Sniper game

>sniper game
>250m max distance on enemies due to CryEngine (according to the devs)

Is it actually worth getting if you can't even really "snipe"?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Using Shit Engine 4 when Unreal Engine exists


Is this Ghost Warrior? I've played Sniper Elite 1 & 2 but they're just too actiony, too little sniping. I want to scout a location, take my time to aim, let my shot off then run away.

Try Sniper Elite 4 then.

Yeah its GW

I was just reading the Steam reviews and one of the reviewers said you can't see/shoot enemies passed 250 meters away

Thats fucking retarded because thats basically 1/4 of the actual average sniping distance (and 1/10 of the furthest sniper shots in history)

I don't get how you can feel like a badass sniper if you can't even make incredibly far shots

Is there anything like this or Sniper Elite 4, but first person?

And good?

real-life, bro

The tell tale aesthetic that UR games can't escape from is too jarring.

You misspelled unity

w-where's the trigger / firing mechanism?

your mind is the firing pin

Unity + 3D = Tragedy in the making

H-he's fast

You have to make the noises yourself in order to simulate the firing of the weapon.

Krautz space magic

the strip of internals that they were going to give to grunts to repair jams was the icing on the cake

>oh fuck we made this too complex to repair

>Sniper Elite (1)
>too much action
The fuck are you on?

Caseless ammunition is impressive and all, but that looks like it has a longer reload than some artillery pieces.

That's just the G11 having a really fancy feed system. You could have caseless ammo loaded just like cased if the weapon system was designed like that.

Well damn, that's kind of disappointing. Just pick it up during the summer sale and haven't gotten around to playing it.

Is it still worth playing?

t. clueless moron

To its defense it took me 30 hours to get through it without much fucking about, it's just a very bland experience. And they have been patching out the myriad of bugs it's had.

I pre-ordered it because I was hella desperate for something to play and it was

ARMA 3 is pretty good if you're autistic

Close quarter sniping is sexy as fuck you cunts even point blank feels good a real sniper would never post a thread like this

Killzone 2 had the rifle as a 1 shot kill but you could actually shoot it like a bolt action.
>tfw getting no scope headshots at PBR on faggot ass infiltrators

That's completely up to the devs.