initial D is neither overrated or underrated

Thats actually accurate.
Its just ok if youre not a weeb into ricers.
If you are its GOAT though.




Still garbage

Cars are dumb

This. You're going against enemies that should squash you in a matter of seconds

Crash Team Racing

Have you ever actually played Dark Souls?

I thought it was worth a watch through at least. p good

Every Souls games.


>better with eurobeat
Rocket League

Souls games are relaxing, almost meditative. If you get too on edge you fuck up and die. They're nothing like the Running in the 90s hypu of Initial D

Who /Infinity Stage/ here.

Real talk tho, are the Initial D games actually good?

>tfw you don't give a shit about cars but still find Initial D very enjoyable


Arcade stages, yes. Got me a shit ton of those License Cards

> tfw want to buy Assetto Corsa
> half the cars available come from DLC


Oh yes

Get the packs with cars that interest you and leave it at that
Also make sure you have a wheel if you don't already

Like most licensed games, they're generic and inoffensive. If you enjoy the IP you'll have fun. If you just want to play a racer they're forgettable and average.


>Average at rocket league
>Play Eurobeat
>Suddenly I'm a mad cunt scoring aerial goals from anywhere
Eurobeat is the way to play Rocket League
Arguably not the most Initial D game but it's fitting for the music.
There's a game called Drift Stage which is pretty good if you're into stylized 90s visuals.

This, there are also mods that will rise number of cars.

uhh..the Initial D games? are you retarded or something?

Yeah basically
It encourages you to go fast and take risks


every game with cars is better with eurobeat you dummy

>tfw playing eurobeat when driving to work
That shit should be illegal

I'm a little bitter Rocket League doesn't/can't maintain a presence on here, I want to play with skilled players and actually discuss the mechanics of the game without everyone sucking the dev's cock as one tends to find everywhere else. The /vg/ general died weeks after the game came out. Being in New Zealand isn't conducive for finding new teammates however.

For me it's eurobeat and Carpenter Brut
Both of them make me drive like a fucking bat out of hell
Amazingly, I've literally never been pulled over despite the fact that I ALWAYS speed

Im German.
What do you want to discuss?

This is a friendly reminder that racing lines and slow in fast out is 10000% faster than skidding around like retards on pavement.

Why can't we have both
Drifting is cool as shit but so is nice clean race driving

I don't think anyone doubt that.
You forgot about dry

But is it cooler? Didn't think so. That's why NASCAR is only for brain-dead hicks that don't appreciate skill

I'd argue that the competitive system could do with a shaking of the tree so to speak. I'm tired of being grouped with people who can barely get off the ground in high gold/low all-star.
I'm satisfied that the devs are taking care when adding Cars and maps, and the way they've handled microtransactions is probably as good as can be hoped for in this day and age.
Really though I just want to find a couple of people in my timezone/region that are decent and have good banter.
It's a bit late in the game's life for it, but I'd be interested to see how the game would change if you could do the directional flip at any point whilst in midair.
Also what's your favourite car/map?

Man I'd love assetto corsa if I could rebind the fucking buttons. I have to get up to my mouse and keyboard every time I watch to switch cars or restart the race since the devs are too retarded to allow changing buttons.

It's not about being fastest ever possible, it's about being first while looking smug while doing it kinda like Nvidia for the last 5 years

Post your favorite eurobeat motherfuckers





While I was waiting for this to redirect I was literally thinking that I should post "The Top", good shit user

we could try playing together if you want. But i dont speak new zealand.

dominus is my main and the new champions map is my fav.
curently around platin 1-2 if i dont get in my sucking mode. i think everybody has that sometimes

Shit nigga theres too many
There's tons more, otherwise I wouldn't have over 150 songs in my eurobeat playlist. Fuck youtube for deleting most of them.

>But i dont speak new zealand.
Are you retarded

>tfw 5th stage has good eurobeat but 4th stage is such a slog to get through and the story is ultimate levels of retarded

Believe me I've tried to play with Yuros, the ping is too horrendous for me on anything outside of OCE, and everyone outside of OCE playing on OCE is fucked too. Thanks for the offer though man, I might just have to try making friends here.

Also this

Did anyone play the original GRID? Someone on the team must have really liked Initial D, there was a whole Touge drift thing that was actually pretty fun.

The weird thing is that the game's available on PS4 and you obviously don't need M+KB on that one

youtube.com/watch?v=y6g5oOPN9To or youtube.com/watch?v=iYu_Q5twRDM

Why aren't there any CRX's in Initial D?

>be Assetto Corsa dev
>put in a top shit preset for keyboard, gamepad AND wheel
>make all the menus only usable with mouse and occasionally when they felt generous
>no access to anything once the game is launched
>no "singleplayer" to speak of
>break mod compatibility with every patch, killing what could've been the biggest mod compatibility ever
>add instead more boring no-fun tryhard cars

I could overlook that, but the biggest glaring issue for me is that there is no specific distinction about which cars are which class aside from the GT2 and 3 cars. It's almost impossible to make a fair match between more than 3 cars in the game. Forza 7 can't come soon enough.

Also pic related is still the best racing game on PC right now.

theyre front wheel drive if I remember it right, just like most hondas

yea, but shingu drives a civic which is also fwd

np. whats your current rank and your fav car/map?
Im getting tired of my Dominus though. That new Animus GP looks sleek as fuck. But its like 10 keys are something currently

>Are you retarded
You seem to be

>Forza 7 can't come soon enough.
I thought the reason people play AC is because it's one of the best if not the best simulator on PC.

Forza is normie arcade shit

The Initial D game on PS1/Saturn
Alternatively, NFS Carbon.



It's like Initial D but with swords.

Outrun 2006 can give you your fill, it's even on PC.


user, 95% of NZ speaks english. Why would oyu think that user would start spoutng maori to you?

Except on superspeedways where they're three wide within inches of each other going 200 MPH.

Not in rally

>AAA Initial D game inspired by My Summer Car
>Driving around comfy 90s small town Japan delivering tofu to get enough money to build your car
This is my dream game

Is forza horizon worth pirating for waifus? Should I pirate forza 2 or 3?

that's a mod isn't it?

Current rank is low Plat2/2 I think in 3v3, and I've not placed yet for anything else.
I've been enjoying the Breakout quite a bit lately, it's nearly as flat as the Dominus but it looks a bit cooler. I just want more flat cars, they make positioning myself in the air so much easier. For the map I'd probably say new NeoTokyo or Starbase. The Hexagon just really appeals to me and for some reason I can consistently nail aerials on it.
If you've not tried it the Breakout is pretty gud, but the Animus looks nice too. Shame about the price but whatever, I'll just wait til it's dropped a bit.

>user, 95% of NZ speaks english. Why would oyu think that user would start spoutng maori to you?

you dont understand jokes, its seems
i cant play with people who dont.

are you a brainlett?

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Very nice

it was kinda crap past season 4. >u must racu this guy, he's p good

>wow i won against dis raceru
>now i lose against better guy, i mustu become strongeru

100% of NZ speak English, otherwise the Maoris wouldn't be able to get their dole money

AC is trying hard to be realistic and if you drive "pro" then it will play the way you expect it, but once you try to have some fun the tyre model will shit itself.
-t someone who spent 400€ on the same tyres to compare the game to his GT86

Most people play it on the PC because it's ok looking racing game with a decently big carpark and mod support, although the latter is less of a factor now, as the other guy said, they killed the modding scene.

Ive played Breakout before i got the Dominus. The new ANimus has the same hitbox and turn radius as the Breakout. Get it! the sound is crazy

cause they were FWD and actually horrendous for cornering, the chassis wasn't rigid enough.

t. my brother had one
>and crashed it

Don't forget that AC is practically one of the only racing games to have come out on PC in the last few years.

Honestly there still isn't one racing game that has beaten Dirt Rally, and with Dirt 4 being a catastrophe I doubt that will change in some time.

>mfw got pulled over because I was listening to eurobeat while driving
Totally worth it

I loved ID through S4. I remember the exact moment I lost interest - S5, Ep 2, 5:18.
"Ittu was rabbu at first sightu!"
If (((Funimation))) dubbed the last two stages I would watch it, but from what I've heard it's just samey bullshit.
The main reason I kept watching through S4 is because I lowkey ship Takumi and Keisuke

;___; I love my crx

They have one of these at Galloping Ghost

Post yer favorite eurobeats


fugg i want to go on one of these but i don't think there are any in the uk, at least not near me