What are some essential PS4 exclusives? I'm looking at getting a PS4. Currently on the list:

What are some essential PS4 exclusives? I'm looking at getting a PS4. Currently on the list:
Gravity Rush 2
Persona 5
Until Dawn
The Last of Us

What else should I look into? Until now I hadn't really paid much attention to the PS4 lineup so I don't remember what else I missed off the top of my head.

The Last Guardian
Ratchet and Clank

And then there's HD collections like Wipeout and Kingdom Hearts. That's all that's really worth mentioning but how essential they are is up to you. I'd say Yakuza, Nioh, Bloodborne, Persona 5 and TLOU are the best of them personally.

Yakuza 0
Yakuza Kiwami
Gravity Rush 2
Gravity Rush Remastered
Uncharted Trilogy if you can find it for cheap

The kingdom hearts collection, I forgot about that. Used to have a copy of the first game, dunno what happened to it. Thanks for the recommendations.

Yakuza 0
Infamous First Light (purely because it has arenas)
Crash N'Sane Trilogy
The Last Guardian
Infamous Second Son
Ratchet and Clank (found this got repetitive)

>essential PS4 exclusives
>Until Dawn

Get that shit out of here. Although Until Dawn is currently a PS+ "free" game so it's better if you create an account right now regardless of when you'll buy a PS4 and download the game with the free PS+ week or month or whatever they offer you nowadays.

-Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
-the complete KingdomHearts saga if you're interested
-DragonQuest Builders
-World of Final Fantasy
-Let it Die (it's a free Souls-like game)
-Digimon Cybersleuth
-WipeOut Omega Collection
-Crash N-Sane remasters
-Gravity Rush 1 (important to play before 2, since the sequel follows the story and character progression)
-Any fighting game if you want to play online, because the concept of a "playerbase" is PS4 exclusive. Everything that isn't StreetFighter, and maaaybe Tekken7, dies after 2 weeks on PC

As well as the other games you mentioned

Nioh is fantastic.

SO pretty much all anime weeb shit. Fucking christ, does anyone actually play these games aside from basement dwellers? I never actually see anyone discuss 90% of what you just mentioned, like they are either bad games or are incredibly niche.

Even the most weeb game has one thousand times more gameplay than your average western game.

>Betray Jaime to the Zombies
>Side with the elves
>Side with the king
>Press X to something cool to happen

>noone mentioned crash
fucking weebs how do you have such shit taste in games, are you self aware at all

ps4 is a weeb machine you retard

>KH, which every fucking child has played


Fuck off with your buzzwords ans just admit Jap games are superior.

Ok next time before making a retarded thread ask yourself why you would buy a japanese console when you don't care about japanese games. This is like getting a Nintendo console and complaining that the most relevant games are all Zelda/Metroid/Mario&friends crap.

Yeah, no shit Sherlock.

PS4 is not for you, move along.
>I never actually see anyone discuss 90% of what you just mentioned, like they are either bad games or are incredibly niche.
In my eyes a game being mainstream means it's mediocre, with few exceptions. CoD got boring a while ago and I much prefer Titanfall2, but just because CoD is way more popular does it mean it's a better game?
Should I recommend FinalFantasy15 for you instead of World Of Final Fantasy because FF15 is more popular (despite being a worse game) ?

Also, you admit you haven't been paying attention to PS4's library, so why bitch about never having heard of these games? isn't that why you made this fucking thread in the first place? If you wanted popular stuff you could just google "top10 PS4 games" instead and not waste everyone's time.
How many games do you expect Sony's (a japanese company) western 1st parties to create? You probably already know about all of them. Uncharted, Killzone, Horizon, TLoU, Infamous, HeavyRain, Driveclub, etc. Why make this thread? fucking christ. Just stick to PC if all you want to play is western shit, most of it is multiplat anyway.


pic related is my collection. had a great to amazing time with most of these so far.

Also own a few PS2 games from the PS Store which I never got round to playing on release.

Should I get Star Ocean? The $15 copy's been at my store for ages.

>Gravity Rush 2
Not essential
>Persona 5
>Until Dawn
Free on ps+
>The Last of Us

Some others:
Uncharted 4
Odin Sphere

Look through the current mid year sale for digital deals like
Ratchet and Clank (7.99), GoW3 RE (3.99), Tearaway Unfolded (7.99), Risk of Rain (3.99), Furi Complete (8.99), Strike Vector EX (2.99), and whatever else catches your eye.

>Uncharted 4
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Ratchet and Clank
>Gravity Rush 2
>The Last Guardian
>Infamous SS + First Light
>Until Dawn (on PS+ right now)

Cross gen/remasters
>Persona 5
>Crash Bandicoot N Sane trilogy
>The Last of Us
>Uncharted collection
>Wipeout collection
>Gravity Rush remastered

Keep in mind some of these are different types and genres so you might like some and not others if your the type to have very specific tastes


The game isn't good but it ain't THAT bad either. Buy it if you want cheesy plot/dialog and some fanservice. Also the clusterfuck of 7 party members can be fun sometimes.

Why wouldn't GravityRush2 be essential? How is a multiplat game like Risk of Rain more "essential" than GR2? Your standards are all over the place

>Why wouldn't GravityRush2 be essential? How is a multiplat game like Risk of Rain more "essential" than GR2?
I beat GR2 and it was good and charming, but not worth full price. Meanwhile Risk of Rain is practically a steal and worth the price.
GR2 is about as essential as the first one; if you really enjoyed the first, get the second when it's sub $30.

pretty dumb to name "essentials" based off of price alone becuase that always changes all the time. GR2 already got discounted in the past, for example.

I admit I only put Until Dawn on there cause I'm a fan of horror.
I also already played the first Gravity Rush on my Vita.

I'm OP, and I'm open to weeb shit, that's why I'm buying a PS4. I forgot about the thread for a bit there. Either way you're arguing with someone else for some reason.

Nice collection user, what are the Tales of games like?

There have been several posts about Until Dawn on PS+. Is that the monthly membership thing or can I get it free just through signing up for something?

Look, I'm fairly old and never had the chance to play KH as a kid. Is it that good or is it nostalgia screaming inside your heads?

How is that dumb? I wouldn't have recommended GoW3 at full price, but it's 3.99, and a good romp for that price. And Risk of Rain is cheap/quality crack (even though OP asked for exclusives, it's worth mentioning oversights). Again I played through all of Gravity Rush 2, and I wouldn't recommend it more than, say, Valkyria Chronicles RE. It's not essential but worth playing.

Watch some videos of it and see if its for you, I personally found it so fucking queer that I just couldnt focus on the gameplay.

>PS+ Until Dawn
It's free all month, and you'd only need to buy one month of PS+ to get the "free" game. Note that "free" games can't be played while your membership is inactive. Also some games have a bigger discount for PS+ members during sales. PS+ is mandatory for online multiplayer, so stuff like Bloodborne will give you varying mileage.

A few games come with free PS+ for a month, so I'm sure you might be able to find a voucher somewhere

>Note that "free" games can't be played while your membership is inactive
What the fuck kind of jewishness is that? It's either free or it's not. I don't have any intention of playing any multiplayer games so I don't intend to pay for PS+. Thanks for enlightening me user, I'd hate to have fallen for that scam.

Well consider this:
>Until Dawn: roughly $20
>3 months of PS+: $17.99
If you don't play online multiplayer, yeah probably not worth it. But when there's a specific game you're interested in that's free on PS+, it's worth buying the one month. Just move it up on your priority list and play it for one month. Most games don't last that long anyways (especially Until Dawn)

>How is that dumb?
I already explained in that post, I shouldn't need to repeat myself.

Games don't change (at least SP ones like GR2), prices do. So you can't base the "essentiality" of a game based on its current price. If GR2 was free you'd say it's essential, if it costs $40 you say it isn't. Makes so sense whatsoever. It's either a good game or not, regardless of price. Also he could be rich and a full-priced games means nothing to him, so recommending games based on price is stupid.
And like I said, GR2 already got a 40% or 50% discount and in the far future it'll cost $10. You can never predict those changes.

It's the same fucking game, it don't deserve to be mentioned on a must play PS4 list when you can easily emulate it.

Well in that case Gravity Rush 2 will never be essential.

Anti weeb crusaders are so desperate for games that they must resort to crash to shit on what they hate.

>Horizon is bad
>no Uncharted 4
>post Let it Die

C'mon weeb (I'm person who like japanese games but not a weaboo though)

Hey cucks. Odin Sphere remake cost 30$ on PSN now. Should I get it if played PS2 version? I played demo and know how combat is improved, but just curious if new content is enough to justify 30$ since I'm not rich person.

>persona 5
>last of us

>I'm a weeb but I'm not a weeb, otherwise how could I shit on you?

>liking some japanese games is being weeb

Wow, what a retard.

30 hours in to Berseria now.

Combat is button-mashy and it's easy, but I love the setting. Really nice atmosphere, and the characters are some of the best I've come across in a while.

7.5/10. Would be loads higher with better combat.

You are right, i love how you hypocritical idiots are slowing getting from "what I like can't be weeb" to "no matter what I like, I can't a weeb" more and more.
The current and basically only used meaning of that buzzword is basically "someone who likes otalu friendly works", if you want to turn that "term" into something even more meaningless, go head, as long as it can help you shitting on someone it must be ok.

Learn what weeb is than come back here you fucking imbecile.

Every gameplay system has changed but the progression itself is mostly the same. It was worth full price for me though.

"Weeb" means literally nothing. It's just "that japanese game I don't like is weeb, this japanese game I'm ok with isn't weeb because reasons".
It's purely a shitposting buzzwords and nothing else. There is no clearly defined Weeb/Non-Weeb line, so it's a purely subjective word that changes from person to person, making it useless outside of shitposting.

Nice try shitposting newfriend, let's follow your "logic", the original meaning is basically "someone who is so obsessed with japan and he worships every aspect of Japan just because it's Japan", it wasn't even strictly related to Japan works in the first place. Now, enlighten me, how do you know that guy is a "weeb" just from a ps4 game list?
Little hint: even on Sup Forums most people don't fall under the original meaning of "weeb".
Just admit that you are nothing more than a diarroic shitposter who's trying too hard to sound superior and move on.

Buy mikus game, it's on sale right now.

>enlighten me, how do you know that guy is a "weeb" just from a ps4 game list?

Because he dimnish basically every western game for favor shitty japanese games like Let it Die. It's pretty obvious he's biased towards Japan, not games quality.
Just admit that you are retard who read "weeb" definition couple seconds ago just to look less retarded in fron of everyone.

Be sure to get the Pro.

All these autistic fuckups against it either don't have a 4k TV or they got some shitty FOR KAY UNDER FOUR HUNDRED deal and it's a garbage 1080p set with more pixels.

I looked into getting a PS4 recently too, but all I could find that I would go out of my way to play that's not on an older console is Nier Automata and Bloodborne.

I have friends who play CoD and shit though, so I might pick it up to be a normie.

Is there a decent list of classic games on the PS4 eShop? I can find the full list but there's heaps of stuff for PS3 and vita and I can't filter it properly

>that webm

Ok, dancing and karaoke in Yakuza 0 was over the top but fun, this looks dumb though.

>Because he dimnish basically every western game for favor shitty japanese games like Let it Die. It's pretty obvious he's biased towards Japan, not games quality
You've got jokes.

>he worships jap things just because they are Japanese because he listed a jap game I don't like.
I'm pretty sure I like at least you western game you don't like, I guess that mens I worship the whole western part of the world. Any other mental gymnastic that can prove your overwhelming superiority, shitposter friend? Get a fucking diaper and learn that this place isn't your personal cesspool.

Yes there is, and you can actually filter the list by plataform, user.

At least one* western game

I'm sorry autismus but saying Horizon is shit and Let it Die is must have you are weeb. No mental gymnastics will help you this time. Stop with your pathethic drama, it's embarassing.

Persona 5
Nioh if you like BB / DaS esque action games.

Gravity Rush 2 if you like cute girls doing cute things with GRAVITY shenanigans.

Horizon and UC4 are skip overs unless you can rent them for a quick weekend binge.

UC Collection is pretty solid if gotten for cheap.

I don't know about that newer Final Fantasy since I never played it but Sup Forums makes it sound more like a rent, even if it's a longer title.

* means you are weeb

This is a must.

>Horizon and UC4 are skip overs

Dude, they are one of the best games this gen.

Project Diva Future Tone if you want a rhythm game.

Putting aside your pathetic "no you", it can be that, you know, he's just among the countless people who didn't like horizon, and just like something else you don't. Truly something incredible and impossible, omfg man, he must be a filthy weeb! If anything you are making yourself sound like a truly butthurt horizon fanboy, but it's ok friend, we know that you are just desperately trying to sound superior and those videogame are nothing more than a silly excuse.

Not him, but it seems to me that you're just shitposting.

>Sonygro can't even have a civil discussion on their own

Horizon is objectively better in any regard than f2p game like Let it Die though. You are weeb user. Again, stop crying.

Not an argument.

If that's your bar for quality then something is wrong

My god the later levels are garbage, but the story get really good.

Not really, it's you who have shit taste.


Dude you're literally saying Horizon of all things is a worthwhile game.

go emanate estrogen somewhere else, millennial nu-male

>opinion I don't like are "weeb opinion".
>you are a weeb.
But I don't have nothing against horizon and I didn't play let it die. What now? Please, let me see how deperate you can get.

I was talking about original poster all the time. I don't know if it's you because it's anonymous board you idiot.

infamous and ratchet&clank aren't too bad. also uncharted 4 and i guess crash for the time being

Guilty Gear
Uncharted 4
DOAX 3 (if you can import it)

Because it is.
Why so mad?

Nioh, Nier and Yakuza 0

PT is legitimately the best horror game ever made.

That game was delisted a long time ago.

It is.

>Not an argument.
Dude I agree that putting a f2p game above above a game paid game seems absurd at first glance, but say someone is a weeb just because one prefer that f2p over a paid title and repeat it over and over again like a jaded old fart is a bit idiotic, wouldn't you agree? It doesn't even make sense if you give some tought.


No, saying shitty obscure f2p is must have combining with list that consist only of other japanese games and dismiss every western game means you are weeb.

>tfw I'll NEVER experience PT because I bought a ps4 too late

No image can ever hope to express my sadness. I really hope Kojimbo get into horror shit again.

>one of the most lacklustre and unambitious games this gen

user, you need to understand that shit like this is very subjective. I myself tend to prefer japanese titles (not blatantly anime stuff, though), but in no way does it make me a weeb. My tastes in literally everything else is 100% western.

>>one of the most lacklustre and unambitious games this gen

Explain how game is "lacklustre" and "unambitious".

Awful. Don't subject yourself to anything that trash developer shits out.

Aside from the fact that it makes Skyrim look impressive in terms of gameplay?

Ask yourself this, what does it do that's new to the genre?

So you can't explain it. Ok.

Nothing. Same like every game released this gen. Your point? Can you answer question?

And there you go. There's absolutely no reason to get it because it has nothing to call it's own.

>there is no reason to get Horizon because add notthing to genre
>there is reason to get other games even though they add nothing to genre

You realize you don't make sense at all?

Don't worry, you can play Death Stranding user. It's basically the same game, only it's not silent hills anymore because that was already copyrighted by konami.

Fuck, I completely forgot about this.

>there is reason to get other games even though they add nothing to genre
Now who said that?
All of the other open world games released in the last, what, 7 years or so have something unique even if it's just a single ability the player can use.
Horizon? Nothing at all. It's the basic essentials of an open world game with ugly character designs.

>All of the other open world games released in the last, what, 7 years or so have something unique

What games and what do they have unique? Examples.

>putting words in someone's mouth because they know your SJW shit belongs in the bargain bin

exclusive in the same way botw is exclusive
and the same way multiplats count for pc, because it's where the best version is

see >one of the most lacklustre and unambitious games this gen

If Horizon is "laclustre" why other games are not?


Not an argument. The quality of discussion with you is really low.

WipEout Omega Collection. That's about it, the rest is garbage.