The trials and tribulations of Tabatha Harker part two. Please forgive any typos as I have been at this since this morning but I will solider on for the greater good. When suggesting schooling or part time jobs please try to include the number of phases. A phase consists of about 10 days or sometimes more, I dunno I still haven't figured out this shit myself.
Princess Maker Thread
don't post videogames ever again
So anybody have any constructive suggestions or did I choose a bad time to continue this thread?
More mining. Two phases I guess.
We must build strength and cash.
Hopefully everyone from the previous thread will show up soonish.
I think I may have chosen a bad time to continue this thread with that other play-along thread still up but what the hell lets just go it and see what happens. Everyone from the last thread will show up eventually, probably.
Our girl is gaining hips, that's good.
Her bust ain't half bad either for her age.
Ganbatte Tabby-chan!
How should we respond?
Fathers have to be supportive.
She's a cute little shit, I'll give her that.
It's Tabatha's 14th birthday. Should we give her a present? She's been working so hard after all.
Of course, she earned it.
What should we get her? Teddy bears increase attitude, poetry books increases intelligence and sense, roses increase charm and a delicious meal decreases stress. Everything increases trust. Also holy shit we've reached the half way point already, only four more years to go.
Delicious MEAT
Good choice. Mine work is stressful.
I think we should work on her attitude and pride, maybe converse with her a little.
She's also pretty dum 2
We have enough gold now, should we give her some schooling?
I guess it's time to make our little dumbass a bit smarter.
After all, she was working in the mines to afford schooling in the first place.
We've barely given her any sort of education at this point and I'm honestly worried about her future.
So school? Music class? Art class? Just remember that too many classes in a row eats away at our finances.
Who needs music and art? Our girl needs real knowledge.
Bad time.
Let's go with two phases of school then.
Yeah I kinda figured that. Let's just roll with in and see what happens. Worst case the thread dies and I'll just start a new on tomorrow if people are still interested.
Can I cheesing stats in this game like the previous game too? I'm talking about making deals to demon in PM 2 instead of taking normal classes like a normal raising sim, since the stats increase from Lucifon is bullshit compared to normal class on the top of the dosh that you can get from killing monsters, and you can easily wash off the sin by donating or working at the church.
No cheese in this game.
You're expected to have actual parenting skills in this game and not rely on fairy dust huffing and deals with the devil.
I'm just going to go ahead and put two more phases of school on the schedule in the absence of any more suggestions.
Well, I'm okay with it if the game don't treat me like an asshole for raising her the way I want. Goddess don't bother ascending me to heaven to join my daughter unless I 'maximize her potential'. Funny that they don't bother that I do that by making deal with the devil. Or that I got the hero title by defying god's will. I guess I'll get it myself later.
Holy shit I got a big salary this year. We can really educate our dumbass daughter with this much gold.
Just beware of the circus ending, it's the PM2 equivalent of the writer's ending and really easy to get if you don't raise your daughter's pride. I really don't like this teacher.
I think we've raised her intelligence enough. We should work on her pride to avoid the circus ending.
Do what you have to. Fuck the circus. We've had too many daughters run off there already.
I really suck at raising pride though. The domestic jobs eat away at it and I always fall for that trap. The only thing that really raises it are expensive classes like art and music class.
Don't let this thread die
I think the cheapest class that raises pride is martial arts. I'll just put a couple of phases of that on the schedule if there are no objections.
I think it's my fault for picking such a horrible time to start this thread. Maybe I should have waited a day.
So I'm just going to add a couple of phases of martial arts, some carpentry since that job just opened up and some free time.
Got last place in the New Year's festival. Also forgot to change her out of her summer dress for winter, fucking hell I hope she doesn't get pneumonia.
I'm just going to go ahead with it if there are no objections. She has been working hard in a summer dress during winter.
Winter hot spring vacation it is then.
Going to keep working on that pride see if I can't save her from a life hellish life of circus performing.
I'm doing what other anons suggested in the other thread, martial arts and mine work so it's not like I've completely taken over the schedule or anything.
Last post before I just let it die and start a thread tomorrow.
See you later Tabby-chan.
Should I start with 2 or 3?
This. I just am getting into these threads. Which should I start with, if I'm going in blind?
Well most people here started with PM2. It's really a matter of personal preference but I like the deep raising mechanics of PM3 while others prefer the combat and adventuring of PM2 which is lacking in PM3.
I've been waiting for OP to get the daughteru wife ending for like a month
>and not rely on fairy dust huffing and deals with the devil.
If only real life parenthood and success were that easy